
Posts: 7

Joined: 2/5/2021 1:58 pm

IGN: vrttx

Vrttxs Trusted application

Hi im vrttx

1. My ign is vrttx
2. My total playtime is 17 days and 43 hours
3. My join date is 1/4/2021
4. I spend about 10h a week min
5. I few things about me is that, I'm 13 (Same age as b boy and 1 year old that m1th3) I love gaming and especially Minecraft i play some GTA and some COD
I have 2 retared sisters who are 16 and 14. I live in America My time zone is EST. I really think I deserve the honor of having trusted and I hope others do too.

4/16/2021 8:54 pm


Posts: 3

Joined: 3/5/2021 7:53 pm

IGN: m1th3

Age: 104

Vrttxs Trusted application

I agree that Vrttx should get trusted.

4/16/2021 8:58 pm


Posts: 7

Joined: 2/5/2021 1:58 pm

IGN: vrttx

Vrttxs Trusted application

if one man that goes by the name _WARWOLF would just write the word "Promoted"

4/23/2021 8:49 am