
Posts: 3

Joined: 3/5/2021 7:53 pm

IGN: m1th3

Age: 104

M1th3 Trusted Application #2

Now that Vrttx has made his application, ide like to say that no, he is not the most active.
 In fact, I've been the most active over several months, and I would like to apply for the Trusted Rank on GoA.
I think I should have the Trusted Rank because of three reasons.
1. I've been the most active because of me playing 9-10 hours a day on the server. (not this week)
2.I have not caused any trouble on the server in the last three months.
3. I like monke, monke smart like me.

4/13/2021 1:11 am


Posts: 89

Joined: 5/27/2018 6:25 am

IGN: _WarWolf

Age: 26

M1th3 Trusted Application #2


4/15/2021 10:25 am