
Posts: 89

Joined: 5/27/2018 6:25 am

IGN: _WarWolf

Age: 26

Moderator / Admin application

Post your application in ranks section with the following title
"Moderator application: [your name here]"
 or "Adminapplication: [your name here]".
                                              Moderator rank
    Moderator rank requirements:
    1. Trusted rank
    2. Have a good track record
    3. Free moderator spots

    1. In-game name:
    2. Age:
    3. How long have you been active:
    4. Have you ever been a staff member:
    5. If yes, have you been demoted and why:
    6. What languages can you speak:
    7. How much time do you spend on the server per week:
    8. Whats your time zone:
    9. How can the server benefit from you:

                                                Admin rank
    Moderator rank requirements:
    1. Moderator rank
    2. Have a good track record
    3. Free admin spots

    1. Do you know how minecraft servers function:
    2. Can you write in java:
    3. Do you know how to configure plugins:
    4. Can you build nice things:
    5. How can the server benefit from you:

Important: You may bump your post once a week if no one has replied.

7/8/2019 6:52 am