Posts: 89
Joined: 5/27/2018 6:25 am
IGN: _WarWolf
Age: 26
Staff Commands
Servers Global ranks P - Player rank T - Trusted rank S - Sponsor rank D - Donator rank V - Vip rank A - Architect rank H - Hub Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A G - Settlements Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A F - Factions Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A S - Survival specific ranks K - Knowledgeable rank E - Experienced rank A - Advanced rank Progression: P > K > E > A > T > S > D > V C - Creative specific ranks N - Novice rank B - Builder rank B+ - Builder+ rank D - Designer rank Progression: P > N > B > B+ > D > T > S > D > V > A General /servers P:Global List and Teleport to servers /menu P:Global Open up quick access menu /vote P:Global Vote sites list /web P:Global Website and discord /hub P:Global Teleport to Hub server /settlements P:Global Teleport to Settlements server /survival P:Global Teleport to Survival server /creative P:Global Teleport to Creative server /pvp P:G Open pvp arena list /ranks P:CS Open ranks list /quests P:G Open quests menu /ptr P:G Play time rewards /help P:Global Help pages /rules P:Global Server rules /tos P:Global Terms of service /donate P:Global Donation store /afk P:Global Marks you as afk /afk [player] - AFK other players Mo:Global /afkcheck [player] P:Global Check afk status of another player /kit P:Global Various kits /kit join - Get first join items P:H Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank Spawn /kit - Give a kit to another player Ad:Global /kitcdreset Mo:Global Reset kit timer Reset kit timer for another player Ad:Global /kitusagereset Mo:Global Reset kit usages Reset kit usage for another player Ad:Global /kiteditor Ma:Global Kit editor 15 chunk view range Ad:Global Chat and Messaging /actionbarmsg <message> Mo:Global Sends a message to action bar /ignore [player] P:Global Ignore or unignore other players You are exempted from ignore Mo:Global /toast Mo:Global Sends toast message to player /titlemsg Mo:Global Sends title message to player /bossbarmsg <message> Mo:Global Sends a message to boss bar Use commands in bossbar automated messages Ad:Global Use colors in bossbarmsg command Mo:Global /whisper [msg] P:Global Send a whisper message. Only players close to you can see these messages /whisper - Toggle between whisper chat and regular chat P:Global /whisperradius [number] - Set the whisper chat radius P:Global /whisperset [on/off] - Another command for toggling whisper mode P:Global /whisperspy - Toggle whisper spy mode Mo:Global /msg <player> <message> P:Global Send a private message /reply <message> P:Global reply to a private message /staffmsg Mo:Global Staff messaging /tagtoggle Mo:Global Tag a player make a player tag another player Ad:Global colorize tagged players. huh? Mo:Global /chat <message> P:Global Chat rooms Kick player from a chat room T:Global Force join a chat room Mo:Global Create a chat room T:Global Create private chat rooms T:Global Create locked chat rooms Mo:Global Leave a locked chat room Mo:Global Create persistent chat rooms Mo:Global Invite player to a chat room T:Global Join a private chat room without an invitation Mo:Global List players in a chat room P:Global List chat rooms P:Global /socialspy Mo:Global spy on private messages toggle social spy for other players Ma:Global /mutechat Mo:Global Mute public chat Bypass public chat mute Mo:Global /mailall Mo:Global Send mail to all the players /mail P:Global Send mail to other players Read others' mail Mo:Global /me <msg> T:Global Send a special message /helpop [msg] P:Global message online staff See Helpop messages Mo:Global Store Xp in bottles /bottle P:G A:S Opens help menu /bottle stats P:G A:S /bottle stats [playername] Mo:GS /bottle until [level] P:G A:S /bottle get [amount] P:G A:S /bottle get max P:G A:S /bottle store [amount/levels/max] Mo:GS /bottle store max Mo:GS /bottle give Mo:GS Item modification /itemframe <invisible/fixed> P:Global Make item frames invisible or prevent item rotation /rename V:HGSC T:HGSC rename the item you`re holding Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End rename another player's item Mo:Global Rename items with blacklisted names Mo:Global /itemlore V:HGSC T:HGSC Set item lore Set other player's item lore Mo:Global /condense T:HGSC V:HGSC Condenses items into a more compact stacks/blocks Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /uncondense T:HGSC V:HGSC Uncondenses items into a less compact stacks/blocks Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /enchant A:C Mo:HGSC Enchants the item you`re holding Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End Enchant items for another player Ad:Global Use blacklisted enchants Ad:Global Use invalid enchants Ad:Global /effect B:C Sets your potion effect /effect Mo:HGS Sets your potion effect Set another player's potion effect Ad:Global /hideflags Mo:Global Hides item flags Hides item flags for another player Ad:Global /unbreakable A:C Makes an item unbreakable /unbreakable Mo:HGS Makes an item unbreakable Makes an item unbreakable for another player Ad:Global /repair P:C Mo:HGS Repairs items Repair items for another player Ad:Global Change paintings by shift click. Use middle mouse button to scroll through paintings T:Global Lands Bypass land block break protection Ad:G Bypass land block place protection Ad:G Bypass land block ignite protection Ad:G Bypass land interaction protection Ad:G Bypass land door interaction protection Ad:G Bypass land container interaction protection Mo:G Bypass land villager protection Ad:G Bypass land animal attack protection Ad:G Bypass land player attack protection Ad:G Bypass WorldEdit restrictions in other player''s lands Ad:G Bypass land fly flag Mo:G Bypass land enter flag Mo:G Bypass wilderness block break protection Ad:G Bypass wilderness block place protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness block ignite protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness interaction protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness interaction protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness interaction protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness interaction protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness animal attack protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness player attack protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness WorldEdit restrictions in wilderness. Ad:G Fly in wilderness Mo:G Bypass /lands unstuck cooldown Mo:G /Lands setowner - set another player''s land owner Ad:G Set new land owner Ad:G Access to /Lands reload Ma:G /Lands admin wilderness - Open wilderness menu Ad:G Give claimblocks to player Ad:G /lands help P:G Lands help /lands claim P:G Claim chunks /lands create P:G Create a land claim /lands merge [land] P:G Merge 2 lands /lands accept [land] P:G Accept and invite from a land Join up to 3 lands. This does not include lands that you own P:G Join up to 4 lands. This does not include lands that you own T:G Join up to 5 lands. This does not include lands that you own S:G Join up to 6 lands. This does not include lands that you own D:G Join up to 7 lands. This does not include lands that you own V:G /lands chat <land> [msg] P:G Land channel chat /lands delete P:G Delete your land Delete land Ad:G Delete another player''s land or unclaim chunks Ad:G /lands deny P:G Deny land invite /lands deposit <land> [amount] P:G Deposit money into land bank /lands edit [land] P:G Land edit mode /Lands edit - edit another player''s land Ad:G Reset another player''s land settings Ad:G Edit role settings for another player''s land Ad:G Edit roles that are higher than or equal to your own role. Ad:G Edit land settings for another player''s land Ad:G /lands info <land> P:G Show information about a land /lands invites P:G Show received invites /lands leave [land] P:G Leave your land /lands map P:G Lands map /lands menu P:G Open land menu /lands menu here P:G Open land menu for the chunk you''re standing on /lands rename <land> [name] P:G Rename your land Rename another player''s land Ad:G Bypass /lands rename cooldown Mo:G /lands selection P:G Region selection /lands setrole [player] [area,*] [role] P:G Set player''s role for a given area /lands setspawn P:G Set spawn location for your land /lands spawn <land> P:G Teleport to land spawn Bypass /lands spawn cooldown Mo:G /lands teleport [x] [z] P:G Teleport to a claimed chunk Teleport to wilderness with /lands teleport. Mo:G Teleport to private land spawns Mo:G Bypass chunk teleport cooldown Mo:G Bypass teleportation delays / warmups Mo:G /lands top P:G Show lands top list /lands trust [player] <area,*> P:G Trust a player in your land, or an area if specified Trust players in another player''s land Ad:G Untrust players or remove invites from other lands Ad:G /lands untrust [player] <area,*> P:G Untrust a player from your land, or from an area if specified Untrust players from another player''s land Ad:G /lands unclaim P:G Unclaim a chunk /lands unclaimall P:G Unclaim all chunks /lands view P:G Show land borders /lands withdraw <land> [amount] P:G Withdraw money from your land bank /lands taxes P:G View upcoming taxes Edit taxes for another player''s land Ad:G /lands rent P:G Manage rentals Grief Protection /AbandonClaim P:SC Deletes the claim you`re standing in Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /ClaimExplosions P:SC Toggles if explosions are allowed in the claim Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /Trust P:SC Gives another player permission to build in your claim Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /UnTrust P:SC Revokes any permissions granted to a player in your claim Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /AccessTrust P:SC Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /ContainerTrust P:SC Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /TrustList P:SC Lists the permissions for the claim you`re standing in Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /SubdivideClaims P:SC Switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can subdivide your claims Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /RestrictSubclaim P:SC Restricts a subclaim, so that it inherits no permissions from the parent claim Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /BasicClaims P:SC Puts your shovel back in basic claims mode Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /PermissionTrust P:SC Grants a player permission to share his permission level with others Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /Untrust All P:SC Removes all permissions for all players in your claim Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /AbandonAllClaims P:SC Deletes all of your claims Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /BuyClaimBlocks P:SC Converts server money to claim blocks Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /SellClaimBlocks P:SC Converts claim blocks to server money Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /GivePet Mo:SC Gives away a tamed animal Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Mod rank Open Creative /ClaimsList P:SC Lists claims and claim block details Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative Lists information about a player`s claim blocks and claims Mo:SC Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Mod rank Open Creative /IgnorePlayer P:SC Ignores a target player`s chat messages Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /UnIgnorePlayer P:SC Un-ignores a target player`s chat messages Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /IgnoredPlayerList P:SC Lists all players currently ignored Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /Siege P:SC Besieges a player Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /Trapped P:SC Gets a player out of a land claim he`s trapped inside Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /UnlockDrops P:SC Allows other players to pick up items you dropped when you died Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative unlock someones drops Mo:SC Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Mod rank Open Creative /RestoreNature Mo:S P:C Switches the shovel tool to restoration mode Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /RestoreNatureAggressive Mo:S P:C Switches the shovel tool to aggressive restoration mode Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /RestoreNatureFill Mo:S P:C Switches the shovel tool to fill mode Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /IgnoreClaims Ad:SC Toggles ignore claims mode Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Admin rank Open Creative /AdminClaims Ad:SC Switches the shovel tool to administrative claims mode Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Admin rank Open Creative /DeleteAllAdminClaims Deletes all administrative claims /AdminClaimsList Ad:SC Lists all administrative claims /AdjustBonusClaimBlocks Ad:SC Adds or subtracts bonus claim blocks for a player Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Admin rank Open Creative /AdjustBonusClaimBlocksAll Adds or subtracts bonus claim blocks for all online players /SetAccruedClaimBlocks Ad:SC Updates a player`s accrued claim block total Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Admin rank Open Creative /DeleteClaim Ad:SC Deletes the claim you`re standing in, even if it`s not your claim Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Admin rank Open Creative /DeleteAllClaims Deletes all of another player`s claims /SoftMute Mo:SC Toggles whether a player`s messages will only reach other soft-muted players Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Mod rank Open Creative /GPreload Co:SC Reloads Grief Prevention`s configuration settings /TransferClaim Co:SC Converts an administrative claim to a private claim /Separate Mo:SC Forces two players to ignore each other in chat Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Mod rank Open Creative /ClaimBook P:SC Gives a player a manual about claiming land Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /DeleteClaimsInWorld Co:SC Deletes all the claims in a world. Only usable at the server console /DeleteUserClaimsInWorld Deletes all the non-admin claims in a world. Only usable at the server console mcMMO /mcmmo [commands] P:G Shows a brief description and the available commands /mcstats P:G Shows your mcMMO stats and xp /inspect (player) P:G Shows detailed mcmmo stats (like /mcstats) of another player inspect players far from you Mo:G inspect hidden players Mo:G inspect offline players Mo:G /mctop [skillname][page number] P:G Shows the top ten (or later, with page number) players in overall power or in the named skill and their power or skill level in that skill /mcrank [username] P:G Shows how high the player is ranked in each skill. It default to the username of the user who runs the command but it`s possible to look at other players stats by adding a username to the command /mcability P:G Toggles whether or not abilities get readied on right click /[skill name] P:G view information about the mcMMO skill /party P:G Manage your mcMMO party /party ? P:G More information about parties /party P:G Check party information /party create <party-name> <password> P:G Create a party /party join <player> <password> P:G Join a party /party invite <player> P:G Invite a player to join your party /party accept <player> P:G Accept a party invite /party password <password> P:G Set a password for the party you currently own /party kick <player-name> P:G Kick a player from the party /party owner <player-name> P:G Set a player as the party owner /party expshare [none/equal] P:G Set the party share mode /party lock P:G Lock the party /party unlock P:G Unlock the party /party q P:G Quit the party you`re currently in /partychat [message] P:G Toggle Party chat or send party chat messages /adminchat [message] Mo:G Toggle admin chat or send a message in admin chat /mcrefresh Ad:G Refresh all cooldowns for mcMMO /mcrefresh [player] - Refresh cooldown for someone else Ad:G /mcgod Ad:G Toggle mcMMO god-mode on/off /mcgod [player] - Apply mcgod to other players P:G /xprate [rate]/reset Co:G Modify the xp rate or start an event /xprate reset - Reset xp rate Co:G /mmoedit <skill> <level> Ad:G Edit the mcMMO skill values /mmoedit [player] <skill> <level> - Edit mcMMO skill of another player Ad:G /addxp <skill> <xp> Ad:G Add mcMMO XP /addxp [player] <skill> <xp> - Add mcMMO xp to another player Ad:G /addlevels <skill> <levels> Ad:G Add mcMMO levels /addlevels [player] <skill> <levels> - Add mcMMO levels to another user Ad:G /mcremove [player] Co:G Remove a user from the database /skillreset [player] <skill> Ad:G Reset skill level Reset any skill Co:G /mcpurge Co:G Purge users with 0 powerlevel and/or who haven`t connected in several months from the server DB /mcconvert database <flatfile|sql> Co:G Convert between different database and formula types /mcimport Co:G Automagically generate mod config files, ready to be filled in Teleportation and Homes Teleportation /spawn P:Global Teleport to server spawn /back P:Global Teleport back to your previous location /dback P:Global Teleports you to your death location Teleport to the death location of another player Mo:Global /tphere [player] Mo:Global teleport player to your location /tpall <player> Ad:Global Teleports all players to you or <player> /tptoggle P:Global Enable or disable force teleportations /tpa [player] P:Global Send a teleportation request to [player] /tpahere [player] P:Global Request [player] to teleport to your location /tpalock <accept/deny/off> P:Global Automatically accept or deny teleportation requests /tpaccept P:Global Accept teleportation request /sendall Ad:Global Send all online players to target server Excempts you from being sent to another server Ad:Global /tpdeny P:Global Deny teleportation request /tp [player] <other player> Mo:Global Teleports to the given player /tp [world] <x> <y> <z> Mo:Global Teleports to the given location /tp [player] [world] <x> <y> <z> Mo:Global Teleports player to the given location /rt Mo:Global Teleport to a random location Teleport another player to a random location Ad:Global Bypass cooldown Mo:Global /setrt Ma:Global Set random teleport bounds /setspawn <playerName> <true/false> <-g:[groupName]> <-rng:[range]> <-w:world,world_nether> <loc:[world;x;y;z;yaw;pitch]> Ma:Global Set the server spawn point /setfirstspawn Ma:Global Sets first spawn point Locations /warp P:Global List all warps or warp to the specified location Teleport another player to a warp Ad:Global /editwarp Ad:Global Edit warps /setwarp Ma:Global Set a warp location /delwarp Ad:Global Delete a warp Homes /home [name] P:Global teleport to home /home [player:][name] - Teleport to another player`s home Mo:Global /homes P:Global list homes /homes [player] - List anotther playe`s homes Mo:Global /homes [range] - List homes in a given range Mo:Global /sethome <name> P:Global Set home to your current location Set a home location for another player Ad:Global Up to 2 homes P:S Up to 3 homes P:HGC K:S Up to 4 homes E:S Up to 5 homes A:S Up to 10 homes T:Global Up to 15 homes S:Global Up to 20 homes D:Global Up to 25 homes V:Global Specify home location coordinates Mo:Global /delhome <name> P:Global removes a home Delete someone`s home Ad:Global Shops and Economy /shop P:GS Opens shop menu /shop reload Ma:GS Reloads shop /shop deleteOldUser Ma:GS Delete shop user data /shop settax temp [value] [duration in minutes] Ma:GS Set temporary shop tax /shop settax [value] Ma:GS Set shop tax /shop setdefaultshop [shop name] Ma:GS Set default shop /shop renameshop [old] [new] Ma:GS Rename shop /shop mergeshop [shop 1] [shop 2] Ma:GS Merge 2 shops /shop deleteshop [shop] Ma:GS Delete a shop /shop createshop [name] <permission> Ma:GS Create a new shop /ds shop shop [shop] log [enable|disable|clear] Ma:GS Manage shop logs /ds shop [shop] account [set|linkto|transfer] Ma:GS Manage shop accounts /ds shop [shop] add [item] [value] [median] [stock] Ma:GS Add item to a shop /ds shop [shop] addhand [value] [median] [stock] Ma:GS ? /ds shop [shop] edit [item] [value] [median] [stock] Ma:GS Edit shop item values /ds shop [shop] editall [purchaseValue|salesValue|valueMin|valueMax|median|stock|max stock] [=|+|-|*|/] [amount] Ma:GS Edit all items in a shop /ds shop [shop] SetToRecAll Ma:GS ? /ds shop [shop] sellbuy [sellonly|buyonly|clear] Ma:GS Sell or buy only /ds shop [shop] maxpage [number] Ma:GS Set max pages /ds shop [shop] permission <true|false|custom> Ma:GS Shop permissions /ds shop [shop] flag [flag] [set|unset] Ma:GS Shop flags /ds shop [shop] position [pos1|pos2|clear] Ma:GS ? /ds shop [shop] shophours [open] [close] Ma:GS Manage shop open hours /ds shop [shop] fluctuation [interval] [strength] Ma:GS Set stock fluctuation /ds shop [shop] stockstabilizing [interval] [strength] Ma:GS Set stock stabilization /balance P:Global shows your current balance /balance [player] - See the balance of other players T:Global /balancetop P:Global gets the top balance values /pay [player] [amount] P:Global Pay another player /paytoggle P:Global toggles payments /check P:Global Write checks Give and cash a check for another player without using paper Ma:Global /sell P:G Quick sell /worth P:G Checks item's worth Market /market P:GS Opens up the auction house /market help P:GS Shows all available commands /market expire P:GS Opens expired items list /market collect P:GS Opens collectable items list /market listed P:GS Lists items player is currently selling /market reload Ma:GS Reloads all the files /market view <player> P:GS Shows the list items being sold by the searched player /market sell <price> [amount] P:GS Add the item currently in your hand to the selling section of the auction house 10 sale listings P:GS 15 sale listings T:GS 20 sale listings S:GS 25 sale listings D:GS /market bid <price> [amount] P:GS Add the item currently in your hand to the bidding section of the auction house 10 auction listings P:GS 15 auction listings T:GS 20 auction listings S:GS 25 auction listings D:GS Trade /trade [player] P:GS Request [player] to trade with you /trade [accept, deny, toggle] P:GS Accept, deny or toggle traderequests /ts reload Ma:GS Reload trade plugin /ts reload Ma:GS Reload trade plugin Chest Shop /iteminfo P:G Get information about the item in your hand /iteminfo <id/name> P:G Get information about the item with the given id or name /csgive <itemcode> [<amount>] [<player>] Give item with a unique ChestShop code to a player /cstoggle P:G Toggle buy and sell notificiation messages /chestshop version Mo:G Display the ChestShop version /chestshop reload Ma:G Reload the ChestShop config and translation messages. (This might not reload some features) /csaccess Ad:G Toggles ability to buy/sell on shops while having admin/access permissions and normally being ignored Look into other players` chest shops Mo:G Create, destroy and access shops belonging to other players Ad:G Create shops for other players Ad:G Destroy shops belonging to another player Ad:G Access shops belonging to other players Mo:G you don`t have to pay shop creation fee Mo:G you don`t have to pay tax when buying from a shop Mo:G you don`t have to pay tax when selling to a shop Mo:G Shopkeepers /shopkeepers help K:S Displays available commands /shopkeepers [shop type] [object type] Create a shopkeeper shop Create selling shopkeepers K:S Create buying shopkeepers K:S Create trading shopkeepers K:S Create 1 shopkeeper K:S Create 3 shopkeepers E:S Create 5 shopkeepers A:S Create 7 shopkeepers T:S Create 8 shopkeeper S:S Create 10 shopkeeper D:S Create 12 shopkeeper V:S /shopkeepers reload Ma:S Reloads the plugin /shopkeeper list [page] K:S Lists your shops /shopkeeper list [player] [page] - List another player`s shops Mo:S /shopkeeper list [admin/all] [page] - List admin shops Ad:S /shopkeeper remove [player|all|admin] K:S Removes your shops /shopkeeper remove [player] - Remove all the shops of another player Ad:S /shopkeeper remove [all] - Remove all player shops of all players at once Ma:S /shopkeeper remove [admin] - Remove all admin shops via command Ma:S /shopkeepers give [player] [amount] Ad:S Gives the specified player the specified amount of shop creation items. /shopkeepers givecurrency [player] [low|high] [amount] Ad:S Gives the specified player the specified amount of currency items which have been defined inside the config. /shopkeepers convertItems [all] Ma:S This command can be used to convert the held (or all) items to conform to Spigot`s internal item data format. I.e. this runs the items through Spigot`s item serialization and deserialization in the same way as it would happen when these items are used inside shop trades and the plugin gets reloaded. This can be used to manually fix individual items which cannot be traded due to not (or no longer) conforming to Spigot`s internal item data format. See also the notes inside the config regarding the related convert-player-items setting. /shopkeepers convertItems [player] [all] - Convert items of another player Ma:S /shopkeepers remote <shopName> T:S Remotely opens the specified shop. The shop can be identified by name, id, unique id, or by looking at it /shopkeepers edit [shopName] Ad:S Allows editing shops remotely by targeting them, or by referencing them by their name, id or unique id. /shopkeepers transfer <newOwner> Ad:S Transfers ownership of the targeted shop to another player /shopkeepers setTradePerm <shop-id> <tradePerm|-|?> Ad:S Sets, removes (-) or displays (?) the trading permission for an admin shop specified by id, unique id, or name. This trading permission will be required, additionally to the general trading permission, when a player tries to trade with the affected shop. /shopkeepers setforhire Ad:S Sets the targeted shop for sale. Hold the hiring cost in your hand and look at a shop or chest owned by a shop when you use this command. This will allow another player to pay the hiring cost and gain ownership of that shop. /shopkeepers editVillager [villager] Ad:S Opens an editor to edit the specified villager. Villager can either be specified by uuid or by looking at it. /shopkeepers confirm P:S Confirm a potentially dangerous action /shopkeepers debug Ad:S Toggles the debug mode on and off. The debug mode can also be set inside the config. With debug mode enabled, the plugin logs additional information to the server console in various situations, which might help with troubleshooting issues. /shopkeepers debugCreateShops [shopCount] Ad:S Creates the specified amount of admin shopkeepers. This might be useful for performance testing. Starting at the player`s location, the shopkeepers are spawned next to each other in the x direction with a spacing of 1 block between them. /shopkeepers check Ad:S Prints statistics about the amount of loaded chunks, entities, loaded shopkeepers and the time spent for AI and gravity processing. /shopkeepers checkitem Ma:S Prints debug information about the held items and compares the items in main and off hand. /shopkeepers yaml Ma:S Prints Bukkit`s yaml serialization of the item held in hand, as well as its formatted item data for use inside the config. The output gets also logged to the console for easier copying (and because it is often too large for the in-game chat). Jobs /jobs join [job] P:GS join a job /jobs browse P:GS browse all the available jobs /jobs top [job] P:GS shows top 15 players for this job /jobs stats P:GS show job levels for that player or yourself, if no name is specified /jobs stats <player> - Access the stats command for other players Mo:GS /jobs archive P:GS shows you all archived jobs /jobs archive [player] - Access the archive command for other players Mo:GS /jobs leave [job] P:GS leave the selected job /jobs leaveall P:GS leave all the jobs /jobs info [job] [action] P:GS Show you information about a job /jobs playerinfo [playername] [jobname] [action] Mo:GS Show you information about a job for another player /jobs editjobs [set/add/take] [playername] [amount] Ad:GS edit player job points /jobs fire [player] [job] Ad:GS fire a player /jobs fireall [player] Ad:GS fire a player from all jobs /jobs employ [player] [job] Ad:GS employ a player /jobs promote [player] [job] [lvl] Ad:GS give job levels to a player /jobs demote [player] [job] [lvl] Ad:GS take job levels to a player /jobs grantxp [player] [job] [xp] Ad:GS give job xp to a player /jobs removexp [player] [job] [xp] Ad:GS take job xp from a player /jobs transfer [player] [old job] [new job] Ad:GS transfer player to a new job /jobs reload Ma:GS reload the plugin /jobs give <player> [job] [item] Ad:GS Gives item by a job name and category name /jobs expboost [job] [rate] Ma:GS boosts xp gain for all the players /jobs moneyboost [job] [rate] Ma:GS boosts money gain for all the players /jobs help P:GS list all the commands /jobs toggle [action/bossbar] P:GS toggles payment output on the action or bossbar /jobs signupdate [job] Ad:GS manualy updates signs /jobs limit P:GS shows payment limits for jobs /jobs points [player] Mo:GS shows you how much points a player has /jobs quests <player> Mo:GS list available quests /jobs clearownership <player> Ad:GS clear block ownership Use selection tool Ma:GS Add a new restricted area Ma:GS Remove restricted areas Ma:GS Access to all Jobs commands (only for admins!) Co:GS All administrative commands Co:GS Access to all commands Co:GS Maximum of 2 jobs P:GS Maximum of 3 jobs T:GS Maximum of 4 jobs V:GS Chest Protection /cpublic P:GSH Ad:H Create a public protection Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /cprivate P:GSH Ad:H Create a private protection /cprivate Username g:Groupname @username2 Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /cpassword P:GSH Ad:H Password protect a block Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /cdonation P:GSH Ad:H Create a donation chest Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /cmodify P:GSH Ad:H Modify an existing protection, adding or removing users and/or groups /cmodify -User1 @someguy - removes access to the block for User1 and gives SomeGuy advanced privileges Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /cunlock P:GSH Unlock a password-protected block /cinfo P:GSH Ad:H Punch a protection to view information on it Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /cremove P:GSH Ad:H Remove protection from a block Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /climits P:GSH Ad:H View the amount of protections you are allowed to own Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /lwc flag <flag name> <on/off> P:GSH Ad:H Flags: magnet, redstone, autoclose, allowexplosions, hopper, exemption Redstone: If on, redstone can influence the protected block, e.g. open doors, disable hopper Magnet: Put nearby dropped items into the protected chest (or other blocks with inventories) AutoClose: Automagically close a protected door if it was opened AllowExplosions: Allows the protected block to be destroyed by an explosion Hopper: Controls whether or not hoppers can be used on a protected block Exemption: (Admin-only) Protection is exempt from being auto removed from LWC Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /lwc mode <mode name> <on/off> P:GSH Ad:H /lwc mode persist <on/off> - Turns on/off the persist mode /lwc mode droptransfer select - Select the chest drops go to /lwc mode droptransfer <on/off> - Enable/disable the droptransfer /lwc mode droptransfer status - Display the status of the droptransfer Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /lwc menu P:GSH Commands list Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /lwc admin view Ad:GSH Remotely view a protected inventory using the protection id /lwc admin find Mo:GSH View all protections created by a player /lwc admin forceowner Ad:GSH Change the owner of a protection /lwc admin remove Ad:GSH Remove a protection by using its id /lwc admin purge Ma:GSH Remove all protections by a player /lwc admin cleanup Ma:GSH Attempt to cleanup the database /lwc admin version Ma:GSH View the loaded LWC version and the latest available /lwc admin update Ma:GSH Update to the latest version of LWC /lwc admin report Ma:GSH View the LWC performance report /lwc admin convert Co:GSH Convert another plugin`s database to LWC /lwc admin clear Ma:GSH Either removes all protections or all permissions from the protections Open any protection in ready only mode Mo:GSH Cosmetics /hat <remove> T:Global equip blocks and items on your head Set another player`s hat Ad:Global /glow Mo:Global Glow effect Apply glow effect on someone else Ad:Global /nick T:Global S:Global Change your nickname Set others' nickname Ad:Global /nameplate Mo:Global Edit name tag Edit another player's name tag Ad:Global Pets /pet P:HGC Opens the pet selection menu Pet pig P:HGC Pet chicken P:HGC Pet cow P:HGC Pet sheep P:HGC Pet rabbit P:HGC Pet spider P:HGC Pet skeleton P:HGC Pet horse P:HGC Pet mule P:HGC Pet zombie P:HGC Pet bat P:HGC Pet creeper P:HGC Pet ocelot P:HGC Pet cave spider P:HGC Pet piglin P:HGC Pet llama P:HGC Pet mooshroom P:HGC Pet slime P:HGC Pet polar bear P:HGC Pet turtle P:HGC Pet silverfish P:HGC Pet husk P:HGC Pet stray P:HGC Pet endermite P:HGC Pet illusioner P:HGC Pet vex P:HGC Pet witch P:HGC Pet parrot P:HGC Pet wolf T:HGC Pet villager T:HGC Pet fox T:HGC Pet trader llama T:HGC Pet iron golem T:HGC Pet wandering trader S:HGC Pet Bee S:HGC Pet snowman S:HGC Pet enderman S:HGC Pet pillager D:HGC Pet phantom D:HGC Pet wither skeleton D:HGC Pet ravager V:HGC Pet blaze V:HGC Pet magma cube V:HGC Pet wither V:HGC /pet generator [permissions|types] Generates a file that can contain the permissions or a list of all the pet info /pet help P:HGC Show help on plugin commands /pet ride S:HGC Ride your pet /pet reload <pets|sql|inv|items> Ma:HGC Reloads the Pet Selection menu /pet inv P:HGC Opens the Item Storage Menu /pet inv <player> - pen someone`s pet inventory Ad:HGC /pet hat T:HGC Set your pet on/off your head /pet remove P:HGC Remove your pet /pet remove <player> - Remove someone`s pet Ad:HGC /pet summon [pet] P:HGC Spawns a pet /pet summon [pet] [player] - Spawn a pet for someone Ad:HGC /pet info P:HGC Lists pet info /pet info [player] - Also shows you debug info Ad:HGC /pet modify [player] [nbt] Ad:HGC Ability to modify a players pet /pet debug Ma:HGC debug command Particles /particles White particles P:HGC Orange particles P:HGC Magenta particles P:HGC Light blue particles P:HGC Yellow particles P:HGC Green particles P:HGC Pink particles P:HGC Gray particles P:HGC Light gray particles P:HGC Cyan particles P:HGC Purple particles P:HGC Dark blue particles P:HGC Brown particles P:HGC Dark green particles P:HGC Red particles P:HGC Black particles P:HGC Redstone particles P:HGC Lava drops particles P:HGC Water drops particles P:HGC Water bubbles particles P:HGC Water splash particles P:HGC Note particles P:HGC Heart particles P:HGC Slime particles P:HGC Purple dust particles P:HGC Poof particles P:HGC Fire particles P:HGC Smoke particles P:HGC Large smoke particles P:HGC Spit particles P:HGC Lapis particles T:HGC Rainbow swirls particles T:HGC Medium explosion particles T:HGC Gold particles S:HGC Lava particles S:HGC Diamond particles D:HGC Enchantment particles D:HGC Emerald particles V:HGC Large explosion particles V:HGC Barrier particles V:HGC Point shape P:HGC Spin shape P:HGC orbit shape P:HGC halo shape P:HGC cloud shape P:HGC Spiral shape P:HGC Thick cloud shape P:HGC Cube shape T:HGC Sphere shape S:HGC Beam shape D:HGC Helix shape V:HGC Wings shape V:HGC /pp reload reload particles plugin /pp remove [id]/[effect]/[style] Remove a particle effect /pp reset Remove all particles /pp version Show plugin version /pp worlds List worlds were particles are disabled /pp [player] [command] Run /pp command as a player Trails /trails P:GHC Opens the trails menu White trail P:GHC Orange trail P:GHC Magenta trail P:GHC Light blue trail P:GHC Yellow trail P:GHC Green trail P:GHC Pink trail P:GHC Gray trail P:GHC Light gray trail P:GHC Cyan trail P:GHC Purple trail P:GHC Dark blue trail P:GHC Brown trail P:GHC Dark green trail P:GHC Red trail P:GHC Black trail P:GHC Redstone trail P:GHC Lava drops trail P:GHC Water drops trail P:GHC Water bubbles trail P:GHC Water splash trail P:GHC Note trail P:GHC Heart trail P:GHC Slime trail P:GHC Purple dust trail P:GHC Small explosion trail P:GHC Fire trail P:GHC Smoke trail P:GHC Large smoke trail P:GHC Spit trail P:GHC Lapis trail T:GHC Rainbow swirls trail T:GHC Medium explosion trail T:GHC Gold trail S:GHC Lava trail S:GHC Diamond trail D:GHC Enchantment trail D:GHC Emerald trail V:GHC Barrier trail V:GHC Large explosion trail V:GHC /trail clearall P:GHC Clears all current trails /trail clearall <player> - clear someone`s trails - Console only Ma:GHC /TrailGUI reload Ma:GHC Reloads all files /TrailGUI Version Ma:GHC Shows the running plugin version. Bow Trails /bowtrails P:GHC Bow trails menu White bow trail P:GHC Orange bow trail P:GHC Magenta bow trail P:GHC Light blue bow trail P:GHC Yellow bow trail P:GHC Green bow trail P:GHC Pink bow trail P:GHC Gray bow trail P:GHC Light gray bow trail P:GHC Cyan bow trail P:GHC Purple bow trail P:GHC Dark blue bow trail P:GHC Brown bow trail P:GHC Dark green bow trail P:GHC Red bow trail P:GHC Black bow trail P:GHC Redstone bow trail P:GHC Lava drops bow trail P:GHC Water drops bow trail P:GHC Water bubbles bow trail P:GHC Water splash bow trail P:GHC Notes bow trail P:GHC Heart bow trail P:GHC Slime bow trail P:GHC Purple dust bow trail P:GHC Poof bow trail P:GHC Fire bow trail P:GHC Smoke bow trail P:GHC Large smoke bow trail P:GHC Spit bow trail P:GHC Lapis bow trail T:GHC Rainbow swirls bow trail T:GHC Medium explosion bow trail T:GHC Gold bow trail S:GHC Lava bow trail S:GHC Diamond bow trail D:GHC Enchantment bow trail D:GHC Emerald bow trail V:GHC Large explosion bow trail V:GHC Barrier bow trail V:GHC /bowtrails help P:GHC Shows all commands /bowtrails P:GHC Shows all bow trails choices listed in the menu file /bowtrails set <blockID/Preset> [Particle Name] P:GHC Sets a block as your trail if it`s valid block/particle or if the name given is preset in the menu file! /bowtrails type Ad:GHC Toggle the particle mode back and forth! /bowtrails amount <+/-> Ad:GHC Adds/Removes one particle per tick, for a max/min of particles set in the config /bowtrails remove P:GHC Remove active bow trails! /bowtrails reload Ma:GHC Reloads the plugin Chat Color /chatcolor P:Global Open chatcolor list White chat color P:Global Light green chat color P:Global Green chat color P:Global Blue chat color P:Global Aqua chat color P:Global Dark aqua chat color P:Global Gold chat color T:Global Light gray chat color T:Global Dark gray chat color T:Global Yellow chat color S:Global Purple chat color S:Global Pink chat color D:Global Red chat color D:Global Light blue chat color V:Global Dark red chat color V:Global Titles /titles P:Global Chat and name plate prefixes trusted chat and name plate prefix T:Global sponsor chat and name plate prefix S:Global donator chat and name plate prefix D:Global VIP chat and name plate prefix V:Global Apprentice name plate prefix P:Global Novice chat and name plate prefix N:C Builder chat and name plate prefix B:C Designer chat and name plate prefix D:C Architect chat and name plate prefix A:C NPCs /npc T:GS D:C Show basic NPC information /npc age T:GS D:C modify a NPC`s age [adult, baby, integer, -l] - Adult sets as adult, baby as baby, age specifies an exact age, -l toggles whether the age is locked /npc speak message to speak --target npcid/player_name --type vocal_type T:GS D:C Makes npc talk /npc anchor Mo:GSC saves a location as an `anchor` which can be assumed via assume [name] --save [name] --assume [name] --remove [name] <-a> <-c> /npc behaviour Mo:GSC adds and removes behaviours from an NPC behaviour [scripts] <-r> - scripts is a comma separated list of script file names to look for -r flag removes them from the NPC /npc controllable T:GS D:C toggles the NPC`s controllable status. Controllable NPCs can be right clicked to be mounted and controlled with WASD /npc copy T:GS D:C create a new NPC from the currently selected NPC, copying all traits --name NewName /npc create T:GS D:C create a new NPC [NPC Name] - Name to give NPC <--type [type]> - Mob type to use --trait [trait1] [trait2] ... - A list of traits to apply to the NPC Create up to 5 npcs T:GS D:C Create up to 20 npcs Mo:GSC /npc despawn [id] Mo:GSC Despawn an NPC /npc leashable T:GS D:C Toggles leashability /npc gamemode [gamemode] Mo:GSC Sets NPC`s game mode /npc swim T:GS D:C Make npc swim /npc gravity Mo:GSC toggles gravity on the NPC /npc copier Mo:GSC Toggle NPC copier /npc equip T:GS D:C Equipt npc with items /npc path Mo:GSC Toggle path editor. Left click to add a waypoint, right click to remove, mousewheel or number keys to select individual waypoints /npc text T:GS D:C Toggle text editor. Note that players need the permission to hear NPCs! /npc list T:GS D:C List NPCs that match at least one of the given conditions <-a> - List all NPCs <--owner <owner>> - Owner <--type <type>> - Mob type <--char <character>> - Character /npc lookclose T:GS D:C Toggle a NPC`s look-close state /npc name T:GS D:C Toggle a NPC`s name plate visibility /npc moveto Mo:GSC Move npc to a location --x [x] --y [y] --z [z] --world [world] /npc mount T:GS D:C Mount the currently selected NPC, if it is controllable /npc owner [player] Ad:CGS Sets the owner of a NPC /npc pathopt Mo:GSC Sets an NPC pathfinding options --avoid-water [true/false] --stationary-ticks [ticks] --attack-range [range] --distance-margin [margin] --path-distance-margin [margin] --use-new-finder [true/false] /npc pathrange [range] Mo:GSC Set the range in number of blocks in which the NPC can find a path /npc playerlist Ma:GSC Toggles an NPC as a real player, so that it will be more recognised by other plugins, will keep chunks loaded and crops ticking /npc pose T:GS D:C Changes/Stores NPC`s head position based on the Player`s current position <--save [name] <-d> --assume [name] --remove [name] --default [name]> <-a> /npc power T:GS D:C toggle whether a creeper NPC is powered /npc profession T:GS D:C Change a villager-type NPC`s profession [BLACKSMITH] [LIBRARIAN] [BUTCHER] [FARMER] [PRIEST] /npc respawn Mo:GSC Sets an NPC`s respawn delay in ticks [delay in ticks] /npc remove T:GS D:C Remove an NPC /npc remove <all> - Remove all NPCs Ma:GSC /npc rename T:GS D:C Rename an NPC [name] - npc name /npc select T:GS D:C Selects a NPC with the given ID [id] - specify ID /npc size T:GS D:C Sets a slime size [size] - Slime size /npc skeletontype T:GS D:C Changes a Skeleton NPC`s type [type] - type /npc skin <-c -l<atest>> [name] <or --url [url] or -t [uuid/name] [data] [signature]> T:GS D:C Sets an NPC`s skin name. Use -l to set the skin to always update to the latest /npc skinlayers <--cape [true/false]> <--hat [true/false]> <--jacket [true/false]> <--sleeves [true/false]> <--pants [true/false]> T:GS D:C Toggle skin layers visibility /npc spawn [id] Mo:GSC Spawn existing NPC /npc sound <--death [death sound/d]> <--ambient [ambient sound/d]> <--hurt [hurt sound/d]> <-n<one>/-s<ilent>> <-d<default>> Mo:GSC Set npc sounds /npc speed [integer] Mo:GSC changes the NPC`s default speed multiplier. i.e. use 2 to double the normal speed /npc targetable Mo:GSC Toggles an NPC`s targetability /npc tphere T:GS D:C Teleport an NPC to your location /npc snowman <-d[erp]> T:GS D:C Sets snowman modifiers /npc ocelot <--type type> <-s<itting>, -n<ot sitting>> T:GS D:C Set ocelot modifiers /npc horse (--color color) (--type type) (--style style) (-cb) T:GS D:C Sets horse and horse-like entity modifiers /npc wolf <-s<itting> a<ngry> t<amed> i<nfo>> --collar [hex rgb color/name] T:GS D:C Sets wolf modifiers /npc tp Mo:GSC Teleport to an NPC /npc type [type] T:GS D:C Changes an NPC`s mob type Shear NPC sheep Mo:GS Shear NPC snowmen Mo:GS Milk NPC cows Mo:GS Milk NPC mooshrooms Mo:GS Milk NPC goats Mo:GS /npc vulnerable Mo:GSC Toggles whether the NPC can take damage and die, and whether monsters will target it when it is on the player list /npc zombiemod -b/-v T:GS D:C Sets a zombie NPC`s modifiers /trait Ad:GSC Adds the trait type to the NPC /waypoints disableteleport Mo:GSC Stops NPCs from automatically teleporting to the end of its path if it gets stuck /waypoints provider Mo:GSC Sets the waypoint provider to use when using the waypoint editor [provider name] (-a) - provider name is the provider to use (currently linear, guided and wander), use -a to get a list of all providers /template apply [template name] <id1 id2...> Ad:GSC Applies the given templates to the NPC /template create [template name] <-o> Ad:GSC Generates a template from the selected NPC and saves it to the templates.yml file /citizens Ma:GSC Show basic plugin information /citizens reload Ma:GSC Reload Citizens /citizens save Ma:GSC Save NPCs and configuration /citizens help T:GS D:C Show Citizens help menu /npc help T:GS D:C Show NPC help menu /trait help Ad:GSC Show trait help menu /script help Ma:GSC Show scripting help menu /template help Ad:GSC Show template help menu /waypoints help Mo:Global Show waypoints help menu /npc command (add [command] / remove [id] / permissions [permissions] / sequential) <-l[eft]/-r[ight]> <-p[layer] -o[p]>, --cooldown [seconds] --delay [ticks] --permissions [perms] --n [max # of uses] Ma:GSC make npc run commands Create any number of NPCs Ad:GSC Creative Plots /plot P:C Plot help /plot P:C Buy the plot you are standing on /plot P:C Claim the current plot you`re standing on Claim 1 plot P:C D:C B:C Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Creative M Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank Creative XL Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder rank Creative L Claim up to 2 plots P:C B:C D:C A:C Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Creative S Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder rank Creative M Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank Creative L Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Architect rank Creative XL Claim up to 3 plots B:C D:C A:C Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder rank Creative S Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank Creative M Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Architect rank Creative L Claim up to 4 plots D:C A:C Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank Creative S Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Architect rank Creative M Claim up to 5 plots A:C Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Architect rank Creative S /plot auto P:C Claim the nearest plot /plot home P:C Teleport to your plots /plot auto P:C Delete a plot Delete someones plot Ad:C /plot swap Ad:C Swap two plots /plot move Ad:C Move a plot /plot copy Ad:C Copy a plot /plot grant Ad:C Grant a plot /plot setowner P:C Set the plot owner Set someones plot owner Ad:C /plot visit P:C Visit someones plot /plot kick P:C Kick a player from your plot /plot middle P:C Teleports you to the center of the current plot /plot add P:C Allow a user to build while you are online /plot deny P:C Deny a user from a plot /plot remove P:C Remove a player from a plot /plot merge P:C Merge the plot you are standing on, with another plot /plot unlink P:C Unlink merged plots /plot trust P:C Allow a player to build in a plot /plot setflag P:C Set plot flags /plot done P:C Mark a plot as done /plot continue P:C Continue a plot that was previously marked as done /plot setdescription P:C Set the plot description /plot alias P:C Set the plot name /plot alias set [alias] P:C /plot alias remove P:C /plot sethome P:C Set the plot home /plot toggle P:C Toggle per user settings /plot inbox P:C Review the comments for a plot /plot comment P:C Comment on a plot /plot save Ma:C Save your plot /plot load Ma:C Load your plot /plot download Ma:C Download your plot /plot schematic [save/paste] Ma:C Schematic command /plot bo3 Ma:C what is this?? /plot set P:C Set a plot value /plot clear P:C Clear your plot /plot music P:C Play music in a plot /plot setbiome P:C Set the plot biome /plot confirm P:C Confirm an action /plot info P:C Display plot info /plot list P:C List plots /plot list top - list top plots P:C /plot list - list your plots P:C /plot list [world]- list plots in that world P:C /plot list done - list plots labeled as done P:C /plot list all - list all plots P:C /plot list shared - list shared plots P:C /plot list expired - list expired plots P:C /plot list unowned - list unowned plots P:C /plot list [player] - list player`s plots Mo:C /plot list forsale - list plots for sale P:C /plot plugin Ma:C Show plugin information /plot rate P:C Rate the plot /plot target P:C Target a plot with your compass /plot help P:C Get this help menu /plot debugsavetest Co:C This command will force the recreation of all plots in the DB /plot debugloadtest Co:C This debug command will force the reload of all plots in the DB /plot debugallowunsafe Ma:C Allow unsafe actions until toggled off /plot debug Ma:C Show debug information /plot relight T:C Relight your plot /plot debugpaste Co:C Upload settings.yml, worlds.yml, commands.yml, latest.log, PlotSquared.use_THIS.yml and Multiverse worlds.yml (if being used) to https://athion.net/ISPaster/paste/ /plot debugclaimtest Co:C If you accidentally delete your database, this command will attempt to restore all plots based on the data from plot signs. Execution time may vary /plot debugroadregen Ma:C Regenerate all roads based on the road schematic. Insert plot to regen it from the plot height, input height [height] to regen from a custom height /plot debugexec Ma:C Mutli-purpose debug command /plot debugfixflags Ma:C Attempt to fix all flags for a world /plot update Co:C Update PlotSquared /plot template Co:C Create or use a world template /plot setup Co:C Setup wizard for plot worlds /plot area Ma:C Create a new plot area /plot area list Ma:C /plot area info Ma:C /plot area create Ma:C /plot area tp Ma:C /plot area regen Ma:C /plot createroadschematic Ma:C Add a road schematic to your world using the roads around your current plot /plot regenallroads Ma:C Regenerate all roads in the map using the set road schematic /plot purge Co:C Purge all plots for a world /plot reload Ma:C Reload configurations /plot database Co:C Convert/Backup Storage /plot condense Co:C Condense a plotworld /plot trim Co:C Delete unmodified portions of your plotworld /plot cluster Ma:C Manage a plot cluster /plot cluster list - list all clusters in your current world Ma:C /plot cluster create <name> <id-bot> <id-top> - create a plot cluster Ma:C /plot cluster sethome - set the home for a plot cluster Ma:C /plot cluster delete [name] - delete a plot cluster Ma:C /plot cluster resize <pos1> <pos2> - resize a plot cluster Ma:C /plot cluster regen [name] - regenerate a plot cluster Ma:C /plot cluster invite <player> - invite a player to the cluster Ma:C /plot cluster kick <player> - kick a player from the cluster Ma:C /plot cluster leave [name] - leave a plot cluster Ma:C /plot cluster helpers <add remove> - manage helpers for the cluster Ma:C /plot cluster tp <name> - teleport to the cluster home Ma:C /plot cluster info [name] - view cluster info Ma:C /plot weanywhere Ad:C Force bypass of WorldEdit Utilities /dye N:C Mo:HGS Edit armor color Edit someone's armor color Ad:Global /cu P:C Open utilities menu Opens banner creator B:C Toggles no-clip mode D:C Toggle night vision P:C /armorstand T:HGSC Ad:H Opens armor stand editor Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /mirror Mo:Global Mirrors building Mirroring will not take blocks from your inventory Mo:Global /blockinfo Mo:Global Check block information /blocknbt Mo:Global Check block nbt information /entityinfo Mo:Global Check entity information /entitynbt Mo:Global Check entity nbt information /iteminfo Mo:Global Check item information /itemnbt Mo:Global Check item nbt information Check other players' item nbt information Mo:Global /exp P:C Mo:HGS Set your xp /exp - Change another player`s exp Ad:Global /checkxp P:Global Check your xp Check other players' xp Mo:Global /ext <player> P:C Mo:HGS extinguish yourself extinguish another player Ad:Global /gm P:C Mo:HGS Ad:H change your gamemode gmc, gms, gmsp, gma Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /gmc P:C Mo:HGS Ad:H Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /gms P:C Mo:HGS Ad:H Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /gma P:C Mo:HGS Ad:H Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /gmsp Mo:HGSC Ad:H Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /gamemode - Change the gamemode of other players Ad:Global /more P:C Mo:HGS Ad:H Fills the item stack in hand to maximum size Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End fill stacks for other players Ad:Global oversized stacks Ad:Global /jump P:C Mo:HGS Jumps to the nearest block in the line of sight /walkspeed Mo:HGSC Ad:H change your walking speed Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End Allows you to modify the speed of other players Ad:Global Max walk speed Mo:HGSC Ad:H Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /top P:C Mo:HGSC Teleport to the highest block at your current position /tree Mo:HGSC Ad:H Spawn a tree where you are looking Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End Spawn a tree at the location of another player Ad:Global PixelPrinter /pp help D:C Pixel printer commands /pp download [Filename] [url] D:C Downloads the location of an image to a txt file. Good for minimizing memory /pp downloadimage [filename] [url] D:C Downloads the image to a png, jpg, or gif file /pp create [direction] [File name] [Height] D:C Creates a in-game block version of the image, moving the the direction [direction] and will have a height of [Height]. The width will be scaled to the image height /pp createFrames [direction] [File name] [Height] D:C Creates a in-game itemframe version of the image, moving the direction [direction] and will have a height of [Height]. The width will be scaled to the image height /pp createskin [direction] [player name or UUID] D:C Create a 16x48x16 player character with the specified players skin. Note: In order to use the player`s name, the player must have joined the server /pp delete [filename] Ad:C Deletes the file with the filename [file name] /pp stopGif [id] Ad:C Stops the gif with the id [Id] /pp stopAllGifs Ad:C stops all gifs on the server /pp listGifs Mo:C lists all the gifs active on the server. Use this if you do not know the ID of a gif /pp preview D:C Creates a preview of the image you are going to make. This only displays the border of the image, and should be used to tell if this image will clip through any existing blocks /pp specs D:C Shows the specifications of an image /pp list Mo:C Displays all the images that have been downloaded to the server all /pp commands Co:C Decorative Heads /heads B:C Mo:HGS Opens heads menu /heads info B:C Mo:HGS Shows info about the plugin and database /heads search [input] B:C Mo:HGS search for heads in the database /heads reload Ma:Global reloads the entire plugin /heads random [player] [category] Ad:Global gives a random head from the database to the player /heads open [player] [category/search] Ad:Global opens the database for the specified player /heads give | g [ID] [amount] [player] Ad:Global Gives the specified player the specified amount of heads /heads base64 Ad:Global gives you the base64 code of the head you are holding Buy decorative heads B:C World Edit /we help <command> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Displays help for WE commands //wand P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Get the wand object /toggleeditwand P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Toggle functionality of the edit wand //confirm P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Confirm a command //tips P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Toggle World Edit tips /clearclipboard P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Clear your clipboard //clearhistory P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Clear your history //undo <times> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Undoes the last action //redo <times> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Redoes the last action (from history) //set [pattern] P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set all blocks within selection //replace [from-mask] [to-pattern] <-f> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Replace all blocks in the selection with another //copy <-e> <-m> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Copy the selection to the clipboard -e also copy entities -m sets a source mask so that excluded blocks become air -b copies biomes //cut <leave-id> <-e> <-m> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Copy the selection to the clipboard -e skips entity copy -m sets a source mask so that excluded blocks become air -b copies biomes //paste <-s> <-a> <-o> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Pastes the clipboard’s contents. -a skips air blocks -b skips pasting biomes -e skips pasting entities -o pastes at the original position -s selects the region after pasting //place <-s> <-a> <-o> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Places the clipboard’s contents without applying transformations (e.g. rotate). -a skips air blocks -o pastes at the original position -s selects the region after pasting //flip <direction> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Flips the contents of the clipboard across the point from which the copy was made. //rotate [y-axis] <x-axis> <z-axis> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Non-destructively rotate the contents of the clipboard. Angles are provided in degrees and a positive angle will result in a clockwise rotation. Multiple rotations can be stacked. Interpolation is not performed so angles should be a multiple of 90 degrees. //sel <cuboid|extend|poly|ellipsoid|sphere|cyl|convex> <-d> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Choose a region selector //pos1 <coordinates> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set position 1 //pos2 <coordinates> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set position 2 //hpos1 P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set position 1 to targeted block //hpos2 P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set position 2 to targeted block //toggleplace P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Switch between your position and pos1 for placement //size <-c> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Get information about the selection //removenear <block> [size] P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Remove blocks near you //removeabove <size> <height> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Remove blocks above your head. //replacenear [size] [from-id] [to-id] <-f> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Replace nearby blocks //removebelow <size> >height> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Remove blocks below you //pyramid [pattern] [size] <-h> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generate a filled pyramid //hpyramid [pattern] [size] P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generate a hollow pyramid //cyl [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>> <height> <-h> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generates a cylinder. By specifying 2 radii, separated by a comma, you can generate elliptical cylinders. The 1st radius is north/south, the 2nd radius is east/west. //hcyl [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>> <height> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generates a hollow cylinder. By specifying 2 radii, separated by a comma, you can generate elliptical cylinders. The 1st radius is north/south, the 2nd radius is east/west. //sphere [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>,<radius>> <raised?> <-h> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generates a filled sphere. By specifying 3 radii, separated by commas, you can generate an ellipsoid. The order of the ellipsoid radii is north/south, up/down, east/west. //hsphere [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>,<radius>> <raised?> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generates a hollow sphere. By specifying 3 radii, separated by commas, you can generate an ellipsoid. The order of the ellipsoid radii is north/south, up/down, east/west. //faces [pattern] P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Build the walls, ceiling, and floor of a selection //walls <pattern> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Build the four sides of the selection //fill <pattern> <radius> [depth] [direction] P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Fill a hole //fillr [pattern] [radius] <depth> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Fill a hole recursively //drain <radius> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Drain a pool //fixlava [radius] P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Fix lava to be stationary //fixwater [radius] P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Fix water to be stationary //setskylight P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set sky lighting in a selection //getlighting P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Get the light at a position //removelight P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Removing lighting in a selection //fixlighting P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Get the light at a position //setblocklight P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set block lighting in a selection /masks <page=1|search|mask> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Masks determine if a block can be placed - Use [brackets] for arguments - Use , to OR multiple - Use & to AND multiple e.g. >[stone,dirt],#light[0][5],$jungle //gmask <mask> The global destination mask applies to all edits you do and masks based on the destination blocks (i.e. the blocks in the world). //gtransform <transform> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the global transform //gsmask <mask> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H The global source mask applies to all edits you do and masks based on the source blocks (e.g. the blocks in your clipboard) /patterns <page=1|search|pattern> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Patterns determine what blocks are placed - Use [brackets] for arguments - Use , to OR multiple e.g. #surfacespread[10][#existing],andesite /unstuck P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Escape from being stuck inside a block /thru P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Passthrough walls /up <number> <-f> <-g> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Go upwards some distance /ascend <# of levels> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Go up a floor /ceil <clearance> <-f> <-g> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Go to the celing /descend <# of floors> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Go down a floor /butcher <radius> <-p> <-l> <-a> <-n> <-g> <-b> <-t> >-f> <-r> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Kills nearby mobs, based on radius, if none is given uses default in configuration. -p also kills pets. -n also kills NPCs. -g also kills Golems. -a also kills animals. -b also kills ambient mobs. -t also kills mobs with name tags. -f compounds all previous flags. -r also destroys armor stands. -l currently does nothing. //ex <radius> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Extinguish nearby fire //calc [expression] P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Evaluate a mathematical expression //stack [count] <direction> <-s> <-a> <-m> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Repeats the contents of the selection. -s shifts the selection to the last stacked copy -a skips air blocks //move <count> <direction> <leave-id> <-s> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Moves the contents of the selection. -s flag shifts the selection to the target location. -b also copies biomes -e ignores entities -a ignores air //lay <pattern> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the top block in the region //nbtinfo P:C Mo:GS Ad:H View nbt info for a block //overlay <pattern> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set a block on top of blocks in the region //smooth [iterations] [mask] P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Smooths the elevation in the selection. -l Set the amount of snow blocks under the snow -m The mask of blocks to use as the height map //line [pattern] <thickness> <-h> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Draws a line segment between cuboid selection corners. Can only be used with cuboid selections. -h generates only a shell //count [block] <-d> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Counts the number of a certain type of block //distr <-c> <-d> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Gets the distribution of blocks in the selection. The -c flag gets the distribution of your clipboard. The -d flag separates blocks by data //chunk <x,z coordinates> <-s> <-c> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the selection to the chunk you are currently in. With the -s flag, your current selection is expanded to encompass all chunks that are part of it. Specifying coordinates will use those instead of your current position. Use -c to specify chunk coordinates, otherwise full coordinates will be implied. (for example, the coordinates 5,5 are the same as -c 0,0) /chunkinfo P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Get information about the chunk that you are inside /listchunks P:C Mo:GS Ad:H List chunks that your selection includes //searchitem [query] <-b> <-i> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Searches for an item. -b only search for blocks -i only search for items /pumpkins <size> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generate pumpkin patches /forestgen <size> <tree-type> <density> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generate a forest //forest <type> <density> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Make a forest within the region //flora <density> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Make flora within the region //naturalize N:C Mo:GS Ad:H 3 layers of dirt on top then rock below //snow <radius> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Simulates snow //thaw <radius> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Thaws the area //green <radius> <-f> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Greens the area //setbiome [biome] <-p> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the biome of the region. -p use the block you are currently in /biomelist <page> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Gets all biomes available. /biomeinfo <-p> <-t> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Get the biome of the block. -t uses the block you are looking at. -p uses the block you are currently in //caves <size=8> <freq=40> <rarity=7> <minY=8> <maxY=127> <sysFreq=1> <sysRarity=25> <pocketRarity=0> <pocketMin=0> <pocketMax=3> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generates a cave network //ore [mask] [pattern] [size] [freq] [rarity] [minY] [maxY] N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generates ores //ores N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generates ores //center [pattern] N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the center block(s) //hollow [[thickness] <pattern>] N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Hollows out the object contained in this selection. Optionally fills the hollowed out part with the given block. Thickness is measured in manhattan distance. //fall [replace] [-m] N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Make the blocks in the selection fall The -m flag will only fall within the vertical selection //expand [amount] <reverse-amount> <direction> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Expand the selection area //shift [amount] <direction> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Shift the selection area //contract [amount] <reverse-amount> <direction> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Contract the selection area //deform [expression] <-r> <-o> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Deforms a selected region with an expression The expression is executed for each block and is expected to modify the variables x, y and z to point to a new block to fetch. See also tinyurl.com/wesyntax. //outset [amount] <-h> <-v> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Expands the selection by the given amount in all directions. -h only expand horizontally -v only expand vertically //inset [amount] <-h> <-v> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Contracts the selection by the given amount in all directions. -h only contract horizontally -v only contract vertically //curve [pattern] <thickness> <-h> N:C Mo:GS Ad:H Draws a spline through selected points. Can only be used with convex polyhedral selections. -h generates only a shell /none B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Unbind a bound tool from your current item /secondary <brush-arguments> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the left click brush /scroll <none|clipboard|mask|pattern|range|size|visual|target> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Toggle between different target modes /tool tree <type> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Tree generator tool /tool repl [block] B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Block replacer tool /tool info B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Block information tool /tool lrbuild <leftclick block> <rightclick block> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Long-range building tool /tool inspect B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Chooses the inspect brush /tool farwand B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Wand at a distance tool /tool floodfill [pattern] [range] B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Flood fill tool /tool cycler B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Block data cycler tool /tool deltree B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Floating tree remover tool /size <pattern> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the brush size /savebrush <name> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Save your current brush -g flag to save globally //listbrush <mine|filter> <page=1> <-d> <-n> <-p> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H List all brushes in the brush directory -p prints the requested page /range <pattern> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the brush range /mask <mask> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the brush destination mask /transform <transform> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the brush transform /mat <pattern> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the brush material /loadbrush <name> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H load a brush /smask <mask> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the brush source mask /visualize <mode=0> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Toggle between different visualization modes 0 = No visualization 1 = Single block at target position 2 = Glass showing what blocks will be changed /targetmask <mask> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the targeting mask /targetoffset <mask> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the targeting mask /primary <brush-arguments> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set the right click brush /brush copypaste <depth=5> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Left click the base of an object to copy. Right click to paste -r flag Will apply random rotation on paste -a flag Will apply auto view based rotation on paste /brush command [radius] <cmd1;cmd2...> Ma:Global Run the commands at the clicked position. /brush scmd [scatter-radius] [points] [cmd-radius=1] [cmd1;cmd2...] Ma:Global Run commands at random points on a surface /brush shatter [pattern] <radius=10> <count=10> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Creates uneven lines separating terrain into multiple pieces /brush erode <radius=5> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Erodes terrain /brush sphere [pattern] <radius=2> <-h> <-f> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Creates a sphere. -h flag creates hollow spheres instead. -f flag creates falling spheres. /brush pull <radius=5> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Pull terrain towards you /brush stencil [pattern] <radius=5> <file|#clipboard|imgur=null> <rotation=360> <yscale=1.0> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Use a height map to paint any surface. -w flag will only apply at maximum saturation -r flag will apply random rotation /brush recursive [pattern-to] <radius=5> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set all connected blocks -d flag Will apply in depth first order /brush spline [pattern] B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Click to select some objects,click the same block twice to connect the objects. Insufficient brush radius, or clicking the wrong spot will result in undesired shapes. The shapes must be simple lines or loops. /brush sweep <copies=-1> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Sweeps your clipboard content along a curve. Define a curve by selecting the individual points with a brush Set [copies] to a value > 0 if you want to have your selection pasted a limited amount of times equally spaced on the curve /brush catenary [pattern] <lengthFactor=1.2> <size=0> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Create a hanging line between two points. lengthFactor controls how long the line is -h flag creates only a shell -s flag selects the clicked point after drawing /brush line [pattern] <radius=0> <-h> <-s> <-f> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Create lines. -h flag creates only a shell -s flag selects the clicked point after drawing -f flag creates a flat line /brush sspl [pattern] <size=0> <tension=0> <bias=0> <continuity=0> <quality=10> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Create a spline on the surface /brush blendball <-a> <radius=5> <minFreqDiff=1> <-m> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Smooths and blends terrain -a flag sets that the brush should only compare air vs existing blocks -m sets a mask to limit blocks being considered for smoothing /brush circle [pattern] <radius=5> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Creates a circle which revolves around your facing direction. /brush rock [pattern] <radius=10> <roundness=100> <frequency=30> <amplitude=50> <-h> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Creates a distorted sphere /brush height <-lrs> <radius> <yscale> <image> <rotation> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H This brush raises and lowers land. -r flag enables random off-axis rotation -l flag will work on snow layers -s flag disables smoothing /brush flatten <radius=5> <file|#clipboard|imgur=null> <rotation=0> <yscale=1.00> <-h> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Flatten brush flattens terrain -r flag enables random off-axis rotation -l flag will work on snow layers -s flag disables smoothing /brush layer [radius] [patternLayer] B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Replaces terrain with a layer. /brush cylinder [pattern] <radius=2> <height=1> <-h> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Creates a cylinder. -h flag creates hollow cylinders instead. /brush surface [pattern] <radius=5> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Use a height map to paint any surface. -w flag will only apply at maximum saturation -r flag will apply random rotation /brush ex <radius=5> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Shortcut fire extinguisher brush /brush gravity <radius=5> <-h> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H This brush simulates the affect of gravity. -h flag makes it affect blocks starting at the world’s max y, instead of the clicked block’s y + radius. /brush clipboard <-a> <-o> <-e> <-b> <-m> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Chooses the clipboard brush. -a flag makes it not paste air. Without -o flag, the paste will appear centered at the target location. With -o flag the paste will appear relative to where you had stood relative to the copied area when you copied it. -e pastes entities -b pastes biomes, if available -m Skips blocks matching a mask in the clipboard /brush butcher <radius=5> <-p> <-l> <-a> <-n> <-g> <-b> <-t> <-f> <-r> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Kills nearby mobs within the specified radius. -p also kills pets. -n also kills NPCs. -g also kills Golems. -a also kills animals. -b also kills ambient mobs. -t also kills mobs with name tags. -f compounds all previous flags. -r also destroys armor stands. -l currently does nothing. /brush splatter [pattern] <radius=5> <seeds=1> <recursion=5> <solid=true> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Sets a bunch of blocks randomly on a surface. /brush cliff <radius=5> <file|#clipboard|imgur=null> <rotation=0> <yscale=1.00> <-h> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H This brush flattens terrain and creates cliffs. -r flag enables random off-axis rotation -l flag will work on snow layers -s flag disables smoothing /brush smooth <size=2> <iterations=4> <-n> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Chooses the terrain softener brush. -n flag makes it only consider naturally occurring blocks. /brush scatter [pattern] <radius=5> <points=5> <distance=1> <-o> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set a number of blocks randomly on a surface each a certain distance apart. -o flag will overlay the block /schematic list <filter> <page=1> <-d> <-n> <-p> D:C Mo:GS Ad:H List all schematics -p prints the requested page -f restricts by format /schematic clear D:C Mo:GS Ad:H Clear your clipboard /schematic load <format> <filename> D:C Mo:GS Ad:H Load a schematic into your clipboard Load schematics from public folder Mo:GSC Ad:H /schematic loadall <format> [filename|url] D:C Mo:GS Ad:H Load multiple clipboards The -r flag will apply random rotation /schematic delete <filename|*> D:C Mo:GS Ad:H Delete a schematic from the schematic list Delete schematics from public folder Mo:GSC Ad:H /schematic save <format> [filename] D:C Mo:GS Ad:H Save a schematic from your clipboard Save schematics to public folder Mo:GSC Ad:H /schematic unload <file> D:C Mo:GS Ad:H Remove a schematic from your multi-clipboard /schematic move [directory] D:C Mo:GS Ad:H Move your currently loaded schematics Move schematics to public folder Mo:GSC Ad:H /schematic formats D:C Mo:GS Ad:H List available formats /schematic show <global|mine|filter> <-d> <-n> <-p> D:C Mo:GS Ad:H List all schematics in the schematics directory -f restricts by format /brush populateschematic [mask] [file|folder|url] <radius=30> <points=5> <-r> B:C Mo:GS Ad:H Chooses the scatter schematic brush. -r flag will apply random rotation //image [imgur] <randomize=true> <complexity=100> <dimensions> A:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generate an image //generate [pattern] [expression] <-h> <-r> <-o> <-c> A:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generates a shape according to a formula that is expected to return positive numbers (true) if the point is inside the shape Optionally set type/data to the desired block. -h to generate a hollow shape -r to use raw minecraft coordinates -o is like -r, except offset from placement. -c is like -r, except offset selection center. If neither -r nor -o is given, the selection is mapped to -1..1 //generatebiome [biome] [expression] <-h> <-r> <-o> <-c> A:C Mo:GS Ad:H Generates a shape according to a formula that is expected to return positive numbers (true) if the point is inside the shape Sets the biome of blocks in that shape. -h to generate a hollow shape -r to use raw minecraft coordinates -o is like -r, except offset from placement. -c is like -r, except offset selection center. If neither -r nor -o is given, the selection is mapped to -1..1 /cfi update Ad:Global Resend the CFI chunks /cfi mask [imageMask|mask] Ad:Global Select a mask /cfi pattern [pattern] Ad:Global Select a pattern /cfi color [url] <imageMask|mask> Ad:Global Color the terrain using only blocks Provide an image, or worldedit mask for the 2nd argument to restrict what areas are colored -w (disableWhiteOnly) will randomly apply depending on the pixel luminance /cfi image [image] Ad:Global Select an image /cfi snow <image|mask> Ad:Global Create some snow /cfi height [height|image] Ad:Global Set the terrain height either based on an image heightmap, or a numeric value. /cfi cancel Ad:Global Cancel creation /cfi biome [biome] <image|mask> Ad:Global Set the biome in specific parts of the map. /cfi overlay [pattern] <url|mask> Ad:Global Change the block directly above the floor (default: air) /cfi caves Ad:Global Generate vanilla caves /cfi ore [mask=stone] [pattern] [size] [frequency] [rarity] [minY] [maxY] Ad:Global Use a specific pattern and settings to generate ore /cfi ores [mask=stone] Ad:Global Generate the vanilla ores /cfi download Ad:Global Download the current image /cfi schem [mask] [file|folder|url] [rarity] [distance] [rotate=true] Ad:Global Populate a schematic on the terrain /cfi brush Ad:Global Info about using brushes with CFI /cfi randomization [true|false] Ad:Global This is enabled by default, randomization will add some random variation in the blocks used to closer match the provided image. If disabled, the closest block to the color will always be used. Randomization will allow mixing biomes when coloring with biomes /cfi done Ad:Global Create the world /cfi column [pattern] <url|mask> Ad:Global Set the floor and main block /cfi biomepriority <percent=50> Ad:Global Increase or decrease biome priority when using blockBiomeColor. A value of 50 is the default Above 50 will prefer to color with biomes Below 50 will prefer to color with blocks /cfi floor [pattern] <url|mask> Ad:Global Set the floor (default: grass) /cfi main [pattern] <url|mask> Ad:Global Set the main block (default: stone) /cfi smooth [radius] [iterations] <image|mask> Ad:Global Smooth terrain within an image-mask, or worldedit mask /cfi complexity [minPercent] [maxPercent] Ad:Global Set the complexity for coloring Filter out blocks to use based on their complexity, which is a measurement of how much color variation there is in the texture for that block. Glazed terracotta is complex, and not very pleasant for terrain, whereas stone and wool are simpler textures. Using 0 73 for the min/max would use the simplest 73% of blocks for coloring, and is a reasonable value. /cfi paletteblocks [blocks|#clipboard|*] Ad:Global Allow only specific blocks to be used for coloring blocks is a list of blocks e.g. stone, bedrock, wool #clipboard will only use the blocks present in your clipboard. /cfi biomecolor [url] <imageMask|mask> Ad:Global Color the terrain using biomes. /cfi floorthickness [height] Ad:Global Set the thickness of the top layer A value of 0 is the default and will only set the top block /cfi water [block] Ad:Global Change the block used for water /cfi tp Ad:Global Teleport to the CFI virtual world /cfi waterheight [height] Ad:Global Set the level water is generated at /cfi glass [url] Ad:Global Color terrain using glass /cfi populate Ad:Global /cfi blockbiomecolor [url] <imageMask|mask> Ad:Global Color the terrain using blocks and biomes. Provide an image, or worldedit mask to restrict what areas are colored -w (disableWhiteOnly) will randomly apply depending on the pixel luminance /cfi coloring Ad:Global Color the world using an image /cfi baseid [block] Ad:Global Change the block used for the base /cfi worldthickness [height] Ad:Global Set the thickness of the generated world A value of 0 is the default and will not modify the height /cfi component Ad:Global Components menu /cfi empty [width] [length] Ad:Global Start CFI with an empty map as a base /cfi heightmap [url] Ad:Global Start CFI with a height map as a base /we threads Ma:Global Print all WE thread stacks /we version Ma:Global Get WorldEdit version /we reload Ma:Global Reload configuration //lazycopy <-e> <-m> Mo:CSG Ad:H Lazily copy the selection to the clipboard -e skips copying entities -m sets a source mask so that excluded blocks become air -b copies biomes //lazycut <-e> <-m> Mo:CSG Ad:H Lazily cut the selection to the clipboard -e skips entity copy -m sets a source mask so that excluded blocks become air -b copies biomes /we debugpaste Ma:Global Upload debug information to https://athion.net/ISPaster/paste /we tz Ma:Global Set your timezone for snapshots /remove <type> <radius> Mo:CSG Ad:H Remove all entities of a given type in a radius /heightmapinterface Ad:Global Generates the heightmap interface //regen <biome> <seed> Ad:Global Regenerates the contents of the current selection. This command might affect things outside the selection, if they are within the same chunk //wea Ad:Global Bypass region restrictions //inspect Mo:CSG Ad:H Scan blocks for changes //frb history <user=Empire92> <radius=5> <time=3d4h> Mo:CSG Ad:H Undo a specific edit. - The time uses s, m, h, d, y /asset [category] Ad:Global Saves your clipboard to the asset web interface /download Ad:Global Downloads your clipboard through the configured web interface /sp recur [radius] Mo:CSG Ad:H Enable the recursive super pickaxe mode /sp area [radius] Mo:CSG Ad:H Enable the area super pickaxe mode /sp single Mo:CSG Ad:H Enable the single block super pickaxe mode /jumpto <world,x,y,z> Mo:CSG Ad:H Teleport to a location /snapshot list <num> Ma:Global List snapshots /snapshot after [date] Ma:Global Choose the nearest snapshot after a date /snapshot before [date] Ma:Global Choose the nearest snapshot before a date /snapshot use [snapshot] Ma:Global Choose a snapshot to use /snapshot sel [index] Ma:Global Choose the snapshot based on the list id /restore <snapshot> Ma:Global Restore the selection from a snapshot /cs [filename] <args...> Ad:Global Execute a CraftScript /.s <args...> Ad:Global Execute last CraftScript /delchunks Ad:Global //fast <on|off> Mo:CSG Ad:H Toggles World Edit undo /target <1 - 4> Mo:CSG Ad:H Toggle between different target modes 1 - Target Public Range 2 - Forward Point Pitch 3 - Target Point Height 4 - Target Face Range // <on|off> Mo:CSG Ad:H Toggle the super pickaxe function Default World Edit group. Edit up to 5000 blocks per command P:C Novice World Edit group. Edit up to 10000 blocks per command N:C Builder World Edit group. Edit up to 15000 blocks per command B:C Dsigner World Edit group. Edit up to 35000 blocks per command D:C Architect World Edit group. Edit up to 100000 blocks per command A:C Default World Edit group. Edit up to 5000000 blocks per command Mo:Global Use World Edit anywhere Mo:CSG Ad:H Bypass worldedit restrictions Ma:Global Bypass worldedit block restrictions Ma:Global Allows WorldEdit in any PlotSquared plots Ma:C Decorative Blocks /furniture list <option> <side> N:C List available furniture /furniture give [furniture name] <amount> N:C Get a furniture /furniture give [furniture name] <player> <amount> - Give furniture to another player Mo:C /furniture debug Ad:C Right-click a furniture to see the ID, owner, type, etc. /furniture manage Ma:C This is the command to enter the protect system /furniture purge [time] Ma:C This command will remove all furniture models whos owner has not been online for [time] /furniture toggle <player> N:C Toggle furniture visibility /furniture download <furniture name> <new name> Ma:C Download a furniture model from a website /furniture delete <furniture name> Ma:C Delete a downloaded furniture Minigames /minigames P:H Open minigames list Skyblock /challenges P:H Skyblock challenges /island, /is P:H general skyblock command Place <usb> signs Ad:H Bypass cooldowns Ad:H Bypass visitor protections Ad:H Bypass teleport delay Mo:H /is create <schematic> P:H create an island Get Sponsor island S:H Get Donator island D:H Get Sponsor VIP island V:H Exempted from create-cooldown Mo:H /is auto P:H teleports you to your island. If you don`t have an island, it`ll create a new one /is accept|reject P:H accept/reject an invitation /is ban|unban <player> P:H ban/unban a player from your island /is biome|b <biome> <radius> change the biome of the island Deep opean biome P:H Desert biome P:H Extreme hills biome P:H Flower forest biome P:H Forest biome P:H Nether biome P:H Jungle biome P:H Mushroom biome P:H Ocean biome P:H Plains biome P:H Void biome P:H Swamp biome P:H Taiga biome P:H Exempted from biome-cooldown Mo:H /is home P:H teleport to the island home /is info P:H check your island info /is info <island> - allows user to see others island info Mo:H /is invite <oplayer> P:H invite a player to your island /is kick|remove <player> P:H kick a member from your island /is leave P:H leave your party /is level P:H check your island level /is level <island> - check another player`s island level P:H /is limits <player> P:H show island limits /is lock|unlock P:H lock your island to non-party members /is log|l Mo:H display skyblock log /is makeleader|transfer <member> P:H transfer leadership to another member /is party P:H show party information /is party info - shows information about your party P:H /is party invites - show pending invites P:H /is party uninvite <player> - cancel an invite P:H /is perm <member> <perm> P:H Changes a island member`s permissions /is restart|reset <schematic> P:H Delete your island and start a new one Exempted from restart-cooldown Mo:H /is sethome|tpset P:H set the island-home /is setwarp|warpset P:H set your island`s warp location /is spawn P:H teleports you to the skyblock spawn /is togglewarp|tw P:H enable/disable warping to your island /is top <page> P:H display top 10 islands Generate top 10 without caching Mo:H /is trust|untrust <player> P:H trust/untrust a player to help on your island /is warp|w <island> P:H warp to another player`s island /islandtalk|istalk|it <message> P:H talk to players on your island /partytalk|ptalk|ptk <message> P:H talk to your island party /usb Ad:H SkyBlock Admin /usb challenge|ch <player> Ad:H Manage challenges for a player /usb ch <player> complete <challenge> Ad:H completes the challenge for the player /usb chunk load <x> <z> <r> - load current chunk Ad:H /usb config|c <config> Co:H open GUI for config /usb c <config> search Co:H searches config for a specific key /usb cooldown|cd Ad:H Controls player-cooldowns /usb cd clear|c <player> <command> Ad:H clears the cooldown on a command (* = all) /usb debug Ma:H control debugging /usb doc <format> <arg> Co:H saves documentation of the commands to a file /usb fix-flatland <player> Ma:H tries to fix the the area of flatland /usb flush Co:H flushes all caches to files /usb goto <player> Mo:H teleport to another players island /usb import <format> Co:H imports players and islands from other formats /usb info <player> Mo:H show player-information /usb island|is Ad:H manage islands /usb is addmember|add <player> <island> Ad:H adds the player to the island /usb is delete <leader> - delete the island (removes the blocks) Ad:H /usb is get <player> - advanced command for getting island-data Mo:H /usb is ignore <player> - toggles the islands ignore status Ad:H /usb is info <player> - print out info about the island Mo:H /usb is makeleader|transfer <leader> <oplayer> - transfer leadership to another player Ad:H /usb is protect <player> - protects the island Ad:H /usb is purge <leader> - purges the island Ad:H /usb is register <player> - set a player`s island to your location Ad:H /usb is remove <player> - removes the player from the island Ad:H /usb is set <player> - advanced command for setting island-data Ad:H /usb is setbiome <leader> <biome> - sets the biome of the island Ad:H /usb jobs|j Ma:H controls async jobs /usb j stats|s Ad:H show statistics /usb lang|l <language> Co:H changes the language of the plugin, and reloads /usb maintenance <true|false> Ma:H toggles maintenance mode /usb nbt Ma:H advanced info about NBT stuff /usb orphan Ma:H manage orphans /usb perk Ad:H shows perk-information /usb protectall Ad:H protects all islands (time consuming) /usb purge <time-in-days|stop|confirm> <level> <force> Ma:H purges all abandoned islands /usb region|rg Ma:H region manipulations /usb reload Ma:H reload configuration from file /usb topten Ma:H manually update the top 10 list /usb version|v Ma:H displays version information /usb wg Ma:H various WorldGuard utilities Murder Mystery /mm join [arena] <all arenas> P:H Joins specified arena /mm randomjoin P:H Joins random arena of specified game mode /mm stats P:H Shows your stats /mm leave P:H Leave the current game /mm top [statistic] P:H Shows TOP 10 players of specified statistic /mm create [arena] Ma:H Creates a new arena with the specified name /mm [arena] edit Ma:H Edits existing arena /mma list Mo:H Prints list of available arenas /mma stop Ad:H Stops game you`re playing /mma forcestart Ad:H Force starts game /mma reload Ma:H Reloads all game instances they will be stopped /mma delete [arena] Ma:H Deletes specified arena Notifies about a plugin update on join Ma:H Build Battle /bb join [arena] P:H Join the specified arena /bb stats P:H Shows your stats /bb leave P:H Leave the current game /bb top [statistic] P:H Shows TOP 10 players of specified statistic /bb create [arena] Ma:H Creates new arena with specified name /bb [arena] edit Ma:H Edits existing arena true/bba list Ad:H Prints list of available arenas /bba stop Ad:H Stops game you`re playing /bba forcestart (theme) Ad:H Force starts game youre in When theme argument is typed arena starts with predefined theme without Voting phase /bba reload Ma:H Reloads all game instances they will be stopped. Usage highly discouraged! /bba delete [arena] Ma:H Deletes specified arena /bba addplot [arena] Ma:H Adds new plot to the arena /bba removeplot [arena] [plot ID] Ma:H Remove target plot from the arena /bba addnpc Ma:H Spawn floor changer NPC at your location /bba settheme [theme] Ad:H Set new theme of arena. Works only when game started, and for 20 seconds after start /bba votes [add/set] [amount] (player) Ad:H Add or set super votes to target player or yourself. Use -[amount] to remove votes /bba plotwand Ma:H Get a plot wand for arena setup Notifies about plugin update on join Ma:H Mob Arena /ama coins Ad:H Coins management /ama editor Ma:H Open GUI editor /ama forceend [arena] Ad:H Force stop specified arena /ama forcestart [arena] Ad:H Force starts specified arena /ama help P:H Show plugin commands /ama hologram Ma:H Stats hologram management /ama join (arena) P:H Join a specified or random arena /ama leave P:H Leave the arena /ama list P:H Open arenas GUI /ama reload Ma:H Reload the plugin /ama shop P:H Open arena shop /ama skipwave (amount) Ad:H Skip specified amount of waves /ama spectate [arena] P:H Join the specified arena as spectator /ama stats P:H Open stats GUI Parkour /pa join [arena / id] P:H join the parkour arena /pa leave P:H leave the parkour arena /pa info <player> P:H show your or other player`s parkour info /pa stats [arena] P:H display arena info /pa lobby <lobby> Mo:H teleport to the specified lobby /pa perms Mo:H display your parkour permissions /pa like/dislike P:H vote for the arena you joined /pa list P:H arena list /pa quiet P:H toggle parkour messages /pa invite [player] P:H invite a player to the course /pa challenge [course] [player] <wager> P:H challange another player /pa joinall P:H join all the arenas /pa create [arena] Ma:H create and select an arena /pa checkpoint <point> Ma:H create or overwrite a checkpoint /pa kit <kit> Ma:H get the parkour kit /pa select [arena] Ma:H edit the arena /pa done Ma:H stop editing the arena /pa setstart Ma:H set selected arena start to your current position /pa setautostart [arena] Ma:H create auto start for the arena /pa setcreator [arena] [player] Ma:H set arena creator /pa setlobby <name> <level> Ma:H create or overwrite parkour lobby /pa finish <arena> Ma:H finish the arena /pa prize <arena> Ma:H configure arena rewards /pa test Mo:H parkour test mode /pa leaderboard <arena> <amount> <type> P:H show the leaderboard /pa tp/tpc [arena] Mo:H teleport to the arena /pa link [argument] [argument] Ma:H link an arena with another /pa linkkit [arena] [kit] Ma:H link a parkour kit to the arena /pa listkit <kit> Mo:H display parkour kits /pa setmode [arena] Ma:H set parkour mode /pa setjoinitem [arena] [materia] [amount] Ma:H join item /pa setminlevel [arena] [level] Ma:H set arena minimum level /pa setmaxdeath [arena] [deaths] set arena max deaths /pa setmaxtime [arena] [seconds] Ma:H set the time limit /pa rewardone [arena] Ma:H toggle if the rewards are given once /pa rewardlevel [arena] [level] Ma:H reward level on finish /pa rewardleveladd [arena] [amount] Ma:H reward level add /pa rewardrank [level] [rank] Ma:H reward rank on finish /pa rewarddelay [arena] [delay] Ma:H reward cooldown in days /pa recreate Co:H fix the database /pa delete [feature] [argument] Ma:H delete various features /pa reset [feature] [argument] Ma:H reset various features /pa whitelist [command] Ma:H whitelist a command /pa createkit Ma:H create a parkour kit /pa editkit Ma:H edit an existing parkour kit /pa validatekit <kit> Ma:H validate a parkour kit /pa setlevel [player] [level] Ad:H set player`s parkour level /pa setrank [player] [rank] Ad:H set player`s parkour rank /pa sql Co:H display sql menu /pa settings Ma:H parkour settings /pa request/bug Ad:H show relevant info Spleef /spleef join <arena> P:H Join a spleef game /spleef leave P:H Leave spleef game /spleef stats P:H Your spleef stats /spleef setgspawn - Set spleef spawn Ma:H /spleef start <arena> - Force start spleef Ad:H /spleef stop <arena> - Force stop spleef Ad:H /spleef delete <arena> - Delete a spleef arena Ma:H /spleef edit <arena> - Edit a spleef arena Ma:H /spleef updateLeaderboard - Update spleef leaderboard Ad:H /spleef config set [path] [value] - Edit spleef configuration Ma:H /spleef reload - reload spleef Ma:H Join full games Mo:H Read the restore log Ma:H Miscellaneous Commands /prewards P:GSC Check play time rewards Check another player's play time rewards Mo:GSC Claim rewards for another player Ad:GSC /recipe P:Global Check recipes /workbench D:HGS P:C Opens up a workbench Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Donator rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End Open a workbench for another player Mo:Global /ctext P:Global Shows custom text Show custom text to another player Mo:Global /sit P:Global Sit down /getbook P:Global Get a book Give a a book to someone Ad:Global /donate Donate the item you are holding /shakeitoff P:Global Dismount any entity riding you /ride T:Global Ride a mob /colors P:Global Shows all possible colors Shows color codes to another player Ad:Global /colorpicker P:Global Hex color picker Shows hex color picker to another player Ad:Global /merchant P:C Mo:HGS Opens villager trade menu Opens villager kit menu for another player Ad:Global /suicide P:Global End it all Make someone else commit suicide Ad:Global /point Mo:Global Points to a block Change particle type Mo:Global /lastonline [playername] P:Global Shows the last logout time of a player /seen T:Global Check when player was last seen /whowas [playername] Mo:Global Shows player name history See previous names Mo:Global /realname P:Global Displays the mojang username of a specified player /ptime T:HGS S:HGS P:C Adjust player`s client time. Add @ prefix to fix /ptime - Change the time of another online player Ad:Global /pweather T:HGS S:HGS P:C Adjust a player`s weather /pweather - Change the pweather of someone else Ad:Global /ping P:Global ping Show another player's ping Ad:Global /votes P:Global List your votes List another player's votes Mo:Global /stats P:Global Check player stats Check other player's stats Mo:Global /votetop P:Global Top votes list vote top list for other players Ad:Global /list P:Global List all the players in the server you`re in /near <radius> Mo:Global Lists the players near by or around a player Hides player from near list Ad:Global /pos P:Global Get your current coordinates Get the position of another player Mo:Global /clear P:Global Clear all items in your inventory Clear other players' inventory Ad:Global /clearender P:Global Clear all items in your ender chest Clear another player`s ender chest Ad:Global /options P:Global Toggle options Toggle holograms visibility P:Global Toggle sign editing with shift click P:Global Toggle totem boss bar P:Global Toggle compass P:Global Toggle chat tag sound P:Global Toggle private messages P:Global Toggle teleport requests P:Global Toggle payments P:Global Toggle chat spy Mo:Global Toggle command spy Ma:Global Toggle sign spy Mo:Global /togglecompass P:Global Toggle boss bar compass /compass P:Global Point your compass to a given location Execute that for another player Ad:Global /dispose T:HGS P:C Opens a portable disposal menu Opens a dispose menu for another player Ad:Global /enderchest T:Global Lets you see inside an enderchest /ender [player] - See the contents of another players enderchest Mo:HGSC Prevents your ender chest from being modified Mo:Global Bypass modification protection Ma:Global Edit someone else's ender chest contents Ad:Global /saturation P:C Mo:HGS Set saturation level Set saturation level of another player Ad:Global /launch P:C Mo:HGS Launch yourself towards the direction you are looking Launch another player Ad:Global /lockip P:Global Prevents your from logging in from another IP Prevents another player from logging in from another IP Ad:Global /feed P:C Mo:HGS Feed yourself feed other players Ad:Global feed all players Ad:Global /hunger P:C Mo:HGS Set your hunger level Set someone else's hunger level Ad:Global /saveditems P:C Mo:HGS Manage saved items Manage another player's saved items Ad:Global /fly D:GS P:CH enable fly mode Keep fly mode while entering combat mode with a player Mo:Global Keep fly mode while entering combat mode with a mob Mo:Global /fly - Make someone else fly Ad:Global /flyspeed Mo:Global change your fly speed Change the speed of other players Ad:Global /heal P:C Mo:HGS heal yourself /heal - Heal all players Ad:Global /heal - Heal others Ad:Global /head T:Global V:Global Get a player head Give someone a player head Ad:Global Get someone else's head V:Global /playtime P:Global Shows your play time Shows another player's play time T:Global /playtimetop P:Global Play time top list /mobhead Mo:Global Get a mob head Give someone a mob head Ad:Global /dynmap webregister P:CGS registration command for our interactive online map /dynmap hide Mo:CGS Hide yourself from the map [player] - Hides the player from the map Ad:GSC /dynmap show Mo:CGS Shows yourself on the map again [player] - Shows the player on the map again Ad:CGS Extra inventories /pv # P:G Open an extra inventory 1 row P:G 2 rows T:G 3 rows S:G 4 rows D:G /pv [player] Mo:G Lists another player`s extra inventories /pv [player] [#] Mo:G Open another player`s extra inventory /pvdel [#] P:G Delete your extra inventory /pvdel [player] [#] Ad:G Delete another player`s extra inventory /pvreload Ma:G Reloads config and lang files /pvconvert [all -or- plugin name] Co:G Convert other plugins to playervaults. Currently only supports backpack Full access Co:G Get update notifications Ma:G Referral /invite P:H Referral guide /Ref <Player> P:H Rever a player /RefAccept <Player> P:H Confirm a referral /RefReject <Player> P:H Reject a referral /RefAdmin Reset <Player> Ad:H Resets referral status /RefAdmin Remove <Player> Ad:H Removes the player from referral database /RefReload Ma:H Reloads plugin Vote Crates /crates P:Global Crate commands /crate key show P:Global Show the amount of crate keys Show the amount of keys someone else has Mo:Global /crate menu [menu] P:Global Open crate menu Open crate menu for someone else Mo:Global /crate [crate] P:Global Preview crate contents Open crate preview for someone else Mo:Global /crate drop [crate] [world] [x] [y] [z] Ad:Global Place a crate at a specified location /crate forceopen [crate] <player> Ad:Global Open a crate for a player /crate give [player] [crate] <amount> Ad:Global Give crate to a player /crate key give [player] [key] <amount> Ad:Global Give player a crate key /crate key take [player] [key] <amount> Ad:Global Take crate keys from player /crate key set [player] [key] <amount> Ad:Global Set the amount of player crate keys /crate resetcooldown [player] [crate] Ad:Global Reset crate cooldown for player /crate resetlimit [player] [crate] [reward] Ad:Global Reset player crate reward win limits /crate reload Ma:Global Reload crates plugin Bypass the cost of opening a crate, if set Ad:Global Bypass the XP cost of opening a crate, if set Ad:Global Bypass the reward win limit amount, if set Ad:Global Bypass reward win cooldown, if set Ad:Global Marriage /marry P:Global List all marry commands /marry [playername] P:Global Marry someone /marry divorce [playername] P:Global Divorce /marry list P:Global Shows all married players /marry tp P:Global Teleports to the partner /marry chat P:Global Private chat /marry chat toggle P:Global Toggle between marriage chat and global chat /marry kiss P:Global Kiss your partner /marry hug P:Global Hug your partner /marry gift P:Global Gifts the item in your hand to your partner /marry backpack P:Global Opens the backpack of your partner /marry [player]] P:Global Sends player a marriage request /marry listenchat Mo:Global Shows the marry chat /marry seen P:Global Check when your partner was last online /marry reload Ma:Global Reloads the configuration of the plugin Catch mobs /SimpleEgg reload Reload simpleegg Catch chickens K:S Catch cod K:S Catch cows K:S Catch bats E:S Catch dolphins E:S Catch foxes E:S Catch iron golems T:S Catch mooshrooms E:S Catch pandas E:S Catch pigs T:S Catch polar bears T:S Catch pufferfish E:S Catch rabbits K:S Catch salmon K:S Catch sheep K:S Catch snowmen E:S Catch squids T:S Catch tropical fish E:S Catch turtles T:S Catch villagers A:S Catch wandering traders T:S Catch cats K:S Catch donkeys E:S Catch horses E:S Catch llamas E:S Catch mules K:S Catch ocelots K:S Catch parrots E:S Catch skeleton horses A:S Catch trader llamas T:S Catch wolves E:S Catch zombie horses A:S Catch blazes A:S Catch cave spiders A:S Catch creepers A:S Catch drowneds A:S Catch endermen T:S Catch endermites T:S Catch magma cubes T:S Catch piglins T:S Catch silverfish T:S Catch skeletons A:S Catch slimes T:S Catch spiders K:S Catch zombies A:S Catch bees A:S Block log /lb help Prints help information /lb params Prints a full list of parameters /lb commands Prints a full list of commands /lb tool P:Global Get the lookup tool /lb tool <on|off> P:Global Toggle tool block inspection /lb tb <on|off> Sets the enabled state of the lookup tool /lb tb <params> Sets the command imitation of the tool block to the specified params /lb savequeue Forces all changes currently waiting in the queue to save to the database /lb writelogfile <params> Writes result of query using params specified to a log file located at /plugins/LogBlock/log/*.log /lb [lookup] <params> P:Global Prints result of query using params specified /lb page <number> Prints information contained on the page specified in the arguments from the last lookup /lb <prev/next> Prints information contained on the previous or next page from the from the last lookup /lb tp <number> Mo:Global Teleports the player to the location of a block change in the last lookup or rollback error. In order to teleport to results, the param coords is required to have been used in the last lookup or rollback /lb tp <params> Teleports the player to the location of the last recorded result of parameters supplied. /lb tp player [player] teleports you to the location of the last recorded result by player [player]. This is not usable from console /lb rollback (or rb, undo) <params> Ad:Global Rolls back block changes, chest changes and sign changes, if recorded, of the specified parameters. Will also print information about rollback after it is complete unless silent parameter is used /lb redo <params> Redoes block changes, chest changes and sign changes, if recorded, of the specified parameters in backwards order. Will also print information about redo after it is complete unless silent parameter is used /lb clearlog <params> Ma:Global Deletes the log regarding the specified parameters /lb hide Co:Global Toggles the players hidden status /lb me P:Global Shows you a statistical view of your block changes. Create sign based elevators. Tutorial here P:Global Administrative Join full server Mo:Global Bypass all command cooldowns Mo:Global You are ignored from sleeping players requirement to skip the night Mo:Global Use -s variable in cmi commands to avoid sending feedback messages to target player Mo:Global Bypass all command costs Mo:Global Damage players while being in god mode Ad:Global Select an area with cmi selection tool (currently wooden shovel). Some cmi selection thing for portals Ma:Global Get informed when someone breaks chat filter rules Mo:Global Bypass command spam filter Mo:Global Bypass chat spam filter Mo:Global /preview Mo:Global Load chunks in a given range /portals Ma:Global Manage portals /placeholders Ma:Global Lists all cmi placeholders /maxplayers Ma:Global Change max players /migratedatabase Co:Global Changes database system and migrates all data /money Ma:Global Edit another player`s balance /oplist Mo:Global List ops /notarget Mo:Global Toggle mob targeting Toggle mob targeting for another player Ad:Global /maxhp Ad:Global Set player max hp Set max hp of another player Ad:Global /maintenance Ma:Global switch server into maintenance mode bypass maintenance mode Mo:Global /patrol Mo:Global Patrol players Bypass patrol list Mo:Global /panimation Ad:Global Play custom particle animation Play particle animations for another player Ad:Global /playercollision Mo:Global Toggle player collision Toggle player collision for another player Ad:Global /switchplayerdata Ma:Global Switch all data from one player to another /importoldusers Ma:Global Imports users from player data folder /ic Ma:Global Create interactive commands /ifoffline Ma:Global Perform command only when player is offline /ifonline Ma:Global Perform command only when player is online /importfrom Ma:Global Import data from other plugins /purge Ma:Global Deletes inactive player's data from world folder /status Mo:Global Show server status /statsedit Ad:Global Edit player statistics /dsign Ad:Global Manage dynamic signs /haspermission Ma:Global Check player's permission for another player Ma:Global /toggleshiftedit Mo:Global P:C Toggles sign shift editing Edit signs with shift click Mo:Global P:C Edit signs on protected land Ad:Global /burn [player] [seconds] Mo:Global set yourself on fire Set another player on fire Ad:Global /commandspy Mo:Global Toggle command spy Toggle command spy for another player Ad:Global Hides your commands from command spy Co:Global Bypasses blacklisted command spy commands Co:Global /counter Ad:Global Starts a counter force a counter message Ad:Global Specify counter time Ad:Global Change counter range Ad:Global Set the counter to a specific location Ad:Global Use a custom counter message Ad:Global Join the counter group after logging in P:Global /attachcommand Mo:Global Attach a commnd to an item Attach console commands Ma:Global Attach silent cmi commands Mo:Global /god Ad:Global enables god mode /god - Toggle god mode for another player Ad:Global /tgod Ad:Global enables temporary god mode Toggle temporary god mode for another player Ad:Global /tfly D:GS P:CH enables temporary fly mode Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank Hub world Manage temporary fly settings for another player Ad:Global Defines max seconds for temporary fly P:CH Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank Hub world Toggle temporary fly mode for another player Ad:Global /inv Mo:Global See the inventory of other players Prevent your inventory from being edited Ad:Global Bypass inventory edit protection Co:Global Edit inventories Ad:Global /invcheck Mo:GSH P:C View saved inventories /invlist Mo:GSH P:C Show saved inventories list /invload Mo:GSH P:C Load a saved inventory Load another player`s saved inventory Ad:Global /invremove Mo:GSH P:C Delete a saved inventory Delete another player`s saved inventory Ad:Global /invremoveall Delete all saved inventories. Console only! /invsave Mo:GSH P:C Save inventories Save someone else's inventory Ad:Global /killall Ad:Global Kills all specified entities Force kill Ad:Global /kill Ad:Global Kill a player /checkaccount Mo:Global Check for player`s other possible accounts Show ip Ad:Global /smite Mo:Global The power of Thor /lightning <player> <power> Mo:Global /editplaytime Ad:Global Edit play time Edit other players' play time Ad:Global /customrecipe Ma:Global Manage custom recipes /editctext Ma:Global Custom text editor /editlocale Ma:Global Edit cmi locale /disableenchant Ma:Global Disable enchantments /saveall Ma:Global Save all player inventories /sc Mo:Global Copy signs /se Mo:Global Change sign text line /signspy Mo:Global Toggle sign spy Hides your signs from sign spy Co:Global /scan Ad:Global Scan for items in your current world Adjust scan speed Ad:Global /search Mo:Global Search items/enchants/fly/maxhp/gm/oversize modes and other stuff Search other users Mo:Global /setworth Ma:Global Set the sell value of an item /invisframes reload Reload invisible item frames plugin /shoot Mo:Global Shoot a mob /spawnmob Mo:Global Spawns a mob /sudo Ma:Global Make another player perform a command /sound Mo:Global Play a sound at target location Play a sound to another player Mo:Global /solve Mo:Global Solve an equation /util Ad:Global administration tools /usermeta Ad:Global Manage user meta data /voteedit Edit vote count /unjail Mo:GSCH Release a player from jail /jail Mo:Global Jail a player Prevent being jailed Mo:Global /jailedit Ma:Global Edit jails /jaillist Mo:Global List jails /silentchest Mo:Global Open chests without making any sound Edit chests without making any sound Mo:Global /vanish Mo:Global Hide yourself from other players Vanish other players Ad:Global See vanished players Mo:Global /vanishedit Mo:Global Edit vanish settings Edit vanish settings for another players Ad:Global /version Ma:Global Shows cmi/server version /time P:Global Display/Change the world time. Defaults to current world freeze Mo:Global unfreeze Mo:Global day Mo:Global morning Mo:Global night Mo:Global dusk Mo:GSCH add Mo:Global take Mo:Global /weather Mo:Global Sets the weather /spawner Mo:Global Set spawner type /spawnereditor Mo:Global Edit spawners /repaircost Ma:Global Item repair cost /lfix Mo:Global Fix chunk lighting Fix chunk lighting outside of your view Ad:Global /replaceblock Replace blocks around you Adjust speed Co:Global /resetdbfields Ma:Global Reset user cmi database fields /removeuser Ma:Global Remove user and its data /sameip Ad:Global Lists user logged in with same ip /give Mo:Global give yourself free items give free items to other players Ad:Global /reload Ma:Global Reload cmi plugin /giveall Ad:Global Give an item to all players /schedule Ma:Global Trigger schedules /gamerule Ma:Global Manage game rules /findbiome Mo:Global Find the neared biome specified /tps Mo:Global Server tps /viewrange Ad:Global Set view range Set view range for another player Ad:Global /air Mo:GSH P:C Set your air level /aliaseditor Ma:Global Edit comman aliases HolographicDisplays /hd Ad:Global Main command of the plugin, short alias of /hologram. Shows info about it, the version and the developer /hd help Ad:Global Shows the main commands of the plugin, hovering on the commands will show help for each one /hd create <hologramName> [text] Ad:Global Creates a new hologram with the given name at your location. This name is used in the other commands. /hd delete <hologram> Ad:Global Deletes a hologram /hd list [page] Ad:Global Lists all the existing holograms and their locations /hd near <radius> Ad:Global Lists all the near holograms in the given radius /hd teleport <hologram> Ad:Global Teleports you to the hologram /hd align <x|y|z|xz> <hologramToAlign> <referenceHologram> Ad:Global Aligns the first hologram to the second in the given axis. For example, y aligns two holograms vertically, moving them to the same height, xz horizontally, moving them to the same x/z position /hd movehere <hologram> Ad:Global Moves a hologram to your feet position /hd edit <hologram> Ad:Global Lists all the possible commands to modify an existing hologram /hd addline <hologram> <text> Ad:Global Adds a line of text to a hologram /hd removeline <hologram> <number> Ad:Global Removes the <number> line (counting from top to bottom) /hd setline <hologram> <number> <newText> Ad:Global Changes the <number> line (counting from top to bottom) /hd insertline <hologram> <number> <text> Ad:Global Inserts a line after the <number> line (counting from top to bottom). If the number is 0, the line will be inserted at the top /hd info <hologram> Ad:Global Prints the content of a hologram with line numbers /hd readtext <hologram> <fileWithExtension> Ad:Global Reads the lines from a text file. Create a file (for example logo.txt) and put it into the plugin`s folder. Create a new hologram (for example named test) and then do /hd readtext test logo.txt to paste the text file into the hologram /hd copy <fromHologram> <toHologram> Ad:Global Copies the content of the first hologram into the second one. After running the command they will be identical /hd readimage <hologram> <imageWithExtension> <width> [-a] Ad:Global Reads an image from the plugin`s folder or from an URL (if the path starts with http://), with a given width (will be automatically resized, max width is 150 pixels). The symbol used will be taken from the configuration. Transparent backgrounds are supported, you can choose in the configuration what string should be used as space /hd reload Ma:Global Reloads the config files and the saved holograms Themis AntiCheat /themis info Mo:Global Shows violation scores and other information about a player /themis help Mo:Global Anticheat commands list /themis reload Ma:Global Reloads Themis AntiCheat /themis notify Ma:Global Sends an anticheat notification to everyone with themis.notify permission, this is meant to be used in the config file, not directly ingame Receive update notifications Ma:Global Bypass AntiCheat Mo:Global ClearLag /lagg clear Ad:Global Clears configured entities /lagg check [world1, world2...] Ad:Global Displays world information + more /lagg reload Ma:Global Reloads the configuration /lagg killmobs Ad:Global Kills configured mobs /lagg area <radius> Ad:Global Removes entities in given radius /lagg tpchunk <x> <z> [world] Ad:Global Teleports to given chunk /lagg admin Ma:Global Manage modules /lagg gc Ma:Global Force request Garbage collection /lagg tps Mo:Global View estimated TPS [Not as accurate as Spigot /tps] /lagg halt Ma:Global Temporary disable configured basic server functions /lagg sampleMemory <time> Ad:Global Sample memory usage per-tick, and garbage collection timings /lagg sampleTicks <ticks> [raw] Ad:Global Sample how long ticks took to complete /lagg unloadchunks Ad:Global Attempts to unload chunks /lagg profile <time> <type> Ad:Global Profile certain activities such as redstone to see which chunk is the most active CombatIndicator /combatindicator reload Ma:Global reload Punishments /advancedban help Shows a list of all commands and a brief explanation /kick [PLAYER] <-s> <REASON | @LAYOUT> kick a player /ban [PLAYER] <-s> <REASON | @LAYOUT> perma ban /cuff Will freeze a player /tempban [PLAYER] [Xmo|Xd|Xh|Xm|Xs|#TIMELAYOUT] <-s> <REASON | @LAYOUT> temporary ban /unban [PLAYER] unban player /banip [PLAYER/IP] <-s> <REASON | @LAYOUT> perma ban ip /tempipban [PLAYER/IP] [Xmo|Xd|Xh|Xm|Xs|#TIMELAYOUT] <-s> <REASON | @LAYOUT> temporary ip ban /mute [PLAYER] <-s> <REASON | @LAYOUT> permanent mute /tempmute [PLAYER] [Xmo|Xd|Xh|Xm|Xs|#TIMELAYOUT] <-s> <REASON | @LAYOUT> temporary mute /unmute [PLAYER] unmute /warn [PLAYER] <-s> <REASON | @LAYOUT> permanent warning /tempwarn [PLAYER] [Xmo|Xd|Xh|Xm|Xs|#TIMELAYOUT] <-s> <REASON | @LAYOUT> temporary warning /unwarn [ID] Remove a warning /unpunish [ID] Remove a punishment /warns [PLAYER] Show [player] warns /check [PLAYER] Get player info: UUID/IP/Country/Ban-Status/Mute-Status/Warn-Count /banlist <PAGE> See all currently active punishments /change-reason [ID] [New reason] Change the reason for a punishment by id /history [PLAYER] <PAGE> See all currently active punishments /advancedban reload Reloads the messages from file and some settings /systemprefs Displays some System-Information which are useful for the configuration CustomOrgeGen /CustomOreGen Ma:H Reloads the configuration file CommandSync /sync Co:Global view the help menu /sync console [server/all] Co:Global Send a command to run on all servers, a single server or bungee /sync player [name/all] Co:Global Send a command to run for all players or a single player DynMap /dynmap sendtoweb msg Mo:Global Send a message to dynmap BookExploitFix /filter Mo:C Actively applies the filter on the book in your hand CauseOfDeath /cod-reload Ma:Global reload BungeeTabListPlus /BungeeTabListPlus reload Ma:Global reloads most parts of the config /BungeeTabListPlus hide [on|off] Mo:Global hides you from the tablist Bukkit commands /advancement <grant|revoke|test> <player> Co:Global Gives the specified player an advancement or changes a statistic value /debug Co:Global On success, starts or stops the debug session. While active, includes notifications about potential performance bottlenecks in the console. When stopped, creates a profiler results file in the folder debug /defaultgamemode <mode> Co:Global Change the gamemode of new players joining the server /deop <player> Co:Global Removes server operator status from a player /difficulty <level> Co:Global Changes the difficulty of the server /gamerule [rule] [new value] Ma:Global Changes the rules of the server. Type /gamerule to see a list of all game rules /op <player> Co:Global Turns a player into a server operator /playsound <sound> <player> [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimumVolume] Mo:Global Plays the sound sound to player, coming from the specified location, at the specified volume, pitch, and minimum volume /save-all Co:Global Forces a server-wide level save of the terrain /save-off Co:Global Disables automatic terrain saving (useful for backup scripts) /save-on Co:Global Re-enables automatic terrain saving /say <message> Co:Global Broadcasts a message to all players as the server /scoreboard <objectives/players/teams> <...> Co:Global Complex command which edits and manipulates the scoreboard, a data storage structure /seed Co:Global Outputs the world seed /setblock <x> <y> <z> <name> [data] [handling] [dataTag] Co:Global Sets a block to be another block /fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <name> [data] [handling] [dataTag] Co:Global Fills a area of blocks /spreadplayers <x> <z> <spreadDistance> <maxRange> <respectTeams> <players> Ma:Global Spreads players randomly throughout a region of blocks, spreadDistance blocks apart. respectTeams puts teams close to each other /stop Co:Global Gracefully stops the server (i.e. allows the server to save the worlds and lets all the plugins shut down properly) /summon <EntityName> [x] [y] [z] [dataTag] Ma:Global Summons an entity (mobs, projectiles, items, vehicles, etc.) /tell <player> <message> Ad:Global Allows the user to privately message another player /tellraw <player> <JSON message> Ma:Global Sends a raw message to the player using the JSON text format /testfor <player> [dataTag] Co:Global Tests for players with the specified names and data tag. player is most commonly an @identifier. Used in command blocks, as the success count (comparator output) increases for each player found /testforblock <x> <y> <z> <name> [data] [dataTag] Co:Global Tests if the block at the location is name:data with dataTag. Used primarily in command blocks as their success outputs to a comparator /toggledownfall Co:Global Turn on or off rain/snow in the current world /whitelist on/off Co:Global Enable or disable whitelisting (i.e. only listed players may join) /whitelist add/remove <player> Co:Global Add or remove player from the whitelist /whitelist list Co:Global Lists whitelist /whitelist reload Co:Global Reloads whitelist from file /xp <player> <amount> Ad:Global Gives the specified player a certain amount of experience. If l is appended to the amount, it gives levels instead of points WorldBorder /wb list available commands like below (show help) /wb set <radiusX> [radiusZ] set world border of specified radius (in blocks), centered on you. Can only be run by an in-game player. If radiusZ isn`t specified, the radiusX value will be used for both /wb [worldname] radius <radiusX> [radiusZ] change border radius for this world. The world needs to have already had a border set, since the x and z values are not modified. If radiusZ isn`t specified, the radiusX value will be used for both. A + or - can be added to the start of radiusX or radiusZ to have the current radius increased or decreased a specified amount, for example +100 would increase the existing border radius by 100 blocks /wb [worldname] clear Co:Global remove border for this world /wb clear all - remove all borders for all worlds Co:Global /wb list Co:Global show full border information for all worlds /wb shape <elliptic|round|rectangular|square> Co:Global set the primary border shape to elliptic/round (default), or rectangular/square. Note that elliptic and round are interchangeable here, as are rectangular and square /wb knockback <distance> Co:Global how far to move the player back inside the border when they cross it /wb [worldname] fill [freq] [pad] [force] Co:Global generate all missing chunks for this world, out to the border. The freq value is the number of times per second it will try to check/generate a chunk (default 20). For a server with players on it, you should probably stick with the default or possibly even a lower value. If you just want it to finish as quickly as possible, try 1000 or so. The pad value is how much of a buffer to add beyond your borders (default 208, should keep any more chunks from being generated by players). Specify true for the force value if you want to force loading of all world chunks instead of automatically skipping chunks which are already fully generated. Read below for more info /wb [worldname] trim [freq] [pad] Co:Global trim off extra chunks for this world, beyond the border. The freq value is the number of chunks per second it will try to check (default 5000). The pad value is how much of a buffer to keep beyond your borders (default 208, should keep any more chunks from being generated by players). Read below for more info /wb bypass [player] [on|off] Ma:Global enable/disable bypass mode for a player, allowing them to go beyond the border without being knocked back. The list of people with bypass mode enabled is stored between server restarts. The specified [player] name is optional if run in-game and defaults to the player running the command if not specified, but is instead required if run from console. [on|off] is optional and will simply toggle if you don`t specify on or off /wb bypasslist Co:Global outputs a list of all players who have border bypass enabled /wb fillautosave <seconds> Co:Global set the interval for automatic saving of the world during the Fill process. Default 30 seconds, set to 0 to disable automatic world saving (not recommended) /wb wshape [worldname] <elliptic|round|rectangular|square|default> Co:Global Override the shape for this world only. The world needs to have already had a border set. The default shape used by other worlds (set via /wb shape) will not be changed by this. Note that elliptic and round are interchangeable here, as are rectangular and square /wb wrap [worldname] <on|off> Co:Global toggle border wrapping for the specified world (default off). This will make border crossings in that world send the player around to the opposite edge of the border instead of just knocking them back /wb getmsg Co:Global display the message shown to people who cross the border /wb setmsg <message> Co:Global change the border message /wb delay <amount> Co:Global the number of server ticks it will wait between border checks, the default is 5 ticks (250ms) /wb whoosh <on|off> Co:Global turn knockback whoosh effect on or off /wb portal <on|off> Co:Global turn portal redirection on or off (default on). Makes sure portals are made/directed inside the world border. You should normally only need to turn it off if you have problems with Multiverse not creating portals or any other plugin incompatibilities /wb denypearl <on|off> Co:Global toggle option which cancels ender pearls which are thrown past the border, rather than just adjusting their target location /wb dynmap <on|off> Co:Global enable/disable DynMap integration. This will show your borders in DynMap, and they should update almost immediately if you change anything about the border /wb dynmapmsg <text> Co:Global Borders shown in DynMap will have a label with this text. Defaults to `The border of the world` /wb remount <amount> Co:Global Set the delay in server ticks before remounting a player to their vehicle after they`re knocked back from the border. Defaults to 0, which disables re-mounting and leaves the vehicle next to the player. This value should not be set to a value lower than 10 (the former default value) on a public server as that would lead to client glitches. Even the former default value of 10 has been reported to rarely glitch on some servers, which is why remounting now defaults to disabled /wb reload Co:Global re-load data from config.yml. Normally should never be needed, but here just in case /wb debug <on|off> Co:Global turn console debug output on or off. Also should normally never be needed WorldGuard /locate [<player>] Mo:Global Have your compass point to another player, or pointed to spawn if no player is specified /wg flushstates Co:Global Debugging command that clears information about players that is stored for the purpose of applying region flags. For example, for the entry flag to work, the player`s last block is stored every time he or she moves, which is used to determine whether the player has entered a region. This command can be useful when a player is stuck inside or outside a region due to the entry or exit flags /stopfire [<world>] Ma:Global Immediately stop all fire spread on the current or given world /allowfire [<world>] Ma:Global Lift the fire spread suspension /stoplag [-s] Ma:Global Remove all entities in all worlds and enter a mode where all physics events and liquid flow events are stopped. In addition, when a chunk loads, all entities in that chunk are removed. The purpose of this command is to solve problems involving thousands of entities or items. However, when this command was added, tameable animals were not a thing and the loss of entities was not an issue, but this is no longer the case and this command should be reserved for extremely desperate occasions. -s can be provided to make the toggle not issue an announcement in chat /stoplag -c [-s] Ma:Global Disable the stop lag mode. -s can be provided to make the toggle not issue an announcement in chat /stoplag -i Ma:Global Display the status of the stop lag mode /wg report [-p] Co:Global Writes a report file (/WorldGuard/report.txt) detailing information about the server setup (list of plugins, their versions, world settings) as well as WorldGuard configuration. This command is to easily provide information to others for support purposes. The report does not contain sensitive data. Use -p to also submit the report to a pastebin site and have a link generated that you can give to others Be able to have a report or profile submitted to a pastebin service Co:Global /wg profile [-p] [-t <name>] [<minutes>] Co:Global Starts profiling CPU usage of the current running server, and runs the profiler for the given duration (defaulting to 5 minutes if a duration is not specified). The profiler is based on WarmRoast. By default, results are only collected for the main thread where the world is `ticked`, but -t can be specified to filter by a different thread name (case in-sensitive). An asterisk (*) can be specified instead to profile all threads (i.e. -t *). Use -p to also submit the profiling result to a pastebin site and have a link generated that you can give to others. This is recommended because the output of the profiler is formatted by the pastebin site to make it readable /wg debug Co:Global WorldGuard debugging /wg debug testbreak [-t] <player> - Simulates a ‘block break’ event Co:Global /wg debug testdamage [-t] <player> - Simulates an ‘entity damage’ event (use to test PvP and PvE) Co:Global /wg debug testplace [-t] <player> - Simulates a ‘block place’ event Co:Global /wg debug testinteract [-t] <player> - Simulates a ‘block interact’ event Co:Global /wg version - Show WorldGuard version Co:Global /wg reload Co:Global Reload WorldGuard configuration, blacklist, and region data /wg running Co:Global Show WorldGuard running tasks. An example of a running task is a UUID lookup of a player that occurs in the background /rg save Co:Global Saves the region data to disk /rg migratedb [from] [to] Co:Global Migrates from one type of storage driver /rg migrateuuid Co:Global Converts player names in the region data to UUIDs /rg define Co:Global Creates a new region with a given ID and an optional list of owners. Your current WorldEdit selection is used for the area of the region /rg claim Co:Global Claims a region, which is for self-serve player-created regions. See Claiming for more information Bypass claiming limits Co:Global /rg list Co:Global List your regions list all regions Co:Global /rg redefine Co:Global Changes the physical area associated with an existing region and replaces it with your current WorldEdit selection /rg remove Co:Global Removes a region. /rg select Co:Global Replaces your current WorldEdit selection with the area of an existing region /rg info Co:Global shows you region info /rg load Co:Global worldguard.region.load /rg teleport Mo:Global teleport to a region /rg addmember Co:Global add members to a region /rg addowner Co:Global add owner to a region /rg removemember Co:Global remove region member /rg removeowner Co:Global remove region owner /rg flag Co:Global Sets a flag on a region /rg setpriority Co:Global Sets the priority of a region /rg setparent Co:Global Sets the parent of a region PlugMan /plugman help Co:Global Show help information /plugman list [-v] Co:Global List plugins in alphabetical order. -v to include versions /plugman info [plugin] Co:Global Displays information about a plugin /plugman dump Co:Global Dumps plugin list and versions to a file /plugman usage [plugin] Co:Global List commands that a plugin has registered /plugman lookup [command] Co:Global Find which plugin a command is registered to /plugman enable plugin Co:Global Enable a plugin /plugman enable all - Allow use of the enable all command Co:Global /plugman disable plugin Co:Global Disable a plugin /plugman disable all - Allow use of the disable all command Co:Global /plugman restart plugin Co:Global restart a plugin /plugman restart all - Allow use of the restart all command Co:Global /plugman load [plugin] Co:Global Load a plugin /plugman reload plugin Co:Global reload a plugin /plugman reload all - Allow use of the reload all command Co:Global /plugman unload [plugin] Co:Global Unload a plugin /plugman check plugin [-f] Co:Global Check if a plugin is up-to-date /plugman check all [-f] - Allow use of the check all comamnd Co:Global See update messages Ma:Global Deluxemenus /dm open [menu] P:Global Open a GUI menu /dm open [menu] [player] - Open GUI menus for another player Mo:Global /dm list Mo:Global List GUI menus /dm execute [player] [action] Ma:Global Executes any action for a player Quests /quests stats Mo:Global View quest statistics /quests top [number] Mo:Global View plugin leaderboards /quests info Co:Global View plugin information /quest Mo:Global View current quest objectives /quest [quest] Mo:Global View information about a quest /questadmin Ad:Global Display administrator help /questadmin stats [player] Mo:Global View quest statistics of a player /questadmin give [player] [quest] Ad:Global Force a player to take a quest /questadmin quit [player] [quest] Ad:Global Force a player to quit a quest /questadmin points [player] [amount] Ad:Global Set a player`s Quest Points /questadmin takepoints [player] [amount] Ad:Global Take away a player`s Quest Points /questadmin givepoints [player] [amount] Ad:Global Add to a player`s Quest Points /questadmin pointsall [player] [amount] Co:Global Set ALL players` Quest Points /questadmin finish [player] [quest] Ad:Global Force a player to complete a quest /questadmin nextstage [player] [quest] Ad:Global Force a player to complete current stage /questadmin setstage [player] [quest] [stage] Ad:Global Set the current stage for a player /questadmin reset [player] Ad:Global Clear all Quests data of a player /questadmin remove [player] [quest] Ad:Global Remove a completed quest from a player /questadmin reload Co:Global Safely reload the plugin /quests actions Co:Global Ability to open Action Editor /quests editor Co:Global Ability to open Quests Editor SetSpawn /spawn help Co:Global shows more information /spawn Co:Global go to the spawn /spawn set Co:Global set the spawn /spawn reload Co:Global reloads the config Allows you to bypass /spawn cooldown P:Global PlaceHolderAPI /papi info [placeholder] Co:Global Gives you information about the specified expansion. /papi [player|me] [Text with placeholders] Co:Global parse Parses the placeholders in a given text and shows the result /papi bcparse [player|me] [Text with placeholders] Co:Global Parses an expansion and broadcasts the result to all players /papi parserel [player1] [player2] [%placeholder%] Co:Global Parses a relational placeholder /papi ecloud Co:Global Shows info about the expansion cloud and performs actions with it clear - Clears the expansion cloud cache download - Download an expansion [expansion name] - Name of the expansion to download <version> - A specific version of the expansion to download (Optional) info - Get info about an expansion [expansion name] - Name of the expansion to get info from list [all|author [author>|installed] - List either all expansions, only those of a author or all installed ones [page] - The page to list placeholders - Lists placeholders of an expansion [expansion name] - The expansion to show the placeholders from refresh - Refreshes the cached data of the expansion cloud status - Shows the actual status of the ecloud versioninfo - Get info of a specific expansion version [expansion name] - Name of the expansion to get info from [version] - The specific version to get the info from /papi list Co:Global Lists all active/registered expansions /papi register [filename] Co:Global Registers an expansion from a specified filename /papi unregister [filename] Co:Global Unregisters the specified expansion /papi reload Co:Global Reloads the config settings all /papi commands Co:Global all /papi commands, except /papi ecloud Co:Global all /papi ecloud commands Co:Global get update notifications Co:Global view version Co:Global PermissionsEx /pex Co:Global Display help /pex toggle debug Co:Global Enable/disable debug mode (WARNING: This will produce **many** entries in your server.log file. Use this only for debugging!) /pex reload Co:Global Reload the pex environment /pex config <node> [value] Co:Global Print <node> value from plugin configuration. Specify [value] to set a new value /pex backend Co:Global Print the currently used backend /pex backend <backend> - Change the permissions backend on-the-fly (Use with caution!) Note that this will only change the backend on-the-fly, it will not save the change in the config file, nor will it convert anything. This is for testing only) Co:Global /pex hierarchy Co:Global Print the complete user/group hierarchy /pex import <backend> Co:Global Import users/groups from selected format /pex worlds Co:Global Print the worlds PEX and the server know of /pex world <world> Co:Global Print the <world> inheritance info /pex world <world> inherit <parentWorlds> - Set the parent worlds for <world>. <parentWorlds> can be just one world, or a comma-separated list of worlds Co:Global /pex users cleanup <group> [threshold] Co:Global Remove inactive users from the file. threshold is in days and defaults to 30 /pex users list Co:Global List all users defined in the permissions file /pex users - List all users defined in the permissions file (alias to users list) Co:Global /pex user <user> check <permission> Co:Global Checks 1 specific permission against 1 specific user /pex user Co:Global List all users defined in the permissions file (alias to users) /pex user <user> toggle debug - Enable/disable debug mode on one specific user (WARNING: This can still produce **many** entries in your server.log file. Best used immediately _before_ and _after_ a user executes an action or command) Co:Global /pex user - List the registered users Co:Global /pex user <user> prefix [newprefix] - Get or set the prefix for <user> Co:Global /pex user <user> suffix [newsuffix] - Get or set the suffix for <user> Co:Global /pex user <user> delete - Remove <user> from the permissions file Co:Global /pex user <user> list [world] - List the permissions for <user> Shows the permissions assigned to the user directly as well as those assigned via the group the user is a member of. Specify [world] to list the users permission for a single world Co:Global /pex user <user> - List the permissions for <user> (alias to user <user> list) Co:Global /pex user <user> add <permission> [world] Add <permission> to <user>. Specify [world] to grant/deny permission only in [world] Co:Global /pex user <user> remove <permission> [world] Remove <permission> from <user>. Specify [world] to remove permission only from [world] Co:Global /pex user <user> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> to <value>. Set value to two double-quotes if you want to remove the <option>. Specify [world] to set <option> only in [world] Co:Global /pex user <user> timed add <permission> <lifetime in seconds> [world] - Add timed <permission> to <user> for <lifetime in seconds> in [world] Co:Global /pex user <user> timed remove <permission> <lifetime in seconds> [world] Remove timed <permission> from <user> for <lifetime in seconds> in [world] Co:Global /pex user <user> group list - List all groups the <user> is currently in Co:Global /pex user <user> group add <group> [world] [lifetime] - Add <user> to <group>. Optional param lifetime (in seconds) is used to make timed membership. You can replace world by * if the group of the user is applied for all worlds and you want applied a lifetime Co:Global /pex user <user> group set <group> [world] - Set <user> group to <group>. Note that this command removes the user from any other groups they are a member of Co:Global /pex user <user> group remove <group> [world] - Remove <user> from <group> Co:Global /pex default group [world] Co:Global Print the default groups for specified world. If [world] is not specified, it will apply to the global config /pex set default group <group> <value> [world] Co:Global Set the default flag of <group> in [world]. Any number of groups can have this flag set. If [world] is not specified, it will apply to the global config. <value> is true or false /pex group Co:Global Pex groups command /pex groups - List all registered groups (alias to groups list) Co:Global /pex groups list - List all registered groups Co:Global /pex group <group> prefix [newprefix] - Get or set the prefix for <group> Co:Global /pex group <group> suffix [newsuffix] - Get or set the suffix for <group> Co:Global /pex group <group> create [parents] - Create <group>. Specify [parents] to set the groups it inherits from Co:Global /pex group <group> delete - Remove <group> Co:Global /pex group <group> parents list - List the parents for <group> Co:Global /pex group <group> parents set <parents> - Set the parent(s) for <group> Co:Global /pex group <group> - List all <group> permissions Co:Global /pex group <group> list [world] List all permissions for <group>. Specify [world] to list the group`s permissions for [world] Co:Global /pex group <group> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <group> Co:Global /pex group <group> remove <permission> [world] Remove <permission> from <group>. Specify [world] if this permission should be removed only in [world] Co:Global /pex group <group> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> <value> for <group>. Set value to two double-quotes if you want to remove the <option>. Specify [world] if the option should be set only in [world] Co:Global /pex group <group> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] Add timed <permission> to <group> with [lifetime] in [world] Co:Global /pex group <group> timed remove <permission> [world] nRemove timed <permission> for <group> in [world] Co:Global /pex group <group> weight [weight] - Prints the weight value of <group> in `calories` where a lower value has _more_ priority than a group with a higher value. i.e., 1 has more priority than 2, 2 more than 3, etc. If [weight] is defined when using this command, sets the weight value of <group> to [weight] Co:Global /pex group <group> user add <user> - Add <user> to <group> Co:Global /pex group <group> user remove <user> - Remove <user> from <group> Co:Global /pex promote <user> <ladder> Co:Global Promote <user> on <ladder>. If <ladder> is not specified, the default ladder (named default) will be used. /pex demote <user> <ladder> Co:Global Demote <user> on <ladder>. If <ladder> is not specified, the `default` ladder will be used NPCUtilities /NPCUtilities addNPC [npc id] [command] [RIGHT CLICK / LEFT CLICK / BOTH CLICKS] Ma:Global CONSOLE:[command] will execute the command as a console /NPCUtilities removeNPC [npc id] Ma:Global removes the click command from given npc /NPCUtilities reloadConfig Ma:Global reload the plugin Multiverse-Core /mvlist Mo:Global Displays a listing of all worlds that you can enter /mvhelp Mo:Global Displays the Multiverse help pages /mv info <WORLD> <PAGE> Ma:Global Displays information about the world you`re in or the world specified /mv create [NAME] [ENV] <-s SEED> Co:Global <-g GENERATOR<:ID>> <-t TYPE> <-a true|false> - Creates a new world and loads it /mv import [NAME] [ENV] <GENERATOR<:ID>> Co:Global Imports an existing world folder /mv reload Ma:Global reloads worlds list and config /mv set spawn Ma:Global Sets the respawn point for the current world /mvtp <PLAYER> [WORLD] Mo:Global Allows you to teleport to a different world /mv who <WORLD|-a> Mo:Global Displays who is in which world(s). -a is all worlds /mv spawn <PLAYER> P:Global Teleports you to the spawn Send someone else to a spawn point Mo:Global /mv unload [WORLD] Ma:Global Unloads a world from the Bukkit server /mv remove [WORLD] Co:Global Unloads a world from the Bukkit server and removes it from the MV configs /mv delete [WORLD] Co:Global Unloads a world from the Bukkit server, removes it from the MV configs AND DELETES the world folder /mv confirm Ma:Global Confirms an action /mv purge <WORLD|all> [all|animals|monsters|MOBNAME] Ma:Global Removes the specified entities from the specified worlds /mv clone[world][NewWorldNam] Ma:Global Clones a world (Copies a world directory to another directory) /mv regen Co:Global Regenerates a world /mv modify set [PROPERTY] [VALUE] <WORLD> Ma:Global Modifies a world`s variable Variables you can set: alias - String color - String Must be one of these: AQUA, BLACK, BLUE, DARKAQUA, DARKBLUE, DARKGRAY, DARKGREEN, DARKPURPLE, DARKRED, GOLD, GRAY, GREEN, LIGHTPURPLE, RED, YELLOW, WHITE animals - Boolean monsters - Boolean pvp - Boolean scale/scaling - Double price - How much it costs to enter the world. Enter 0 for free. Enter negative value for debit, positive value for credit currency/curr - What it costs to enter the world in the form of an Item ID (-1 to use the econ plugin you have installed) respawn - String This value can either be the Name of a world or the Alias of that world. Space CAN be used mode/gamemode - Sets the mode for all players in a world. Must be creative or survival diff/difficulty - Sets the difficulty of a world. You can use string or integers: Possible values are PEACEFUL - 0, EASY - 1, NORMAL - 2, HARD - 3 weather - Turn weather on/off /mvmodify [add|remove] [VALUE] [PROPERTY] <WORLD> Ma:Global Adds or Removes a value to a world`s property Variables you can add to or remove from: worldblacklist - String: What worlds can you not go to from here animals - String monsters - String /mv modify clear [PROPERTY] <WORLD> Ma:Global Clears all values from a list property Variables you can clear: worldblacklist animals monsters /mv gamerule [RULE] [VALUE] <WORLD> Ma:Global Sets a Minecraft game rule for a world Game rules you can set: All the game rules are case sensitive commandBlockOutput - Whether command blocks should notify admins when they perform commands doFireTick - Whether fire should spread doMobLoot - Whether mobs should drop items doMobSpawning - Whether mobs should naturally spawn doTileDrops - Whether blocks should have drops keepInventory - Whether the player should keep items in their inventory if they die mobGriefing - Whether creepers, endermen, ghasts, and withers should be able to change blocks or zombies, skeletons, and zombie pigmen can pick up items /mv env Ma:Global Displays the valid environments /mv silent <true|false> Ma:Global Causes several of the startup messages to be hidden when silent mode is enabled /mv debug <0, 1, 2, 3> Ma:Global Provides detailed information on what the plugin is doing in console. Helpful for permission issues or destination issues /mv anchor NAME <-d> Ma:Global Anchors should be used if you have a place you want to go frequently. Using the /mv anchor NAME command to first create an anchor, you can then use it in any command that takes a destination teleport someone else to the anchor Ma:Global Skript /skript help Ma:Global Show skript commands /skript reload [all/config/aliases/scripts/scriptName] Ma:Global Reload plugin config, scripts etc. /skript disable [all/scriptName] Ma:Global Disable all or a specific script /skript update [check/changes/download] Ma:Global Check for updates or download an update /skript Ma:Global Show plugin information Multiverse-NetherPortals /mvp list <WORLD> Ma:Global Displays a listing of all portals /mvp select <PORTAL> Ma:Global Selects a portal so you can perform multiple modifications on it /mvp wand Ma:Global Gives a Portal Creation Wand (wooden axe by default), used to select areas for portal creation. This will only work if you are NOT using WorldEdit, unless the WorldEdit or MultiVerse wands are changed to a different item /mvp info <PORTAL> Ma:Global Displays information about a portal /mvp create [NAME] <DESTINATION> Ma:Global Creates a new portal, assuming you have a region selected (use the wand to select a region). The destination can be set to where you want the portal to go, otherwise, it will be set to teleport all players to the position you were at when you created it (here can also be used as the destination for the same purpose). Destination can either another portal (p:portalname), world (w:worldname), position (e:WORLD:X,Y,Z[:PITCH:YAW]), or current position (here) /mvp remove [NAME] Remove the portal whose name is given /mvp modify [PROPERTY] <VALUE> <-p PORTAL> Ma:Global Allows you to modify all values that can be set on the selected portal. The target portal must be selected first if [-p PORTAL] is omitted. Values that can be set include owner, dest, and loc (owner, destination, and location, respectively) /mvp debug <on|off> Ma:Global Instead of teleporting you to a place when you walk into a portal you will see the details about it. With no params, the command toggles the current on/off state Servers Global ranks P - Player rank T - Trusted rank S - Sponsor rank D - Donator rank V - Vip rank A - Architect rank H - Hub Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A G - Settlements Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A F - Factions Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A S - Survival specific ranks K - Knowledgeable rank E - Experienced rank A - Advanced rank Progression: P > K > E > A > T > S > D > V C - Creative specific ranks N - Novice rank B - Builder rank B+ - Builder+ rank D - Designer rank Progression: P > N > B > B+ > D > T > S > D > V > A General /servers P:Global List and Teleport to servers /menu P:Global Open up quick access menu /vote P:Global Vote sites list /web P:Global Website and discord /hub P:Global Teleport to Hub server /settlements P:Global Teleport to Settlements server /survival P:Global Teleport to Survival server /creative P:Global Teleport to Creative server /pvp P:G Open pvp arena list /ranks P:CS Open ranks list /quests P:G Open quests menu /ptr P:G Play time rewards /help P:Global Help pages /rules P:Global Server rules /tos P:Global Terms of service /donate P:Global Donation store /afk P:Global Marks you as afk /afk [player] - AFK other players Mo:Global /afkcheck [player] P:Global Check afk status of another player /kit P:Global Various kits /kit join - Get first join items P:H Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank Spawn /kit - Give a kit to another player Ad:Global /kitcdreset Mo:Global Reset kit timer Reset kit timer for another player Ad:Global /kitusagereset Mo:Global Reset kit usages Reset kit usage for another player Ad:Global /kiteditor Ma:Global Kit editor 15 chunk view range Ad:Global Chat and Messaging /actionbarmsg <message> Mo:Global Sends a message to action bar /ignore [player] P:Global Ignore or unignore other players You are exempted from ignore Mo:Global /toast Mo:Global Sends toast message to player /titlemsg Mo:Global Sends title message to player /bossbarmsg <message> Mo:Global Sends a message to boss bar Use commands in bossbar automated messages Ad:Global Use colors in bossbarmsg command Mo:Global /whisper [msg] P:Global Send a whisper message. Only players close to you can see these messages /whisper - Toggle between whisper chat and regular chat P:Global /whisperradius [number] - Set the whisper chat radius P:Global /whisperset [on/off] - Another command for toggling whisper mode P:Global /whisperspy - Toggle whisper spy mode Mo:Global /msg <player> <message> P:Global Send a private message /reply <message> P:Global reply to a private message /staffmsg Mo:Global Staff messaging /tagtoggle Mo:Global Tag a player make a player tag another player Ad:Global colorize tagged players. huh? Mo:Global /chat <message> P:Global Chat rooms Kick player from a chat room T:Global Force join a chat room Mo:Global Create a chat room T:Global Create private chat rooms T:Global Create locked chat rooms Mo:Global Leave a locked chat room Mo:Global Create persistent chat rooms Mo:Global Invite player to a chat room T:Global Join a private chat room without an invitation Mo:Global List players in a chat room P:Global List chat rooms P:Global /socialspy Mo:Global spy on private messages toggle social spy for other players Ma:Global /mutechat Mo:Global Mute public chat Bypass public chat mute Mo:Global /mailall Mo:Global Send mail to all the players /mail P:Global Send mail to other players Read others' mail Mo:Global /me <msg> T:Global Send a special message /helpop [msg] P:Global message online staff See Helpop messages Mo:Global Store Xp in bottles /bottle P:G A:S Opens help menu /bottle stats P:G A:S /bottle stats [playername] Mo:GS /bottle until [level] P:G A:S /bottle get [amount] P:G A:S /bottle get max P:G A:S /bottle store [amount/levels/max] Mo:GS /bottle store max Mo:GS /bottle give Mo:GS Item modification /itemframe <invisible/fixed> P:Global Make item frames invisible or prevent item rotation /rename V:HGSC T:HGSC rename the item you`re holding Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End rename another player's item Mo:Global Rename items with blacklisted names Mo:Global /itemlore V:HGSC T:HGSC Set item lore Set other player's item lore Mo:Global /condense T:HGSC V:HGSC Condenses items into a more compact stacks/blocks Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /uncondense T:HGSC V:HGSC Uncondenses items into a less compact stacks/blocks Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /enchant A:C Mo:HGSC Enchants the item you`re holding Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End Enchant items for another player Ad:Global Use blacklisted enchants Ad:Global Use invalid enchants Ad:Global /effect B:C Sets your potion effect /effect Mo:HGS Sets your potion effect Set another player's potion effect Ad:Global /hideflags Mo:Global Hides item flags Hides item flags for another player Ad:Global /unbreakable A:C Makes an item unbreakable /unbreakable Mo:HGS Makes an item unbreakable Makes an item unbreakable for another player Ad:Global /repair P:C Mo:HGS Repairs items Repair items for another player Ad:Global Change paintings by shift click. Use middle mouse button to scroll through paintings T:Global Lands Bypass land block break protection Ad:G Bypass land block place protection Ad:G Bypass land block ignite protection Ad:G Bypass land interaction protection Ad:G Bypass land door interaction protection Ad:G Bypass land container interaction protection Mo:G Bypass land villager protection Ad:G Bypass land animal attack protection Ad:G Bypass land player attack protection Ad:G Bypass WorldEdit restrictions in other player''s lands Ad:G Bypass land fly flag Mo:G Bypass land enter flag Mo:G Bypass wilderness block break protection Ad:G Bypass wilderness block place protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness block ignite protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness interaction protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness interaction protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness interaction protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness interaction protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness animal attack protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness player attack protection for disallow-wilderness_list in config Ad:G Bypass wilderness WorldEdit restrictions in wilderness. Ad:G Fly in wilderness Mo:G Bypass /lands unstuck cooldown Mo:G /Lands setowner - set another player''s land owner Ad:G Set new land owner Ad:G Access to /Lands reload Ma:G /Lands admin wilderness - Open wilderness menu Ad:G Give claimblocks to player Ad:G /lands help P:G Lands help /lands claim P:G Claim chunks /lands create P:G Create a land claim /lands merge [land] P:G Merge 2 lands /lands accept [land] P:G Accept and invite from a land Join up to 3 lands. This does not include lands that you own P:G Join up to 4 lands. This does not include lands that you own T:G Join up to 5 lands. This does not include lands that you own S:G Join up to 6 lands. This does not include lands that you own D:G Join up to 7 lands. This does not include lands that you own V:G /lands chat <land> [msg] P:G Land channel chat /lands delete P:G Delete your land Delete land Ad:G Delete another player''s land or unclaim chunks Ad:G /lands deny P:G Deny land invite /lands deposit <land> [amount] P:G Deposit money into land bank /lands edit [land] P:G Land edit mode /Lands edit - edit another player''s land Ad:G Reset another player''s land settings Ad:G Edit role settings for another player''s land Ad:G Edit roles that are higher than or equal to your own role. Ad:G Edit land settings for another player''s land Ad:G /lands info <land> P:G Show information about a land /lands invites P:G Show received invites /lands leave [land] P:G Leave your land /lands map P:G Lands map /lands menu P:G Open land menu /lands menu here P:G Open land menu for the chunk you''re standing on /lands rename <land> [name] P:G Rename your land Rename another player''s land Ad:G Bypass /lands rename cooldown Mo:G /lands selection P:G Region selection /lands setrole [player] [area,*] [role] P:G Set player''s role for a given area /lands setspawn P:G Set spawn location for your land /lands spawn <land> P:G Teleport to land spawn Bypass /lands spawn cooldown Mo:G /lands teleport [x] [z] P:G Teleport to a claimed chunk Teleport to wilderness with /lands teleport. Mo:G Teleport to private land spawns Mo:G Bypass chunk teleport cooldown Mo:G Bypass teleportation delays / warmups Mo:G /lands top P:G Show lands top list /lands trust [player] <area,*> P:G Trust a player in your land, or an area if specified Trust players in another player''s land Ad:G Untrust players or remove invites from other lands Ad:G /lands untrust [player] <area,*> P:G Untrust a player from your land, or from an area if specified Untrust players from another player''s land Ad:G /lands unclaim P:G Unclaim a chunk /lands unclaimall P:G Unclaim all chunks /lands view P:G Show land borders /lands withdraw <land> [amount] P:G Withdraw money from your land bank /lands taxes P:G View upcoming taxes Edit taxes for another player''s land Ad:G /lands rent P:G Manage rentals Grief Protection /AbandonClaim P:SC Deletes the claim you`re standing in Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /ClaimExplosions P:SC Toggles if explosions are allowed in the claim Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /Trust P:SC Gives another player permission to build in your claim Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /UnTrust P:SC Revokes any permissions granted to a player in your claim Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /AccessTrust P:SC Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /ContainerTrust P:SC Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /TrustList P:SC Lists the permissions for the claim you`re standing in Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /SubdivideClaims P:SC Switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can subdivide your claims Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /RestrictSubclaim P:SC Restricts a subclaim, so that it inherits no permissions from the parent claim Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /BasicClaims P:SC Puts your shovel back in basic claims mode Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /PermissionTrust P:SC Grants a player permission to share his permission level with others Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /Untrust All P:SC Removes all permissions for all players in your claim Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /AbandonAllClaims P:SC Deletes all of your claims Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /BuyClaimBlocks P:SC Converts server money to claim blocks Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /SellClaimBlocks P:SC Converts claim blocks to server money Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /GivePet Mo:SC Gives away a tamed animal Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Mod rank Open Creative /ClaimsList P:SC Lists claims and claim block details Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative Lists information about a player`s claim blocks and claims Mo:SC Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Mod rank Open Creative /IgnorePlayer P:SC Ignores a target player`s chat messages Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /UnIgnorePlayer P:SC Un-ignores a target player`s chat messages Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /IgnoredPlayerList P:SC Lists all players currently ignored Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /Siege P:SC Besieges a player Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /Trapped P:SC Gets a player out of a land claim he`s trapped inside Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /UnlockDrops P:SC Allows other players to pick up items you dropped when you died Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative unlock someones drops Mo:SC Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Mod rank Open Creative /RestoreNature Mo:S P:C Switches the shovel tool to restoration mode Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /RestoreNatureAggressive Mo:S P:C Switches the shovel tool to aggressive restoration mode Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /RestoreNatureFill Mo:S P:C Switches the shovel tool to fill mode Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /IgnoreClaims Ad:SC Toggles ignore claims mode Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Admin rank Open Creative /AdminClaims Ad:SC Switches the shovel tool to administrative claims mode Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Admin rank Open Creative /DeleteAllAdminClaims Deletes all administrative claims /AdminClaimsList Ad:SC Lists all administrative claims /AdjustBonusClaimBlocks Ad:SC Adds or subtracts bonus claim blocks for a player Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Admin rank Open Creative /AdjustBonusClaimBlocksAll Adds or subtracts bonus claim blocks for all online players /SetAccruedClaimBlocks Ad:SC Updates a player`s accrued claim block total Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Admin rank Open Creative /DeleteClaim Ad:SC Deletes the claim you`re standing in, even if it`s not your claim Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Admin rank Open Creative /DeleteAllClaims Deletes all of another player`s claims /SoftMute Mo:SC Toggles whether a player`s messages will only reach other soft-muted players Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Mod rank Open Creative /GPreload Co:SC Reloads Grief Prevention`s configuration settings /TransferClaim Co:SC Converts an administrative claim to a private claim /Separate Mo:SC Forces two players to ignore each other in chat Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Mod rank Open Creative /ClaimBook P:SC Gives a player a manual about claiming land Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Open Creative /DeleteClaimsInWorld Co:SC Deletes all the claims in a world. Only usable at the server console /DeleteUserClaimsInWorld Deletes all the non-admin claims in a world. Only usable at the server console mcMMO /mcmmo [commands] P:G Shows a brief description and the available commands /mcstats P:G Shows your mcMMO stats and xp /inspect (player) P:G Shows detailed mcmmo stats (like /mcstats) of another player inspect players far from you Mo:G inspect hidden players Mo:G inspect offline players Mo:G /mctop [skillname][page number] P:G Shows the top ten (or later, with page number) players in overall power or in the named skill and their power or skill level in that skill /mcrank [username] P:G Shows how high the player is ranked in each skill. It default to the username of the user who runs the command but it`s possible to look at other players stats by adding a username to the command /mcability P:G Toggles whether or not abilities get readied on right click /[skill name] P:G view information about the mcMMO skill /party P:G Manage your mcMMO party /party ? P:G More information about parties /party P:G Check party information /party create <party-name> <password> P:G Create a party /party join <player> <password> P:G Join a party /party invite <player> P:G Invite a player to join your party /party accept <player> P:G Accept a party invite /party password <password> P:G Set a password for the party you currently own /party kick <player-name> P:G Kick a player from the party /party owner <player-name> P:G Set a player as the party owner /party expshare [none/equal] P:G Set the party share mode /party lock P:G Lock the party /party unlock P:G Unlock the party /party q P:G Quit the party you`re currently in /partychat [message] P:G Toggle Party chat or send party chat messages /adminchat [message] Mo:G Toggle admin chat or send a message in admin chat /mcrefresh Ad:G Refresh all cooldowns for mcMMO /mcrefresh [player] - Refresh cooldown for someone else Ad:G /mcgod Ad:G Toggle mcMMO god-mode on/off /mcgod [player] - Apply mcgod to other players P:G /xprate [rate]/reset Co:G Modify the xp rate or start an event /xprate reset - Reset xp rate Co:G /mmoedit <skill> <level> Ad:G Edit the mcMMO skill values /mmoedit [player] <skill> <level> - Edit mcMMO skill of another player Ad:G /addxp <skill> <xp> Ad:G Add mcMMO XP /addxp [player] <skill> <xp> - Add mcMMO xp to another player Ad:G /addlevels <skill> <levels> Ad:G Add mcMMO levels /addlevels [player] <skill> <levels> - Add mcMMO levels to another user Ad:G /mcremove [player] Co:G Remove a user from the database /skillreset [player] <skill> Ad:G Reset skill level Reset any skill Co:G /mcpurge Co:G Purge users with 0 powerlevel and/or who haven`t connected in several months from the server DB /mcconvert database <flatfile|sql> Co:G Convert between different database and formula types /mcimport Co:G Automagically generate mod config files, ready to be filled in Teleportation and Homes Teleportation /spawn P:Global Teleport to server spawn /back P:Global Teleport back to your previous location /dback P:Global Teleports you to your death location Teleport to the death location of another player Mo:Global /tphere [player] Mo:Global teleport player to your location /tpall <player> Ad:Global Teleports all players to you or <player> /tptoggle P:Global Enable or disable force teleportations /tpa [player] P:Global Send a teleportation request to [player] /tpahere [player] P:Global Request [player] to teleport to your location /tpalock <accept/deny/off> P:Global Automatically accept or deny teleportation requests /tpaccept P:Global Accept teleportation request /sendall Ad:Global Send all online players to target server Excempts you from being sent to another server Ad:Global /tpdeny P:Global Deny teleportation request /tp [player] <other player> Mo:Global Teleports to the given player /tp [world] <x> <y> <z> Mo:Global Teleports to the given location /tp [player] [world] <x> <y> <z> Mo:Global Teleports player to the given location /rt Mo:Global Teleport to a random location Teleport another player to a random location Ad:Global Bypass cooldown Mo:Global /setrt Ma:Global Set random teleport bounds /setspawn <playerName> <true/false> <-g:[groupName]> <-rng:[range]> <-w:world,world_nether> <loc:[world;x;y;z;yaw;pitch]> Ma:Global Set the server spawn point /setfirstspawn Ma:Global Sets first spawn point Locations /warp P:Global List all warps or warp to the specified location Teleport another player to a warp Ad:Global /editwarp Ad:Global Edit warps /setwarp Ma:Global Set a warp location /delwarp Ad:Global Delete a warp Homes /home [name] P:Global teleport to home /home [player:][name] - Teleport to another player`s home Mo:Global /homes P:Global list homes /homes [player] - List anotther playe`s homes Mo:Global /homes [range] - List homes in a given range Mo:Global /sethome <name> P:Global Set home to your current location Set a home location for another player Ad:Global Up to 2 homes P:S Up to 3 homes P:HGC K:S Up to 4 homes E:S Up to 5 homes A:S Up to 10 homes T:Global Up to 15 homes S:Global Up to 20 homes D:Global Up to 25 homes V:Global Specify home location coordinates Mo:Global /delhome <name> P:Global removes a home Delete someone`s home Ad:Global Shops and Economy /shop P:GS Opens shop menu /shop reload Ma:GS Reloads shop /shop deleteOldUser Ma:GS Delete shop user data /shop settax temp [value] [duration in minutes] Ma:GS Set temporary shop tax /shop settax [value] Ma:GS Set shop tax /shop setdefaultshop [shop name] Ma:GS Set default shop /shop renameshop [old] [new] Ma:GS Rename shop /shop mergeshop [shop 1] [shop 2] Ma:GS Merge 2 shops /shop deleteshop [shop] Ma:GS Delete a shop /shop createshop [name] <permission> Ma:GS Create a new shop /ds shop shop [shop] log [enable|disable|clear] Ma:GS Manage shop logs /ds shop [shop] account [set|linkto|transfer] Ma:GS Manage shop accounts /ds shop [shop] add [item] [value] [median] [stock] Ma:GS Add item to a shop /ds shop [shop] addhand [value] [median] [stock] Ma:GS ? /ds shop [shop] edit [item] [value] [median] [stock] Ma:GS Edit shop item values /ds shop [shop] editall [purchaseValue|salesValue|valueMin|valueMax|median|stock|max stock] [=|+|-|*|/] [amount] Ma:GS Edit all items in a shop /ds shop [shop] SetToRecAll Ma:GS ? /ds shop [shop] sellbuy [sellonly|buyonly|clear] Ma:GS Sell or buy only /ds shop [shop] maxpage [number] Ma:GS Set max pages /ds shop [shop] permission <true|false|custom> Ma:GS Shop permissions /ds shop [shop] flag [flag] [set|unset] Ma:GS Shop flags /ds shop [shop] position [pos1|pos2|clear] Ma:GS ? /ds shop [shop] shophours [open] [close] Ma:GS Manage shop open hours /ds shop [shop] fluctuation [interval] [strength] Ma:GS Set stock fluctuation /ds shop [shop] stockstabilizing [interval] [strength] Ma:GS Set stock stabilization /balance P:Global shows your current balance /balance [player] - See the balance of other players T:Global /balancetop P:Global gets the top balance values /pay [player] [amount] P:Global Pay another player /paytoggle P:Global toggles payments /check P:Global Write checks Give and cash a check for another player without using paper Ma:Global /sell P:G Quick sell /worth P:G Checks item's worth Market /market P:GS Opens up the auction house /market help P:GS Shows all available commands /market expire P:GS Opens expired items list /market collect P:GS Opens collectable items list /market listed P:GS Lists items player is currently selling /market reload Ma:GS Reloads all the files /market view <player> P:GS Shows the list items being sold by the searched player /market sell <price> [amount] P:GS Add the item currently in your hand to the selling section of the auction house 10 sale listings P:GS 15 sale listings T:GS 20 sale listings S:GS 25 sale listings D:GS /market bid <price> [amount] P:GS Add the item currently in your hand to the bidding section of the auction house 10 auction listings P:GS 15 auction listings T:GS 20 auction listings S:GS 25 auction listings D:GS Trade /trade [player] P:GS Request [player] to trade with you /trade [accept, deny, toggle] P:GS Accept, deny or toggle traderequests /ts reload Ma:GS Reload trade plugin /ts reload Ma:GS Reload trade plugin Chest Shop /iteminfo P:G Get information about the item in your hand /iteminfo <id/name> P:G Get information about the item with the given id or name /csgive <itemcode> [<amount>] [<player>] Give item with a unique ChestShop code to a player /cstoggle P:G Toggle buy and sell notificiation messages /chestshop version Mo:G Display the ChestShop version /chestshop reload Ma:G Reload the ChestShop config and translation messages. (This might not reload some features) /csaccess Ad:G Toggles ability to buy/sell on shops while having admin/access permissions and normally being ignored Look into other players` chest shops Mo:G Create, destroy and access shops belonging to other players Ad:G Create shops for other players Ad:G Destroy shops belonging to another player Ad:G Access shops belonging to other players Mo:G you don`t have to pay shop creation fee Mo:G you don`t have to pay tax when buying from a shop Mo:G you don`t have to pay tax when selling to a shop Mo:G Shopkeepers /shopkeepers help K:S Displays available commands /shopkeepers [shop type] [object type] Create a shopkeeper shop Create selling shopkeepers K:S Create buying shopkeepers K:S Create trading shopkeepers K:S Create 1 shopkeeper K:S Create 3 shopkeepers E:S Create 5 shopkeepers A:S Create 7 shopkeepers T:S Create 8 shopkeeper S:S Create 10 shopkeeper D:S Create 12 shopkeeper V:S /shopkeepers reload Ma:S Reloads the plugin /shopkeeper list [page] K:S Lists your shops /shopkeeper list [player] [page] - List another player`s shops Mo:S /shopkeeper list [admin/all] [page] - List admin shops Ad:S /shopkeeper remove [player|all|admin] K:S Removes your shops /shopkeeper remove [player] - Remove all the shops of another player Ad:S /shopkeeper remove [all] - Remove all player shops of all players at once Ma:S /shopkeeper remove [admin] - Remove all admin shops via command Ma:S /shopkeepers give [player] [amount] Ad:S Gives the specified player the specified amount of shop creation items. /shopkeepers givecurrency [player] [low|high] [amount] Ad:S Gives the specified player the specified amount of currency items which have been defined inside the config. /shopkeepers convertItems [all] Ma:S This command can be used to convert the held (or all) items to conform to Spigot`s internal item data format. I.e. this runs the items through Spigot`s item serialization and deserialization in the same way as it would happen when these items are used inside shop trades and the plugin gets reloaded. This can be used to manually fix individual items which cannot be traded due to not (or no longer) conforming to Spigot`s internal item data format. See also the notes inside the config regarding the related convert-player-items setting. /shopkeepers convertItems [player] [all] - Convert items of another player Ma:S /shopkeepers remote <shopName> T:S Remotely opens the specified shop. The shop can be identified by name, id, unique id, or by looking at it /shopkeepers edit [shopName] Ad:S Allows editing shops remotely by targeting them, or by referencing them by their name, id or unique id. /shopkeepers transfer <newOwner> Ad:S Transfers ownership of the targeted shop to another player /shopkeepers setTradePerm <shop-id> <tradePerm|-|?> Ad:S Sets, removes (-) or displays (?) the trading permission for an admin shop specified by id, unique id, or name. This trading permission will be required, additionally to the general trading permission, when a player tries to trade with the affected shop. /shopkeepers setforhire Ad:S Sets the targeted shop for sale. Hold the hiring cost in your hand and look at a shop or chest owned by a shop when you use this command. This will allow another player to pay the hiring cost and gain ownership of that shop. /shopkeepers editVillager [villager] Ad:S Opens an editor to edit the specified villager. Villager can either be specified by uuid or by looking at it. /shopkeepers confirm P:S Confirm a potentially dangerous action /shopkeepers debug Ad:S Toggles the debug mode on and off. The debug mode can also be set inside the config. With debug mode enabled, the plugin logs additional information to the server console in various situations, which might help with troubleshooting issues. /shopkeepers debugCreateShops [shopCount] Ad:S Creates the specified amount of admin shopkeepers. This might be useful for performance testing. Starting at the player`s location, the shopkeepers are spawned next to each other in the x direction with a spacing of 1 block between them. /shopkeepers check Ad:S Prints statistics about the amount of loaded chunks, entities, loaded shopkeepers and the time spent for AI and gravity processing. /shopkeepers checkitem Ma:S Prints debug information about the held items and compares the items in main and off hand. /shopkeepers yaml Ma:S Prints Bukkit`s yaml serialization of the item held in hand, as well as its formatted item data for use inside the config. The output gets also logged to the console for easier copying (and because it is often too large for the in-game chat). Jobs /jobs join [job] P:GS join a job /jobs browse P:GS browse all the available jobs /jobs top [job] P:GS shows top 15 players for this job /jobs stats P:GS show job levels for that player or yourself, if no name is specified /jobs stats <player> - Access the stats command for other players Mo:GS /jobs archive P:GS shows you all archived jobs /jobs archive [player] - Access the archive command for other players Mo:GS /jobs leave [job] P:GS leave the selected job /jobs leaveall P:GS leave all the jobs /jobs info [job] [action] P:GS Show you information about a job /jobs playerinfo [playername] [jobname] [action] Mo:GS Show you information about a job for another player /jobs editjobs [set/add/take] [playername] [amount] Ad:GS edit player job points /jobs fire [player] [job] Ad:GS fire a player /jobs fireall [player] Ad:GS fire a player from all jobs /jobs employ [player] [job] Ad:GS employ a player /jobs promote [player] [job] [lvl] Ad:GS give job levels to a player /jobs demote [player] [job] [lvl] Ad:GS take job levels to a player /jobs grantxp [player] [job] [xp] Ad:GS give job xp to a player /jobs removexp [player] [job] [xp] Ad:GS take job xp from a player /jobs transfer [player] [old job] [new job] Ad:GS transfer player to a new job /jobs reload Ma:GS reload the plugin /jobs give <player> [job] [item] Ad:GS Gives item by a job name and category name /jobs expboost [job] [rate] Ma:GS boosts xp gain for all the players /jobs moneyboost [job] [rate] Ma:GS boosts money gain for all the players /jobs help P:GS list all the commands /jobs toggle [action/bossbar] P:GS toggles payment output on the action or bossbar /jobs signupdate [job] Ad:GS manualy updates signs /jobs limit P:GS shows payment limits for jobs /jobs points [player] Mo:GS shows you how much points a player has /jobs quests <player> Mo:GS list available quests /jobs clearownership <player> Ad:GS clear block ownership Use selection tool Ma:GS Add a new restricted area Ma:GS Remove restricted areas Ma:GS Access to all Jobs commands (only for admins!) Co:GS All administrative commands Co:GS Access to all commands Co:GS Maximum of 2 jobs P:GS Maximum of 3 jobs T:GS Maximum of 4 jobs V:GS Chest Protection /cpublic P:GSH Ad:H Create a public protection Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /cprivate P:GSH Ad:H Create a private protection /cprivate Username g:Groupname @username2 Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /cpassword P:GSH Ad:H Password protect a block Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /cdonation P:GSH Ad:H Create a donation chest Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /cmodify P:GSH Ad:H Modify an existing protection, adding or removing users and/or groups /cmodify -User1 @someguy - removes access to the block for User1 and gives SomeGuy advanced privileges Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /cunlock P:GSH Unlock a password-protected block /cinfo P:GSH Ad:H Punch a protection to view information on it Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /cremove P:GSH Ad:H Remove protection from a block Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /climits P:GSH Ad:H View the amount of protections you are allowed to own Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /lwc flag <flag name> <on/off> P:GSH Ad:H Flags: magnet, redstone, autoclose, allowexplosions, hopper, exemption Redstone: If on, redstone can influence the protected block, e.g. open doors, disable hopper Magnet: Put nearby dropped items into the protected chest (or other blocks with inventories) AutoClose: Automagically close a protected door if it was opened AllowExplosions: Allows the protected block to be destroyed by an explosion Hopper: Controls whether or not hoppers can be used on a protected block Exemption: (Admin-only) Protection is exempt from being auto removed from LWC Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /lwc mode <mode name> <on/off> P:GSH Ad:H /lwc mode persist <on/off> - Turns on/off the persist mode /lwc mode droptransfer select - Select the chest drops go to /lwc mode droptransfer <on/off> - Enable/disable the droptransfer /lwc mode droptransfer status - Display the status of the droptransfer Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /lwc menu P:GSH Commands list Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /lwc admin view Ad:GSH Remotely view a protected inventory using the protection id /lwc admin find Mo:GSH View all protections created by a player /lwc admin forceowner Ad:GSH Change the owner of a protection /lwc admin remove Ad:GSH Remove a protection by using its id /lwc admin purge Ma:GSH Remove all protections by a player /lwc admin cleanup Ma:GSH Attempt to cleanup the database /lwc admin version Ma:GSH View the loaded LWC version and the latest available /lwc admin update Ma:GSH Update to the latest version of LWC /lwc admin report Ma:GSH View the LWC performance report /lwc admin convert Co:GSH Convert another plugin`s database to LWC /lwc admin clear Ma:GSH Either removes all protections or all permissions from the protections Open any protection in ready only mode Mo:GSH Cosmetics /hat <remove> T:Global equip blocks and items on your head Set another player`s hat Ad:Global /glow Mo:Global Glow effect Apply glow effect on someone else Ad:Global /nick T:Global S:Global Change your nickname Set others' nickname Ad:Global /nameplate Mo:Global Edit name tag Edit another player's name tag Ad:Global Pets /pet P:HGC Opens the pet selection menu Pet pig P:HGC Pet chicken P:HGC Pet cow P:HGC Pet sheep P:HGC Pet rabbit P:HGC Pet spider P:HGC Pet skeleton P:HGC Pet horse P:HGC Pet mule P:HGC Pet zombie P:HGC Pet bat P:HGC Pet creeper P:HGC Pet ocelot P:HGC Pet cave spider P:HGC Pet piglin P:HGC Pet llama P:HGC Pet mooshroom P:HGC Pet slime P:HGC Pet polar bear P:HGC Pet turtle P:HGC Pet silverfish P:HGC Pet husk P:HGC Pet stray P:HGC Pet endermite P:HGC Pet illusioner P:HGC Pet vex P:HGC Pet witch P:HGC Pet parrot P:HGC Pet wolf T:HGC Pet villager T:HGC Pet fox T:HGC Pet trader llama T:HGC Pet iron golem T:HGC Pet wandering trader S:HGC Pet Bee S:HGC Pet snowman S:HGC Pet enderman S:HGC Pet pillager D:HGC Pet phantom D:HGC Pet wither skeleton D:HGC Pet ravager V:HGC Pet blaze V:HGC Pet magma cube V:HGC Pet wither V:HGC /pet generator [permissions|types] Generates a file that can contain the permissions or a list of all the pet info /pet help P:HGC Show help on plugin commands /pet ride S:HGC Ride your pet /pet reload <pets|sql|inv|items> Ma:HGC Reloads the Pet Selection menu /pet inv P:HGC Opens the Item Storage Menu /pet inv <player> - pen someone`s pet inventory Ad:HGC /pet hat T:HGC Set your pet on/off your head /pet remove P:HGC Remove your pet /pet remove <player> - Remove someone`s pet Ad:HGC /pet summon [pet] P:HGC Spawns a pet /pet summon [pet] [player] - Spawn a pet for someone Ad:HGC /pet info P:HGC Lists pet info /pet info [player] - Also shows you debug info Ad:HGC /pet modify [player] [nbt] Ad:HGC Ability to modify a players pet /pet debug Ma:HGC debug command Particles /particles White particles P:HGC Orange particles P:HGC Magenta particles P:HGC Light blue particles P:HGC Yellow particles P:HGC Green particles P:HGC Pink particles P:HGC Gray particles P:HGC Light gray particles P:HGC Cyan particles P:HGC Purple particles P:HGC Dark blue particles P:HGC Brown particles P:HGC Dark green particles P:HGC Red particles P:HGC Black particles P:HGC Redstone particles P:HGC Lava drops particles P:HGC Water drops particles P:HGC Water bubbles particles P:HGC Water splash particles P:HGC Note particles P:HGC Heart particles P:HGC Slime particles P:HGC Purple dust particles P:HGC Poof particles P:HGC Fire particles P:HGC Smoke particles P:HGC Large smoke particles P:HGC Spit particles P:HGC Lapis particles T:HGC Rainbow swirls particles T:HGC Medium explosion particles T:HGC Gold particles S:HGC Lava particles S:HGC Diamond particles D:HGC Enchantment particles D:HGC Emerald particles V:HGC Large explosion particles V:HGC Barrier particles V:HGC Point shape P:HGC Spin shape P:HGC orbit shape P:HGC halo shape P:HGC cloud shape P:HGC Spiral shape P:HGC Thick cloud shape P:HGC Cube shape T:HGC Sphere shape S:HGC Beam shape D:HGC Helix shape V:HGC Wings shape V:HGC /pp reload reload particles plugin /pp remove [id]/[effect]/[style] Remove a particle effect /pp reset Remove all particles /pp version Show plugin version /pp worlds List worlds were particles are disabled /pp [player] [command] Run /pp command as a player Trails /trails P:GHC Opens the trails menu White trail P:GHC Orange trail P:GHC Magenta trail P:GHC Light blue trail P:GHC Yellow trail P:GHC Green trail P:GHC Pink trail P:GHC Gray trail P:GHC Light gray trail P:GHC Cyan trail P:GHC Purple trail P:GHC Dark blue trail P:GHC Brown trail P:GHC Dark green trail P:GHC Red trail P:GHC Black trail P:GHC Redstone trail P:GHC Lava drops trail P:GHC Water drops trail P:GHC Water bubbles trail P:GHC Water splash trail P:GHC Note trail P:GHC Heart trail P:GHC Slime trail P:GHC Purple dust trail P:GHC Small explosion trail P:GHC Fire trail P:GHC Smoke trail P:GHC Large smoke trail P:GHC Spit trail P:GHC Lapis trail T:GHC Rainbow swirls trail T:GHC Medium explosion trail T:GHC Gold trail S:GHC Lava trail S:GHC Diamond trail D:GHC Enchantment trail D:GHC Emerald trail V:GHC Barrier trail V:GHC Large explosion trail V:GHC /trail clearall P:GHC Clears all current trails /trail clearall <player> - clear someone`s trails - Console only Ma:GHC /TrailGUI reload Ma:GHC Reloads all files /TrailGUI Version Ma:GHC Shows the running plugin version. Bow Trails /bowtrails P:GHC Bow trails menu White bow trail P:GHC Orange bow trail P:GHC Magenta bow trail P:GHC Light blue bow trail P:GHC Yellow bow trail P:GHC Green bow trail P:GHC Pink bow trail P:GHC Gray bow trail P:GHC Light gray bow trail P:GHC Cyan bow trail P:GHC Purple bow trail P:GHC Dark blue bow trail P:GHC Brown bow trail P:GHC Dark green bow trail P:GHC Red bow trail P:GHC Black bow trail P:GHC Redstone bow trail P:GHC Lava drops bow trail P:GHC Water drops bow trail P:GHC Water bubbles bow trail P:GHC Water splash bow trail P:GHC Notes bow trail P:GHC Heart bow trail P:GHC Slime bow trail P:GHC Purple dust bow trail P:GHC Poof bow trail P:GHC Fire bow trail P:GHC Smoke bow trail P:GHC Large smoke bow trail P:GHC Spit bow trail P:GHC Lapis bow trail T:GHC Rainbow swirls bow trail T:GHC Medium explosion bow trail T:GHC Gold bow trail S:GHC Lava bow trail S:GHC Diamond bow trail D:GHC Enchantment bow trail D:GHC Emerald bow trail V:GHC Large explosion bow trail V:GHC Barrier bow trail V:GHC /bowtrails help P:GHC Shows all commands /bowtrails P:GHC Shows all bow trails choices listed in the menu file /bowtrails set <blockID/Preset> [Particle Name] P:GHC Sets a block as your trail if it`s valid block/particle or if the name given is preset in the menu file! /bowtrails type Ad:GHC Toggle the particle mode back and forth! /bowtrails amount <+/-> Ad:GHC Adds/Removes one particle per tick, for a max/min of particles set in the config /bowtrails remove P:GHC Remove active bow trails! /bowtrails reload Ma:GHC Reloads the plugin Chat Color /chatcolor P:Global Open chatcolor list White chat color P:Global Light green chat color P:Global Green chat color P:Global Blue chat color P:Global Aqua chat color P:Global Dark aqua chat color P:Global Gold chat color T:Global Light gray chat color T:Global Dark gray chat color T:Global Yellow chat color S:Global Purple chat color S:Global Pink chat color D:Global Red chat color D:Global Light blue chat color V:Global Dark red chat color V:Global Titles /titles P:Global Chat and name plate prefixes trusted chat and name plate prefix T:Global sponsor chat and name plate prefix S:Global donator chat and name plate prefix D:Global VIP chat and name plate prefix V:Global Apprentice name plate prefix P:Global Novice chat and name plate prefix N:C Builder chat and name plate prefix B:C Designer chat and name plate prefix D:C Architect chat and name plate prefix A:C NPCs /npc T:GS D:C Show basic NPC information /npc age T:GS D:C modify a NPC`s age [adult, baby, integer, -l] - Adult sets as adult, baby as baby, age specifies an exact age, -l toggles whether the age is locked /npc speak message to speak --target npcid/player_name --type vocal_type T:GS D:C Makes npc talk /npc anchor Mo:GSC saves a location as an `anchor` which can be assumed via assume [name] --save [name] --assume [name] --remove [name] <-a> <-c> /npc behaviour Mo:GSC adds and removes behaviours from an NPC behaviour [scripts] <-r> - scripts is a comma separated list of script file names to look for -r flag removes them from the NPC /npc controllable T:GS D:C toggles the NPC`s controllable status. Controllable NPCs can be right clicked to be mounted and controlled with WASD /npc copy T:GS D:C create a new NPC from the currently selected NPC, copying all traits --name NewName /npc create T:GS D:C create a new NPC [NPC Name] - Name to give NPC <--type [type]> - Mob type to use --trait [trait1] [trait2] ... - A list of traits to apply to the NPC Create up to 5 npcs T:GS D:C Create up to 20 npcs Mo:GSC /npc despawn [id] Mo:GSC Despawn an NPC /npc leashable T:GS D:C Toggles leashability /npc gamemode [gamemode] Mo:GSC Sets NPC`s game mode /npc swim T:GS D:C Make npc swim /npc gravity Mo:GSC toggles gravity on the NPC /npc copier Mo:GSC Toggle NPC copier /npc equip T:GS D:C Equipt npc with items /npc path Mo:GSC Toggle path editor. Left click to add a waypoint, right click to remove, mousewheel or number keys to select individual waypoints /npc text T:GS D:C Toggle text editor. Note that players need the permission to hear NPCs! /npc list T:GS D:C List NPCs that match at least one of the given conditions <-a> - List all NPCs <--owner <owner>> - Owner <--type <type>> - Mob type <--char <character>> - Character /npc lookclose T:GS D:C Toggle a NPC`s look-close state /npc name T:GS D:C Toggle a NPC`s name plate visibility /npc moveto Mo:GSC Move npc to a location --x [x] --y [y] --z [z] --world [world] /npc mount T:GS D:C Mount the currently selected NPC, if it is controllable /npc owner [player] Ad:CGS Sets the owner of a NPC /npc pathopt Mo:GSC Sets an NPC pathfinding options --avoid-water [true/false] --stationary-ticks [ticks] --attack-range [range] --distance-margin [margin] --path-distance-margin [margin] --use-new-finder [true/false] /npc pathrange [range] Mo:GSC Set the range in number of blocks in which the NPC can find a path /npc playerlist Ma:GSC Toggles an NPC as a real player, so that it will be more recognised by other plugins, will keep chunks loaded and crops ticking /npc pose T:GS D:C Changes/Stores NPC`s head position based on the Player`s current position <--save [name] <-d> --assume [name] --remove [name] --default [name]> <-a> /npc power T:GS D:C toggle whether a creeper NPC is powered /npc profession T:GS D:C Change a villager-type NPC`s profession [BLACKSMITH] [LIBRARIAN] [BUTCHER] [FARMER] [PRIEST] /npc respawn Mo:GSC Sets an NPC`s respawn delay in ticks [delay in ticks] /npc remove T:GS D:C Remove an NPC /npc remove <all> - Remove all NPCs Ma:GSC /npc rename T:GS D:C Rename an NPC [name] - npc name /npc select T:GS D:C Selects a NPC with the given ID [id] - specify ID /npc size T:GS D:C Sets a slime size [size] - Slime size /npc skeletontype T:GS D:C Changes a Skeleton NPC`s type [type] - type /npc skin <-c -l<atest>> [name] <or --url [url] or -t [uuid/name] [data] [signature]> T:GS D:C Sets an NPC`s skin name. Use -l to set the skin to always update to the latest /npc skinlayers <--cape [true/false]> <--hat [true/false]> <--jacket [true/false]> <--sleeves [true/false]> <--pants [true/false]> T:GS D:C Toggle skin layers visibility /npc spawn [id] Mo:GSC Spawn existing NPC /npc sound <--death [death sound/d]> <--ambient [ambient sound/d]> <--hurt [hurt sound/d]> <-n<one>/-s<ilent>> <-d<default>> Mo:GSC Set npc sounds /npc speed [integer] Mo:GSC changes the NPC`s default speed multiplier. i.e. use 2 to double the normal speed /npc targetable Mo:GSC Toggles an NPC`s targetability /npc tphere T:GS D:C Teleport an NPC to your location /npc snowman <-d[erp]> T:GS D:C Sets snowman modifiers /npc ocelot <--type type> <-s<itting>, -n<ot sitting>> T:GS D:C Set ocelot modifiers /npc horse (--color color) (--type type) (--style style) (-cb) T:GS D:C Sets horse and horse-like entity modifiers /npc wolf <-s<itting> a<ngry> t<amed> i<nfo>> --collar [hex rgb color/name] T:GS D:C Sets wolf modifiers /npc tp Mo:GSC Teleport to an NPC /npc type [type] T:GS D:C Changes an NPC`s mob type Shear NPC sheep Mo:GS Shear NPC snowmen Mo:GS Milk NPC cows Mo:GS Milk NPC mooshrooms Mo:GS Milk NPC goats Mo:GS /npc vulnerable Mo:GSC Toggles whether the NPC can take damage and die, and whether monsters will target it when it is on the player list /npc zombiemod -b/-v T:GS D:C Sets a zombie NPC`s modifiers /trait Ad:GSC Adds the trait type to the NPC /waypoints disableteleport Mo:GSC Stops NPCs from automatically teleporting to the end of its path if it gets stuck /waypoints provider Mo:GSC Sets the waypoint provider to use when using the waypoint editor [provider name] (-a) - provider name is the provider to use (currently linear, guided and wander), use -a to get a list of all providers /template apply [template name] <id1 id2...> Ad:GSC Applies the given templates to the NPC /template create [template name] <-o> Ad:GSC Generates a template from the selected NPC and saves it to the templates.yml file /citizens Ma:GSC Show basic plugin information /citizens reload Ma:GSC Reload Citizens /citizens save Ma:GSC Save NPCs and configuration /citizens help T:GS D:C Show Citizens help menu /npc help T:GS D:C Show NPC help menu /trait help Ad:GSC Show trait help menu /script help Ma:GSC Show scripting help menu /template help Ad:GSC Show template help menu /waypoints help Mo:Global Show waypoints help menu /npc command (add [command] / remove [id] / permissions [permissions] / sequential) <-l[eft]/-r[ight]> <-p[layer] -o[p]>, --cooldown [seconds] --delay [ticks] --permissions [perms] --n [max # of uses] Ma:GSC make npc run commands Create any number of NPCs Ad:GSC Creative Plots /plot P:C Plot help /plot P:C Buy the plot you are standing on /plot P:C Claim the current plot you`re standing on Claim 1 plot P:C D:C B:C Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Creative M Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank Creative XL Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder rank Creative L Claim up to 2 plots P:C B:C D:C A:C Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank Creative S Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder rank Creative M Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank Creative L Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Architect rank Creative XL Claim up to 3 plots B:C D:C A:C Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder rank Creative S Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank Creative M Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Architect rank Creative L Claim up to 4 plots D:C A:C Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank Creative S Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Architect rank Creative M Claim up to 5 plots A:C Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Architect rank Creative S /plot auto P:C Claim the nearest plot /plot home P:C Teleport to your plots /plot auto P:C Delete a plot Delete someones plot Ad:C /plot swap Ad:C Swap two plots /plot move Ad:C Move a plot /plot copy Ad:C Copy a plot /plot grant Ad:C Grant a plot /plot setowner P:C Set the plot owner Set someones plot owner Ad:C /plot visit P:C Visit someones plot /plot kick P:C Kick a player from your plot /plot middle P:C Teleports you to the center of the current plot /plot add P:C Allow a user to build while you are online /plot deny P:C Deny a user from a plot /plot remove P:C Remove a player from a plot /plot merge P:C Merge the plot you are standing on, with another plot /plot unlink P:C Unlink merged plots /plot trust P:C Allow a player to build in a plot /plot setflag P:C Set plot flags /plot done P:C Mark a plot as done /plot continue P:C Continue a plot that was previously marked as done /plot setdescription P:C Set the plot description /plot alias P:C Set the plot name /plot alias set [alias] P:C /plot alias remove P:C /plot sethome P:C Set the plot home /plot toggle P:C Toggle per user settings /plot inbox P:C Review the comments for a plot /plot comment P:C Comment on a plot /plot save Ma:C Save your plot /plot load Ma:C Load your plot /plot download Ma:C Download your plot /plot schematic [save/paste] Ma:C Schematic command /plot bo3 Ma:C what is this?? /plot set P:C Set a plot value /plot clear P:C Clear your plot /plot music P:C Play music in a plot /plot setbiome P:C Set the plot biome /plot confirm P:C Confirm an action /plot info P:C Display plot info /plot list P:C List plots /plot list top - list top plots P:C /plot list - list your plots P:C /plot list [world]- list plots in that world P:C /plot list done - list plots labeled as done P:C /plot list all - list all plots P:C /plot list shared - list shared plots P:C /plot list expired - list expired plots P:C /plot list unowned - list unowned plots P:C /plot list [player] - list player`s plots Mo:C /plot list forsale - list plots for sale P:C /plot plugin Ma:C Show plugin information /plot rate P:C Rate the plot /plot target P:C Target a plot with your compass /plot help P:C Get this help menu /plot debugsavetest Co:C This command will force the recreation of all plots in the DB /plot debugloadtest Co:C This debug command will force the reload of all plots in the DB /plot debugallowunsafe Ma:C Allow unsafe actions until toggled off /plot debug Ma:C Show debug information /plot relight T:C Relight your plot /plot debugpaste Co:C Upload settings.yml, worlds.yml, commands.yml, latest.log, PlotSquared.use_THIS.yml and Multiverse worlds.yml (if being used) to https://athion.net/ISPaster/paste/ /plot debugclaimtest Co:C If you accidentally delete your database, this command will attempt to restore all plots based on the data from plot signs. Execution time may vary /plot debugroadregen Ma:C Regenerate all roads based on the road schematic. Insert plot to regen it from the plot height, input height [height] to regen from a custom height /plot debugexec Ma:C Mutli-purpose debug command /plot debugfixflags Ma:C Attempt to fix all flags for a world /plot update Co:C Update PlotSquared /plot template Co:C Create or use a world template /plot setup Co:C Setup wizard for plot worlds /plot area Ma:C Create a new plot area /plot area list Ma:C /plot area info Ma:C /plot area create Ma:C /plot area tp Ma:C /plot area regen Ma:C /plot createroadschematic Ma:C Add a road schematic to your world using the roads around your current plot /plot regenallroads Ma:C Regenerate all roads in the map using the set road schematic /plot purge Co:C Purge all plots for a world /plot reload Ma:C Reload configurations /plot database Co:C Convert/Backup Storage /plot condense Co:C Condense a plotworld /plot trim Co:C Delete unmodified portions of your plotworld /plot cluster Ma:C Manage a plot cluster /plot cluster list - list all clusters in your current world Ma:C /plot cluster create <name> <id-bot> <id-top> - create a plot cluster Ma:C /plot cluster sethome - set the home for a plot cluster Ma:C /plot cluster delete [name] - delete a plot cluster Ma:C /plot cluster resize <pos1> <pos2> - resize a plot cluster Ma:C /plot cluster regen [name] - regenerate a plot cluster Ma:C /plot cluster invite <player> - invite a player to the cluster Ma:C /plot cluster kick <player> - kick a player from the cluster Ma:C /plot cluster leave [name] - leave a plot cluster Ma:C /plot cluster helpers <add remove> - manage helpers for the cluster Ma:C /plot cluster tp <name> - teleport to the cluster home Ma:C /plot cluster info [name] - view cluster info Ma:C /plot weanywhere Ad:C Force bypass of WorldEdit Utilities /dye N:C Mo:HGS Edit armor color Edit someone's armor color Ad:Global /cu P:C Open utilities menu Opens banner creator B:C Toggles no-clip mode D:C Toggle night vision P:C /armorstand T:HGSC Ad:H Opens armor stand editor Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /mirror Mo:Global Mirrors building Mirroring will not take blocks from your inventory Mo:Global /blockinfo Mo:Global Check block information /blocknbt Mo:Global Check block nbt information /entityinfo Mo:Global Check entity information /entitynbt Mo:Global Check entity nbt information /iteminfo Mo:Global Check item information /itemnbt Mo:Global Check item nbt information Check other players' item nbt information Mo:Global /exp P:C Mo:HGS Set your xp /exp - Change another player`s exp Ad:Global /checkxp P:Global Check your xp Check other players' xp Mo:Global /ext <player> P:C Mo:HGS extinguish yourself extinguish another player Ad:Global /gm P:C Mo:HGS Ad:H change your gamemode gmc, gms, gmsp, gma Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /gmc P:C Mo:HGS Ad:H Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /gms P:C Mo:HGS Ad:H Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /gma P:C Mo:HGS Ad:H Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /gmsp Mo:HGSC Ad:H Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /gamemode - Change the gamemode of other players Ad:Global /more P:C Mo:HGS Ad:H Fills the item stack in hand to maximum size Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End fill stacks for other players Ad:Global oversized stacks Ad:Global /jump P:C Mo:HGS Jumps to the nearest block in the line of sight /walkspeed Mo:HGSC Ad:H change your walking speed Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End Allows you to modify the speed of other players Ad:Global Max walk speed Mo:HGSC Ad:H Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End /top P:C Mo:HGSC Teleport to the highest block at your current position /tree Mo:HGSC Ad:H Spawn a tree where you are looking Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Mod rank SkyBlock SkyBlock Nether SkyBlock End Spawn a tree at the location of another player Ad:Global PixelPrinter /pp help D:C Pixel printer commands /pp download [Filename] [url] D:C Downloads the location of an image to a txt file. Good for minimizing memory /pp downloadimage [filename] [url] D:C Downloads the image to a png, jpg, or gif file /pp create [direction] [File name] [Height] D:C Creates a in-game block version of the image, moving the the direction [direction] and will have a height of [Height]. The width will be scaled to the image height /pp createFrames [direction] [File name] [Height] D:C Creates a in-game itemframe version of the image, moving the direction [direction] and will have a height of [Height]. The width will be scaled to the image height /pp createskin [direction] [player name or UUID] D:C Create a 16x48x16 player character with the specified players skin. Note: In order to use the player`s name, the player must have joined the server /pp delete [filename] Ad:C Deletes the file with the filename [file name] /pp stopGif [id] Ad:C Stops the gif with the id [Id] /pp stopAllGifs Ad:C stops all gifs on the server /pp listGifs Mo:C lists all the gifs active on the server. Use this if you do not know the ID of a gif /pp preview D:C Creates a preview of the image you are going to make. This only displays the border of the image, and should be used to tell if this image will clip through any existing blocks /pp specs D:C Shows the specifications of an image /pp list Mo:C Displays all the images that have been downloaded to the server all /pp commands Co:C Decorative Heads /heads B:C Mo:HGS Opens heads menu /heads info B:C Mo:HGS Shows info about the plugin and database /heads search [input] B:C Mo:HGS search for heads in the database /heads reload Ma:Global reloads the entire plugin /heads random [player] [category] Ad:Global gives a random head from the database to the player /heads open [player] [category/search] Ad:Global opens the database for the specified player /heads give | g [ID] [amount] [player] Ad:Global Gives the specified player the specified amount of heads /heads base64 Ad:Global gives you the base64 code of the head you are holding Buy decorative heads B:C World Edit /we help <command> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Displays help for WE commands //wand P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Get the wand object /toggleeditwand P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Toggle functionality of the edit wand //confirm P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Confirm a command //tips P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Toggle World Edit tips /clearclipboard P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Clear your clipboard //clearhistory P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Clear your history //undo <times> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Undoes the last action //redo <times> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Redoes the last action (from history) //set [pattern] P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set all blocks within selection //replace [from-mask] [to-pattern] <-f> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Replace all blocks in the selection with another //copy <-e> <-m> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Copy the selection to the clipboard -e also copy entities -m sets a source mask so that excluded blocks become air -b copies biomes //cut <leave-id> <-e> <-m> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Copy the selection to the clipboard -e skips entity copy -m sets a source mask so that excluded blocks become air -b copies biomes //paste <-s> <-a> <-o> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Pastes the clipboard’s contents. -a skips air blocks -b skips pasting biomes -e skips pasting entities -o pastes at the original position -s selects the region after pasting //place <-s> <-a> <-o> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Places the clipboard’s contents without applying transformations (e.g. rotate). -a skips air blocks -o pastes at the original position -s selects the region after pasting //flip <direction> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Flips the contents of the clipboard across the point from which the copy was made. //rotate [y-axis] <x-axis> <z-axis> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Non-destructively rotate the contents of the clipboard. Angles are provided in degrees and a positive angle will result in a clockwise rotation. Multiple rotations can be stacked. Interpolation is not performed so angles should be a multiple of 90 degrees. //sel <cuboid|extend|poly|ellipsoid|sphere|cyl|convex> <-d> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Choose a region selector //pos1 <coordinates> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set position 1 //pos2 <coordinates> P:C Mo:GS Ad:H Set position 2 //hpos1 P:C Mo:G[color="255,153,0"%