
Posts: 89

Joined: 5/27/2018 6:25 am

IGN: _WarWolf

Age: 26

Server Commands And Ranks

    Global ranks
            P - Player rank
            T - Trusted rank
            S - Sponsor rank
            D - Donator rank
            V - Vip rank

    H - Hub
            Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A
    G - Settlements
            Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A
    F - Factions
            Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A

    S - Survival specific ranks
            K - Knowledgeable rank
            E - Experienced rank
            A - Advanced rank
            Progression: P > K > E > A > T > S > D > V

    C - Creative specific ranks
            N - Novice rank
            B - Builder rank
            D - Designer rank
            A - Architect rank
            Progression: P > N > B > D > A > T > S > D > V

        /servers        P:Global  
                List and Teleport to servers
        /menu        P:Global  
                Open up quick access menu
        /vote        P:Global  
                Vote sites list
        /web        P:Global  
                Website and discord
        /hub        P:Global  
                Teleport to Hub server
        /settlements        P:Global  
                Teleport to Settlements server
        /survival        P:Global  
                Teleport to Survival server
        /creative        P:Global  
                Teleport to Creative server
        /pvp        P:G  
                Open pvp arena list
        /ranks        P:CS  
                Open ranks list
        /quests        P:G  
                Open quests menu
        /ptr        P:G  
                Play time rewards
        /help        P:Global  
                Help pages
        /rules        P:Global  
                Server rules
        /tos        P:Global  
                Terms of service
        /donate        P:Global  
                Donation store
        /afk        P:Global  
                Marks you as afk
        /afkcheck [player]        P:Global  
                Check afk status of another player
        /kit        P:Global  
                Various kits

                /kit join - Get first join items    P:H  
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank

        Chat and Messaging
                /ignore [player]        P:Global  
                        Ignore or unignore other players
                /whisper [msg]        P:Global  
                        Send a whisper message. Only players close to you can see these messages

                        /whisper - Toggle between whisper chat and regular chat    P:Global  

                        /whisperradius [number] - Set the whisper chat radius    P:Global  

                        /whisperset [on/off] - Another command for toggling whisper mode    P:Global  
                /msg <player> <message>        P:Global  
                        Send a private message
                /reply <message>        P:Global  
                        reply to a private message
                /chat <message>        P:Global  
                        Chat rooms

                        Kick player from a chat room    T:Global  

                        Create a chat room    T:Global  

                        Create private chat rooms    T:Global  

                        Invite player to a chat room    T:Global  

                        List players in a chat room    P:Global  

                        List chat rooms    P:Global  
                /mail        P:Global  
                        Send mail to other players
                /me <msg>        T:Global  
                        Send a special message
                /helpop [msg]        P:Global  
                        message online staff

        Store Xp in bottles
                /bottle        P:G  A:S  
                        Opens help menu

                        /bottle stats    P:G  A:S  

                        /bottle until [level]    P:G  A:S  

                        /bottle get [amount]    P:G  A:S  

                        /bottle get max    P:G  A:S  

        Item modification
                /itemframe <invisible/fixed>        P:Global  
                        Make item frames invisible or prevent item rotation
                /rename        V:HGSC  T:HGSC  
                        rename the item you`re holding
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                /itemlore        V:HGSC  T:HGSC  
                        Set item lore
                /condense        T:HGSC  V:HGSC  
                        Condenses items into a more compact stacks/blocks
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                /uncondense        T:HGSC  V:HGSC  
                        Uncondenses items into a less compact stacks/blocks
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                /enchant        A:C  
                        Enchants the item you`re holding
                /effect        C  
                        Sets your potion effect
                /unbreakable        A:C  
                        Makes an item unbreakable
                /repair        P:C  
                        Repairs items

                Change paintings by shift click. Use middle mouse button to scroll through paintings    T:Global  

        /lands help        P:G  
                Lands help
        /lands claim        P:G  
                Claim chunks
        /lands create        P:G  
                Create a land claim
        /lands merge [land]        P:G  
                Merge 2 lands
        /lands accept [land]        P:G  
                Accept and invite from a land

                Join up to 3 lands. This does not include lands that you own    P:G  

                Join up to 4 lands. This does not include lands that you own    T:G  

                Join up to 5 lands. This does not include lands that you own    S:G  

                Join up to 6 lands. This does not include lands that you own    D:G  

                Join up to 7 lands. This does not include lands that you own    V:G  
        /lands chat <land> [msg]        P:G  
                Land channel chat
        /lands delete        P:G  
                Delete your land
        /lands deny        P:G  
                Deny land invite
        /lands deposit <land> [amount]        P:G  
                Deposit money into land bank
        /lands edit [land]        P:G  
                Land edit mode
        /lands info <land>        P:G  
                Show information about a land
        /lands invites        P:G  
                Show received invites
        /lands leave [land]        P:G  
                Leave your land
        /lands map        P:G  
                Lands map
        /lands menu        P:G  
                Open land menu
        /lands menu here        P:G  
                Open land menu for the chunk you''re standing on
        /lands rename <land> [name]        P:G  
                Rename your land
        /lands selection        P:G  
                Region selection
        /lands setrole [player] [area,*] [role]        P:G  
                Set player''s role for a given area
        /lands setspawn        P:G  
                Set spawn location for your land
        /lands spawn <land>        P:G  
                Teleport to land spawn
        /lands teleport [x] [z]        P:G  
                Teleport to a claimed chunk
        /lands top        P:G  
                Show lands top list
        /lands trust [player] <area,*>        P:G  
                Trust a player in your land, or an area if specified
        /lands untrust [player] <area,*>        P:G  
                Untrust a player from your land, or from an area if specified
        /lands unclaim        P:G  
                Unclaim a chunk
        /lands unclaimall        P:G  
                Unclaim all chunks
        /lands view        P:G  
                Show land borders
        /lands withdraw <land> [amount]        P:G  
                Withdraw money from your land bank
        /lands taxes        P:G  
                View upcoming taxes
        /lands rent        P:G  
                Manage rentals

Grief Protection
        /AbandonClaim        P:SC  
                Deletes the claim you`re standing in
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /ClaimExplosions        P:SC  
                Toggles if explosions are allowed in the claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /Trust        P:SC  
                Gives another player permission to build in your claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /UnTrust        P:SC  
                Revokes any permissions granted to a player in your claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /AccessTrust        P:SC  
                Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /ContainerTrust        P:SC  
                Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /TrustList        P:SC  
                Lists the permissions for the claim you`re standing in
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /SubdivideClaims        P:SC  
                Switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can subdivide your claims
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /RestrictSubclaim        P:SC  
                Restricts a subclaim, so that it inherits no permissions from the parent claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /BasicClaims        P:SC  
                Puts your shovel back in basic claims mode
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /PermissionTrust        P:SC  
                Grants a player permission to share his permission level with others
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /Untrust All        P:SC  
                Removes all permissions for all players in your claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /AbandonAllClaims        P:SC  
                Deletes all of your claims
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /BuyClaimBlocks        P:SC  
                Converts server money to claim blocks
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /SellClaimBlocks        P:SC  
                Converts claim blocks to server money
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /ClaimsList        P:SC  
                Lists claims and claim block details
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /IgnorePlayer        P:SC  
                Ignores a target player`s chat messages
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /UnIgnorePlayer        P:SC  
                Un-ignores a target player`s chat messages
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /IgnoredPlayerList        P:SC  
                Lists all players currently ignored
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /Siege        P:SC  
                Besieges a player
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /Trapped        P:SC  
                Gets a player out of a land claim he`s trapped inside
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /UnlockDrops        P:SC  
                Allows other players to pick up items you dropped when you died
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /ClaimBook        P:SC  
                Gives a player a manual about claiming land
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative

        /mcmmo [commands]        P:G  
                Shows a brief description and the available commands
        /mcstats        P:G  
                Shows your mcMMO stats and xp
        /inspect (player)        P:G  
                Shows detailed mcmmo stats (like /mcstats) of another player
        /mctop [skillname][page number]        P:G  
                Shows the top ten (or later, with page number) players in overall power or in the named skill and their power or skill level in that skill
        /mcrank [username]        P:G  
                Shows how high the player is ranked in each skill. It default to the username of 
                the user who runs the command but it`s possible to look at other players stats by adding a username to the command
        /mcability        P:G  
                Toggles whether or not abilities get readied on right click
        /[skill name]        P:G  
                view information about the mcMMO skill
        /party        P:G  
                Manage your mcMMO party
        /party ?        P:G  
                More information about parties
        /party        P:G  
                Check party information
        /party create <party-name> <password>        P:G  
                Create a party
        /party join <player> <password>        P:G  
                Join a party
        /party invite <player>        P:G  
                Invite a player to join your party
        /party accept <player>        P:G  
                Accept a party invite
        /party password <password>        P:G  
                Set a password for the party you currently own
        /party kick <player-name>        P:G  
                Kick a player from the party
        /party owner <player-name>        P:G  
                Set a player as the party owner
        /party expshare [none/equal]        P:G  
                Set the party share mode
        /party lock        P:G  
                Lock the party
        /party unlock        P:G  
                Unlock the party
        /party q        P:G  
                Quit the party you`re currently in
        /partychat [message]        P:G  
                Toggle Party chat or send party chat messages

Teleportation and Homes

                /spawn        P:Global  
                        Teleport to server spawn
                /back        P:Global  
                        Teleport back to your previous location
                /dback        P:Global  
                        Teleports you to your death location
                /tpa [player]        P:Global  
                        Send a teleportation request to [player]
                /tpahere [player]        P:Global  
                        Request [player] to teleport to your location
                /tpalock <accept/deny/off>        P:Global  
                        Automatically accept or deny teleportation requests
                /tpaccept        P:Global  
                        Accept teleportation request
                /tpdeny        P:Global  
                        Deny teleportation request

                /warp        P:Global  
                        List all warps or warp to the specified location

                /home [name]        P:Global  
                        teleport to home
                /homes        P:Global  
                        list homes
                /sethome <name>        P:Global  
                        Set home to your current location

                        Up to 2 homes    P:S  

                        Up to 3 homes    P:HGC  K:S  

                        Up to 4 homes    E:S  

                        Up to 5 homes    A:S  

                        Up to 10 homes    T:Global  

                        Up to 15 homes    S:Global  

                        Up to 20 homes    D:Global  

                        Up to 25 homes    V:Global  
                /delhome <name>        P:Global  
                        removes a home

Shops and Economy
        /shop        P:GS  
                Opens shop menu
        /balance        P:Global  
                shows your current balance

                /balance [player] - See the balance of other players    T:Global  
        /balancetop        P:Global  
                gets the top balance values
        /pay [player] [amount]        P:Global  
                Pay another player
        /paytoggle        P:Global  
                toggles payments
        /check        P:Global  
                Write checks
        /sell        P:G  
                Quick sell
        /worth        P:G  
                Checks item's worth

                /market        P:GS  
                        Opens up the auction house
                /market help        P:GS  
                        Shows all available commands
                /market expire        P:GS  
                        Opens expired items list
                /market collect        P:GS  
                        Opens collectable items list
                /market listed        P:GS  
                        Lists items player is currently selling
                /market view <player>        P:GS  
                        Shows the list items being sold by the searched player
                /market sell <price> [amount]        P:GS  
                        Add the item currently in your hand to the selling section of the auction house

                        10 sale listings    P:GS  

                        15 sale listings    T:GS  

                        20 sale listings    S:GS  

                        25 sale listings    D:GS  
                /market bid <price> [amount]        P:GS  
                        Add the item currently in your hand to the bidding section of the auction house

                        10 auction listings    P:GS  

                        15 auction listings    T:GS  

                        20 auction listings    S:GS  

                        25 auction listings    D:GS  

                /trade [player]        P:GS  
                        Request [player] to trade with you
                /trade [accept, deny, toggle]        P:GS  
                        Accept, deny or toggle traderequests

        Chest Shop
                Chest Shop guide: https://aevony.net/forums/thread/41

                /iteminfo        P:G  
                        Get information about the item in your hand
                /iteminfo <id/name>        P:G  
                        Get information about the item with the given id or name
                /cstoggle        P:G  
                        Toggle buy and sell notificiation messages

                Shopkeepers guide: https://aevony.net/forums/thread/42

                /shopkeepers help        K:S  
                        Displays available commands
                /shopkeepers [shop type] [object type]        
                        Create a shopkeeper shop

                        Create selling shopkeepers    K:S  

                        Create buying shopkeepers    K:S  

                        Create trading shopkeepers    K:S  

                        Create 1 shopkeeper    K:S  

                        Create 3 shopkeepers    E:S  

                        Create 5 shopkeepers    A:S  

                        Create 7 shopkeepers    T:S  

                        Create 8 shopkeeper    S:S  

                        Create 10 shopkeeper    D:S  

                        Create 12 shopkeeper    V:S  
                /shopkeeper list [page]        K:S  
                        Lists your shops
                /shopkeeper remove [player|all|admin]        K:S  
                        Removes your shops
                /shopkeepers remote <shopName>        T:S  
                        Remotely opens the specified shop. The shop can be identified by name, id, unique id, or by looking at it
                /shopkeepers confirm        P:S  
                        Confirm a potentially dangerous action

                /jobs join [job]        P:GS  
                        join a job
                /jobs browse        P:GS  
                        browse all the available jobs
                /jobs top [job]        P:GS  
                        shows top 15 players for this job
                /jobs stats        P:GS  
                        show job levels for that player or yourself, if no name is specified
                /jobs archive        P:GS  
                        shows you all archived jobs
                /jobs leave [job]        P:GS  
                        leave the selected job
                /jobs leaveall        P:GS  
                        leave all the jobs
                /jobs info [job] [action]        P:GS  
                        Show you information about a job
                /jobs help        P:GS  
                        list all the commands
                /jobs toggle [action/bossbar]        P:GS  
                        toggles payment output on the action or bossbar
                /jobs limit        P:GS  
                        shows payment limits for jobs

                Maximum of 2 jobs    P:GS  

                Maximum of 3 jobs    T:GS  

                Maximum of 4 jobs    V:GS  

Chest Protection
        /cpublic        P:GSH  
                Create a public protection
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cprivate        P:GSH  
                Create a private protection 
                /cprivate Username g:Groupname @username2
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cpassword        P:GSH  
                Password protect a block
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cdonation        P:GSH  
                Create a donation chest
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cmodify        P:GSH  
                Modify an existing protection, adding or removing users and/or groups 
                /cmodify -User1 @someguy - removes access to the block for User1 and gives SomeGuy advanced privileges
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cunlock        P:GSH  
                Unlock a password-protected block
        /cinfo        P:GSH  
                Punch a protection to view information on it
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cremove        P:GSH  
                Remove protection from a block
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /climits        P:GSH  
                View the amount of protections you are allowed to own
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /lwc flag <flag name> <on/off>        P:GSH  
                magnet, redstone, autoclose, allowexplosions, hopper, exemption 
                Redstone: If on, redstone can influence the protected block, e.g. open doors, disable hopper 
                Magnet: Put nearby dropped items into the protected chest (or other blocks with inventories) 
                AutoClose: Automagically close a protected door if it was opened 
                AllowExplosions: Allows the protected block to be destroyed by an explosion 
                Hopper: Controls whether or not hoppers can be used on a protected block 
                Exemption: (Admin-only) Protection is exempt from being auto removed from LWC
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /lwc mode <mode name> <on/off>        P:GSH  
                /lwc mode persist <on/off> - Turns on/off the persist mode 
                /lwc mode droptransfer select - Select the chest drops go to 
                /lwc mode droptransfer <on/off> - Enable/disable the droptransfer 
                /lwc mode droptransfer status - Display the status of the droptransfer
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /lwc menu        P:GSH  
                Commands list
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End

        /hat <remove>        T:Global  
                equip blocks and items on your head
        /nick        T:Global  S:Global  
                Change your nickname

                /pet        P:HGC  
                        Opens the pet selection menu

                        Pet pig    P:HGC  

                        Pet chicken    P:HGC  

                        Pet cow    P:HGC  

                        Pet sheep    P:HGC  

                        Pet rabbit    P:HGC  

                        Pet spider    P:HGC  

                        Pet skeleton    P:HGC  

                        Pet horse    P:HGC  

                        Pet mule    P:HGC  

                        Pet zombie    P:HGC  

                        Pet bat    P:HGC  

                        Pet creeper    P:HGC  

                        Pet ocelot    P:HGC  

                        Pet cave spider    P:HGC  

                        Pet piglin    P:HGC  

                        Pet llama    P:HGC  

                        Pet mooshroom    P:HGC  

                        Pet slime    P:HGC  

                        Pet polar bear    P:HGC  

                        Pet turtle    P:HGC  

                        Pet silverfish    P:HGC  

                        Pet husk    P:HGC  

                        Pet stray    P:HGC  

                        Pet endermite    P:HGC  

                        Pet illusioner    P:HGC  

                        Pet vex    P:HGC  

                        Pet witch    P:HGC  

                        Pet parrot    P:HGC  

                        Pet wolf    T:HGC  

                        Pet villager    T:HGC  

                        Pet fox    T:HGC  

                        Pet trader llama    T:HGC  

                        Pet iron golem    T:HGC  

                        Pet wandering trader    S:HGC  

                        Pet Bee    S:HGC  

                        Pet snowman    S:HGC  

                        Pet enderman    S:HGC  

                        Pet pillager    D:HGC  

                        Pet phantom    D:HGC  

                        Pet wither skeleton    D:HGC  

                        Pet ravager    V:HGC  

                        Pet blaze    V:HGC  

                        Pet magma cube    V:HGC  

                        Pet wither    V:HGC  
                /pet help        P:HGC  
                        Show help on plugin commands
                /pet ride        S:HGC  
                        Ride your pet
                /pet inv        P:HGC  
                        Opens the Item Storage Menu
                /pet hat        T:HGC  
                        Set your pet on/off your head
                /pet remove        P:HGC  
                        Remove your pet
                /pet summon [pet]        P:HGC  
                        Spawns a pet
                /pet info        P:HGC  
                        Lists pet info


                        White particles    P:HGC  

                        Orange particles    P:HGC  

                        Magenta particles    P:HGC  

                        Light blue particles    P:HGC  

                        Yellow particles    P:HGC  

                        Green particles    P:HGC  

                        Pink particles    P:HGC  

                        Gray particles    P:HGC  

                        Light gray particles    P:HGC  

                        Cyan particles    P:HGC  

                        Purple particles    P:HGC  

                        Dark blue particles    P:HGC  

                        Brown particles    P:HGC  

                        Dark green particles    P:HGC  

                        Red particles    P:HGC  

                        Black particles    P:HGC  

                        Redstone particles    P:HGC  

                        Lava drops particles    P:HGC  

                        Water drops particles    P:HGC  

                        Water bubbles particles    P:HGC  

                        Water splash particles    P:HGC  

                        Note particles    P:HGC  

                        Heart particles    P:HGC  

                        Slime particles    P:HGC  

                        Purple dust particles    P:HGC  

                        Poof particles    P:HGC  

                        Fire particles    P:HGC  

                        Smoke particles    P:HGC  

                        Large smoke particles    P:HGC  

                        Spit particles    P:HGC  

                        Lapis particles    T:HGC  

                        Rainbow swirls particles    T:HGC  

                        Medium explosion particles    T:HGC  

                        Gold particles    S:HGC  

                        Lava particles    S:HGC  

                        Diamond particles    D:HGC  

                        Enchantment particles    D:HGC  

                        Emerald particles    V:HGC  

                        Large explosion particles    V:HGC  

                        Barrier particles    V:HGC  

                        Point shape    P:HGC  

                        Spin shape    P:HGC  

                        orbit shape    P:HGC  

                        halo shape    P:HGC  

                        cloud shape    P:HGC  

                        Spiral shape    P:HGC  

                        Thick cloud shape    P:HGC  

                        Cube shape    T:HGC  

                        Sphere shape    S:HGC  

                        Beam shape    D:HGC  

                        Helix shape    V:HGC  

                        Wings shape    V:HGC  

                /trails        P:GHC  
                        Opens the trails menu

                        White trail    P:GHC  

                        Orange trail    P:GHC  

                        Magenta trail    P:GHC  

                        Light blue trail    P:GHC  

                        Yellow trail    P:GHC  

                        Green trail    P:GHC  

                        Pink trail    P:GHC  

                        Gray trail    P:GHC  

                        Light gray trail    P:GHC  

                        Cyan trail    P:GHC  

                        Purple trail    P:GHC  

                        Dark blue trail    P:GHC  

                        Brown trail    P:GHC  

                        Dark green trail    P:GHC  

                        Red trail    P:GHC  

                        Black trail    P:GHC  

                        Redstone trail    P:GHC  

                        Lava drops trail    P:GHC  

                        Water drops trail    P:GHC  

                        Water bubbles trail    P:GHC  

                        Water splash trail    P:GHC  

                        Note trail    P:GHC  

                        Heart trail    P:GHC  

                        Slime trail    P:GHC  

                        Purple dust trail    P:GHC  

                        Small explosion trail    P:GHC  

                        Fire trail    P:GHC  

                        Smoke trail    P:GHC  

                        Large smoke trail    P:GHC  

                        Spit trail    P:GHC  

                        Lapis trail    T:GHC  

                        Rainbow swirls trail    T:GHC  

                        Medium explosion trail    T:GHC  

                        Gold trail    S:GHC  

                        Lava trail    S:GHC  

                        Diamond trail    D:GHC  

                        Enchantment trail    D:GHC  

                        Emerald trail    V:GHC  

                        Barrier trail    V:GHC  

                        Large explosion trail    V:GHC  
                /trail clearall        P:GHC  
                        Clears all current trails

        Bow Trails
                /bowtrails        P:GHC  
                        Bow trails menu

                        White bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Orange bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Magenta bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Light blue bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Yellow bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Green bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Pink bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Gray bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Light gray bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Cyan bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Purple bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Dark blue bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Brown bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Dark green bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Red bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Black bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Redstone bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Lava drops bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Water drops bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Water bubbles bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Water splash bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Notes bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Heart bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Slime bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Purple dust bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Poof bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Fire bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Smoke bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Large smoke bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Spit bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Lapis bow trail    T:GHC  

                        Rainbow swirls bow trail    T:GHC  

                        Medium explosion bow trail    T:GHC  

                        Gold bow trail    S:GHC  

                        Lava bow trail    S:GHC  

                        Diamond bow trail    D:GHC  

                        Enchantment bow trail    D:GHC  

                        Emerald bow trail    V:GHC  

                        Large explosion bow trail    V:GHC  

                        Barrier bow trail    V:GHC  
                /bowtrails remove        P:GHC  
                        Remove active bow trails!

        Chat Color
                /chatcolor        P:Global  
                        Open chatcolor list

                        White chat color    P:Global  

                        Light green chat color    P:Global  

                        Green chat color    P:Global  

                        Blue chat color    P:Global  

                        Aqua chat color    P:Global  

                        Dark aqua chat color    P:Global  

                        Gold chat color    T:Global  

                        Light gray chat color    T:Global  

                        Dark gray chat color    T:Global  

                        Yellow chat color    S:Global  

                        Purple chat color    S:Global  

                        Pink chat color    D:Global  

                        Red chat color    D:Global  

                        Light blue chat color    V:Global  

                        Dark red chat color    V:Global  

                /titles        P:Global  
                        Chat and name plate prefixes

                        trusted chat and name plate prefix    T:Global  

                        sponsor chat and name plate prefix    S:Global  

                        donator chat and name plate prefix    D:Global  

                        VIP chat and name plate prefix    V:Global  

                        Apprentice name plate prefix    P:Global  

                        Novice chat and name plate prefix    N:C  

                        Builder chat and name plate prefix    B:C  

                        Builder+ chat and name plate prefix    C  

                        Designer chat and name plate prefix    D:C  

        /npc        T:GS  D:C  
                Show basic NPC information
        /npc age        T:GS  D:C  
                modify a NPC`s age 
                [adult, baby, integer, -l] - Adult sets as adult, baby as baby, age specifies an exact age, 
                -l toggles whether the age is locked
        /npc speak message to speak --target npcid/player_name --type vocal_type        T:GS  D:C  
                Makes npc talk
        /npc controllable        T:GS  D:C  
                toggles the NPC`s controllable status. Controllable NPCs can be right clicked to be mounted and controlled with WASD
        /npc copy        T:GS  D:C  
                create a new NPC from the currently selected NPC, copying all traits 
                --name NewName
        /npc create        T:GS  D:C  
                create a new NPC 
                [NPC Name] - Name to give NPC 
                <--type [type]> - Mob type to use 
                --trait [trait1] [trait2] ... - A list of traits to apply to the NPC

                Create up to 5 npcs    T:GS  D:C  
        /npc leashable        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggles leashability
        /npc swim        T:GS  D:C  
                Make npc swim
        /npc equip        T:GS  D:C  
                Equipt npc with items
        /npc text        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggle text editor. Note that players need the permission to hear NPCs!
        /npc list        T:GS  D:C  
                List NPCs that match at least one of the given conditions 
                <-a> - List all NPCs 
                <--owner <owner>> - Owner 
                <--type <type>> - Mob type 
                <--char <character>> - Character
        /npc lookclose        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggle a NPC`s look-close state
        /npc name        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggle a NPC`s name plate visibility
        /npc mount        T:GS  D:C  
                Mount the currently selected NPC, if it is controllable
        /npc pose        T:GS  D:C  
                Changes/Stores NPC`s head position based on the Player`s current position 
                <--save [name] 
                --assume [name] 
                --remove [name] 
                --default [name]> 
        /npc power        T:GS  D:C  
                toggle whether a creeper NPC is powered
        /npc profession        T:GS  D:C  
                Change a villager-type NPC`s profession 
        /npc remove        T:GS  D:C  
                Remove an NPC
        /npc rename        T:GS  D:C  
                Rename an NPC 
                [name] - npc name
        /npc select        T:GS  D:C  
                Selects a NPC with the given ID 
                [id] - specify ID
        /npc size        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets a slime size 
                [size] - Slime size
        /npc skeletontype        T:GS  D:C  
                Changes a Skeleton NPC`s type 
                [type] - type
        /npc skin <-c -l<atest>> [name] <or --url [url] or -t [uuid/name] [data] [signature]>        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets an NPC`s skin name. Use -l to set the skin to always update to the latest
        /npc skinlayers <--cape [true/false]> <--hat [true/false]> <--jacket [true/false]> <--sleeves [true/false]> <--pants [true/false]>        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggle skin layers visibility
        /npc tphere        T:GS  D:C  
                Teleport an NPC to your location
        /npc snowman <-d[erp]>        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets snowman modifiers
        /npc ocelot <--type type> <-s<itting>, -n<ot sitting>>        T:GS  D:C  
                Set ocelot modifiers
        /npc horse (--color color) (--type type) (--style style) (-cb)        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets horse and horse-like entity modifiers
        /npc wolf <-s<itting> a<ngry> t<amed> i<nfo>> --collar [hex rgb color/name]        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets wolf modifiers
        /npc type [type]        T:GS  D:C  
                Changes an NPC`s mob type
        /npc zombiemod -b/-v        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets a zombie NPC`s modifiers
        /citizens help        T:GS  D:C  
                Show Citizens help menu
        /npc help        T:GS  D:C  
                Show NPC help menu

                /plot        P:C  
                        Plot help
                /plot        P:C  
                        Buy the plot you are standing on
                /plot        P:C  
                        Claim the current plot you`re standing on

                        Claim 1 plot    N:C  C  D:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Novice rank
                                        Creative M
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder+ rank
                                        Creative L
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative S

                        Claim up to 2 plots    P:C  B:C  D:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                                        Creative S
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder rank
                                        Creative S
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative L

                        Claim up to 3 plots    N:C  C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Novice rank
                                        Creative S
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder+ rank
                                        Creative M

                        Claim up to 4 plots    B:C  D:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder rank
                                        Creative S
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative M

                        Claim up to 5 plots    C  D:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder+ rank
                                        Creative S
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative S

                        Claim up to 6 plots    D:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative S
                /plot auto        P:C  
                        Claim the nearest plot
                /plot home        P:C  
                        Teleport to your plots
                /plot auto        P:C  
                        Delete a plot
                /plot setowner        P:C  
                        Set the plot owner
                /plot visit        P:C  
                        Visit someones plot
                /plot kick        P:C  
                        Kick a player from your plot
                /plot middle        P:C  
                        Teleports you to the center of the current plot
                /plot add        P:C  
                        Allow a user to build while you are online
                /plot deny        P:C  
                        Deny a user from a plot
                /plot remove        P:C  
                        Remove a player from a plot
                /plot merge        P:C  
                        Merge the plot you are standing on, with another plot
                /plot unlink        P:C  
                        Unlink merged plots
                /plot trust        P:C  
                        Allow a player to build in a plot
                /plot setflag        P:C  
                        Set plot flags
                /plot done        P:C  
                        Mark a plot as done
                /plot continue        P:C  
                        Continue a plot that was previously marked as done
                /plot setdescription        P:C  
                        Set the plot description
                /plot alias        P:C  
                        Set the plot name

                        /plot alias set [alias]    P:C  

                        /plot alias remove    P:C  
                /plot sethome        P:C  
                        Set the plot home
                /plot toggle        P:C  
                        Toggle per user settings
                /plot inbox        P:C  
                        Review the comments for a plot
                /plot comment        P:C  
                        Comment on a plot
                /plot set        P:C  
                        Set a plot value
                /plot clear        P:C  
                        Clear your plot
                /plot music        P:C  
                        Play music in a plot
                /plot setbiome        P:C  
                        Set the plot biome
                /plot confirm        P:C  
                        Confirm an action
                /plot info        P:C  
                        Display plot info
                /plot list        P:C  
                        List plots

                        /plot list top - list top plots    P:C  

                        /plot list - list your plots    P:C  

                        /plot list [world]- list plots in that world    P:C  

                        /plot list done - list plots labeled as done    P:C  

                        /plot list all - list all plots    P:C  

                        /plot list shared - list shared plots    P:C  

                        /plot list expired - list expired plots    P:C  

                        /plot list unowned - list unowned plots    P:C  

                        /plot list forsale - list plots for sale    P:C  
                /plot rate        P:C  
                        Rate the plot
                /plot target        P:C  
                        Target a plot with your compass
                /plot help        P:C  
                        Get this help menu
                /plot relight        T:C  
                        Relight your plot

                /dye        N:C  
                        Edit armor color
                /cu        P:C  
                        Open utilities menu

                        Opens banner creator    B:C  

                        Toggles no-clip mode    C  

                        Toggle night vision    P:C  
                /armorstand        T:HGSC  
                        Opens armor stand editor
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                /exp        P:C  
                        Set your xp
                /checkxp        P:Global  
                        Check your xp
                /ext <player>        P:C  
                        extinguish yourself
                /gm        P:C  
                        change your gamemode gmc, gms, gmsp, gma

                        /gmc    P:C  

                        /gms    P:C  

                        /gma    P:C  

                        /gmsp                    /more        P:C  
                        Fills the item stack in hand to maximum size
                /jump        P:C  
                        Jumps to the nearest block in the line of sight
                /top        P:C  
                        Teleport to the highest block at your current position

                /pp help        D:C  
                        Pixel printer commands
                /pp create [direction] [File name] [Height]        D:C  
                        Creates a in-game block version of the image, moving the the direction [direction] and will have a height of [Height]. The width will be scaled to the image height
                /pp createFrames [direction] [File name] [Height]        D:C  
                        Creates a in-game itemframe version of the image, moving the direction [direction] and will have a height of [Height]. The width will be scaled to the image height
                /pp createskin [direction] [player name or UUID]        D:C  
                        Create a 16x48x16 player character with the specified players skin. Note: In order to use the player`s name, the player must have joined the server
                /pp preview        D:C  
                        Creates a preview of the image you are going to make. This only displays the border of the image, and should be used to tell if this image will clip through any existing blocks
                /pp specs        D:C  
                        Shows the specifications of an image

        Decorative Heads
                /heads        B:C  
                        Opens heads menu
                /heads search [input]        B:C  
                        search for heads in the database

                Buy decorative heads    B:C  

        World Edit
                /we help <command>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Displays help for WE commands
                //wand        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Get the wand object
                /toggleeditwand        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Toggle functionality of the edit wand
                //confirm        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Confirm a command
                //tips        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Toggle World Edit tips
                /clearclipboard        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Clear your clipboard
                //clearhistory        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Clear your history
                //undo <times>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Undoes the last action
                //redo <times>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Redoes the last action (from history)
                //set [pattern]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set all blocks within selection
                //replace [from-mask] [to-pattern] <-f>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Replace all blocks in the selection with another
                //copy <-e> <-m>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Copy the selection to the clipboard 
                        -e also copy entities 
                        -m sets a source mask so that excluded blocks become air 
                        -b copies biomes
                //cut <leave-id> <-e> <-m>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Copy the selection to the clipboard 
                        -e skips entity copy 
                        -m sets a source mask so that excluded blocks become air 
                        -b copies biomes
                //paste <-s> <-a> <-o>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Pastes the clipboard’s contents. 
                        -a skips air blocks 
                        -b skips pasting biomes 
                        -e skips pasting entities 
                        -o pastes at the original position 
                        -s selects the region after pasting
                //place <-s> <-a> <-o>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Places the clipboard’s contents without applying transformations (e.g. rotate). 
                        -a skips air blocks 
                        -o pastes at the original position 
                        -s selects the region after pasting
                //flip <direction>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Flips the contents of the clipboard across the point from which the copy was made.
                //rotate [y-axis] <x-axis> <z-axis>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Non-destructively rotate the contents of the clipboard. 
                        Angles are provided in degrees and a positive angle will result in a clockwise rotation. 
                        Multiple rotations can be stacked. Interpolation is not performed so angles should be a multiple of 90 degrees.
                //sel <cuboid|extend|poly|ellipsoid|sphere|cyl|convex> <-d>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Choose a region selector
                //pos1 <coordinates>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set position 1
                //pos2 <coordinates>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set position 2
                //hpos1        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set position 1 to targeted block
                //hpos2        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set position 2 to targeted block
                //toggleplace        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Switch between your position and pos1 for placement
                //size <-c>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Get information about the selection
                //removenear <block> [size]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Remove blocks near you
                //removeabove <size> <height>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Remove blocks above your head.
                //replacenear [size] [from-id] [to-id] <-f>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Replace nearby blocks
                //removebelow <size> >height>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Remove blocks below you
                //pyramid [pattern] [size] <-h>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generate a filled pyramid
                //hpyramid [pattern] [size]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generate a hollow pyramid
                //cyl [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>> <height> <-h>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a cylinder. 
                        By specifying 2 radii, separated by a comma, 
                        you can generate elliptical cylinders. 
                        The 1st radius is north/south, the 2nd radius is east/west.
                //hcyl [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>> <height>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a hollow cylinder. 
                        By specifying 2 radii, separated by a comma, 
                        you can generate elliptical cylinders. 
                        The 1st radius is north/south, the 2nd radius is east/west.
                //sphere [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>,<radius>> <raised?> <-h>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a filled sphere. 
                        By specifying 3 radii, separated by commas, 
                        you can generate an ellipsoid. The order of the ellipsoid radii 
                        is north/south, up/down, east/west.
                //hsphere [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>,<radius>> <raised?>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a hollow sphere. 
                        By specifying 3 radii, separated by commas, 
                        you can generate an ellipsoid. The order of the ellipsoid radii 
                        is north/south, up/down, east/west.
                //faces [pattern]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Build the walls, ceiling, and floor of a selection
                //walls <pattern>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Build the four sides of the selection
                //fill <pattern> <radius> [depth] [direction]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Fill a hole
                //fillr [pattern] [radius] <depth>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Fill a hole recursively
                //drain <radius>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Drain a pool
                //fixlava [radius]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Fix lava to be stationary
                //fixwater [radius]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Fix water to be stationary
                //setskylight        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set sky lighting in a selection
                //getlighting        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Get the light at a position
                //removelight        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Removing lighting in a selection
                //fixlighting        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Get the light at a position
                //setblocklight        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set block lighting in a selection
                /masks <page=1|search|mask>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Masks determine if a block can be placed 
                        - Use [brackets] for arguments 
                        - Use , to OR multiple 
                        - Use & to AND multiple 
                        e.g. >[stone,dirt],#light[0][5],$jungle
                //gmask <mask>        
                        The global destination mask applies to all edits you do and masks based on the destination blocks (i.e. the blocks in the world).
                //gtransform <transform>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the global transform
                //gsmask <mask>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        The global source mask applies to all edits you do and masks based on the source blocks (e.g. the blocks in your clipboard)
                /patterns <page=1|search|pattern>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Patterns determine what blocks are placed 
                        - Use [brackets] for arguments 
                        - Use , to OR multiple 
                        e.g. #surfacespread[10][#existing],andesite
                /unstuck        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Escape from being stuck inside a block
                /thru        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Passthrough walls
                /up <number> <-f> <-g>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Go upwards some distance
                /ascend <# of levels>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Go up a floor
                /ceil <clearance> <-f> <-g>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Go to the celing
                /descend <# of floors>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Go down a floor
                /butcher <radius> <-p> <-l> <-a> <-n> <-g> <-b> <-t> >-f> <-r>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Kills nearby mobs, based on radius, if none is given uses default in configuration. 
                        -p also kills pets. 
                        -n also kills NPCs. 
                        -g also kills Golems. 
                        -a also kills animals. 
                        -b also kills ambient mobs. 
                        -t also kills mobs with name tags. 
                        -f compounds all previous flags. 
                        -r also destroys armor stands. 
                        -l currently does nothing.
                //ex <radius>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Extinguish nearby fire
                //calc [expression]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Evaluate a mathematical expression
                //stack [count] <direction> <-s> <-a> <-m>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Repeats the contents of the selection. 
                        -s shifts the selection to the last stacked copy 
                        -a skips air blocks
                //move <count> <direction> <leave-id> <-s>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Moves the contents of the selection. 
                        -s flag shifts the selection to the target location. 
                        -b also copies biomes 
                        -e ignores entities 
                        -a ignores air
                //lay <pattern>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the top block in the region
                //nbtinfo        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        View nbt info for a block
                //overlay <pattern>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set a block on top of blocks in the region
                //smooth [iterations] [mask]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Smooths the elevation in the selection. 
                        -l Set the amount of snow blocks under the snow 
                        -m The mask of blocks to use as the height map
                //line [pattern] <thickness> <-h>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Draws a line segment between cuboid selection corners. 
                        Can only be used with cuboid selections. 
                        -h generates only a shell
                //count [block] <-d>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Counts the number of a certain type of block
                //distr <-c> <-d>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Gets the distribution of blocks in the selection. 
                        The -c flag gets the distribution of your clipboard. 
                        The -d flag separates blocks by data
                //chunk <x,z coordinates> <-s> <-c>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the selection to the chunk you are currently in. 
                        With the -s flag, your current selection is expanded 
                        to encompass all chunks that are part of it.

                        Specifying coordinates will use those instead of your 
                        current position. Use -c to specify chunk coordinates, 
                        otherwise full coordinates will be implied. 
                        (for example, the coordinates 5,5 are the same as -c 0,0)
                /chunkinfo        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Get information about the chunk that you are inside
                /listchunks        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        List chunks that your selection includes
                //searchitem [query] <-b> <-i>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Searches for an item. 
                        -b only search for blocks 
                        -i only search for items
                /pumpkins <size>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generate pumpkin patches
                /forestgen <size> <tree-type> <density>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generate a forest
                //forest <type> <density>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Make a forest within the region
                //flora <density>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Make flora within the region
                //naturalize        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        3 layers of dirt on top then rock below
                //snow <radius>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Simulates snow
                //thaw <radius>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Thaws the area
                //green <radius> <-f>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Greens the area
                //setbiome [biome] <-p>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the biome of the region. 
                        -p use the block you are currently in
                /biomelist <page>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Gets all biomes available.
                /biomeinfo <-p> <-t>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Get the biome of the block. 
                        -t uses the block you are looking at. 
                        -p uses the block you are currently in
                //caves <size=8> <freq=40> <rarity=7> <minY=8> <maxY=127> <sysFreq=1> <sysRarity=25> <pocketRarity=0> <pocketMin=0> <pocketMax=3>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a cave network
                //ore [mask] [pattern] [size] [freq] [rarity] [minY] [maxY]        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates ores
                //ores        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates ores
                //center [pattern]        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the center block(s)
                //hollow [[thickness] <pattern>]        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Hollows out the object contained in this selection. 
                        Optionally fills the hollowed out part with the given block. 
                        Thickness is measured in manhattan distance.
                //fall [replace] [-m]        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Make the blocks in the selection fall 
                        The -m flag will only fall within the vertical selection
                //expand [amount] <reverse-amount> <direction>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Expand the selection area
                //shift [amount] <direction>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Shift the selection area
                //contract [amount] <reverse-amount> <direction>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Contract the selection area
                //deform [expression] <-r> <-o>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Deforms a selected region with an expression 
                        The expression is executed for each block and is expected 
                        to modify the variables x, y and z to point to a new block 
                        to fetch. See also tinyurl.com/wesyntax.
                //outset [amount] <-h> <-v>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Expands the selection by the given amount in all directions. 
                        -h only expand horizontally 
                        -v only expand vertically
                //inset [amount] <-h> <-v>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Contracts the selection by the given amount in all directions. 
                        -h only contract horizontally 
                        -v only contract vertically
                //curve [pattern] <thickness> <-h>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Draws a spline through selected points. 
                        Can only be used with convex polyhedral selections. 
                        -h generates only a shell
                /none        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Unbind a bound tool from your current item
                /secondary <brush-arguments>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the left click brush
                /scroll <none|clipboard|mask|pattern|range|size|visual|target>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Toggle between different target modes
                /tool tree <type>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Tree generator tool
                /tool repl [block]        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Block replacer tool
                /tool info        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Block information tool
                /tool lrbuild <leftclick block> <rightclick block>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Long-range building tool
                /tool inspect        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Chooses the inspect brush
                /tool farwand        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Wand at a distance tool
                /tool floodfill [pattern] [range]        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Flood fill tool
                /tool cycler        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Block data cycler tool
                /tool deltree        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Floating tree remover tool
                /size <pattern>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the brush size
                /savebrush <name>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Save your current brush 
                        -g flag to save globally
                //listbrush <mine|filter> <page=1> <-d> <-n> <-p>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        List all brushes in the brush directory 
                        -p prints the requested page
                /range <pattern>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the brush range
                /mask <mask>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the brush destination mask
                /transform <transform>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the brush transform
                /mat <pattern>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the brush material
                /loadbrush <name>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        load a brush
                /smask <mask>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the brush source mask
                /visualize <mode=0>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Toggle between different visualization modes 
                        0 = No visualization 
                        1 = Single block at target position 
                        2 = Glass showing what blocks will be changed
                /targetmask <mask>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the targeting mask
                /targetoffset <mask>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the targeting mask
                /primary <brush-arguments>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the right click brush
                /brush copypaste <depth=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Left click the base of an object to copy. 
                        Right click to paste 
                        -r flag Will apply random rotation on paste 
                        -a flag Will apply auto view based rotation on paste
                /brush command [radius] <cmd1;cmd2...>        Ma:Global  
                        Run the commands at the clicked position.
                /brush shatter [pattern] <radius=10> <count=10>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Creates uneven lines separating terrain into multiple pieces
                /brush erode <radius=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Erodes terrain
                /brush sphere [pattern] <radius=2> <-h> <-f>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Creates a sphere. 
                        -h flag creates hollow spheres instead. 
                        -f flag creates falling spheres.
                /brush pull <radius=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Pull terrain towards you
                /brush stencil [pattern] <radius=5> <file|#clipboard|imgur=null> <rotation=360> <yscale=1.0>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Use a height map to paint any surface. 
                        -w flag will only apply at maximum saturation 
                        -r flag will apply random rotation
                /brush recursive [pattern-to] <radius=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set all connected blocks 
                        -d flag Will apply in depth first order
                /brush spline [pattern]        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Click to select some objects,click the same block twice to connect the objects. 
                        Insufficient brush radius, or clicking the wrong spot will result in undesired shapes. 
                        The shapes must be simple lines or loops.
                /brush sweep <copies=-1>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Sweeps your clipboard content along a curve. 
                        Define a curve by selecting the individual points with a brush 
                        Set [copies] to a value > 0 if you want to have your selection 
                        pasted a limited amount of times equally spaced on the curve
                /brush catenary [pattern] <lengthFactor=1.2> <size=0>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Create a hanging line between two points. 
                        lengthFactor controls how long the line is 
                        -h flag creates only a shell 
                        -s flag selects the clicked point after drawing
                /brush line [pattern] <radius=0> <-h> <-s> <-f>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Create lines. 
                        -h flag creates only a shell 
                        -s flag selects the clicked point after drawing 
                        -f flag creates a flat line
                /brush sspl [pattern] <size=0> <tension=0> <bias=0> <continuity=0> <quality=10>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Create a spline on the surface
                /brush blendball <-a> <radius=5> <minFreqDiff=1> <-m>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Smooths and blends terrain 
                        -a flag sets that the brush should only compare air vs existing blocks 
                        -m sets a mask to limit blocks being considered for smoothing
                /brush circle [pattern] <radius=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Creates a circle which revolves around your facing direction.
                /brush rock [pattern] <radius=10> <roundness=100> <frequency=30> <amplitude=50> <-h>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Creates a distorted sphere
                /brush height <-lrs> <radius> <yscale> <image> <rotation>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        This brush raises and lowers land. 
                        -r flag enables random off-axis rotation 
                        -l flag will work on snow layers 
                        -s flag disables smoothing
                /brush flatten <radius=5> <file|#clipboard|imgur=null> <rotation=0> <yscale=1.00> <-h>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Flatten brush flattens terrain 
                        -r flag enables random off-axis rotation 
                        -l flag will work on snow layers 
                        -s flag disables smoothing
                /brush layer [radius] [patternLayer]        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Replaces terrain with a layer.
                /brush cylinder [pattern] <radius=2> <height=1> <-h>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Creates a cylinder. 
                        -h flag creates hollow cylinders instead.
                /brush surface [pattern] <radius=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Use a height map to paint any surface. 
                        -w flag will only apply at maximum saturation 
                        -r flag will apply random rotation
                /brush ex <radius=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Shortcut fire extinguisher brush
                /brush gravity <radius=5> <-h>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        This brush simulates the affect of gravity. 
                        -h flag makes it affect blocks starting at the world’s max y, instead of the clicked block’s y + radius.
                /brush clipboard <-a> <-o> <-e> <-b> <-m>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Chooses the clipboard brush. 
                        -a flag makes it not paste air. 
                        Without -o flag, the paste will appear centered at the target location. 
                        With -o flag the paste will appear relative to where you had stood relative to the copied area when you copied it. 
                        -e pastes entities 
                        -b pastes biomes, if available 
                        -m Skips blocks matching a mask in the clipboard
                /brush butcher <radius=5> <-p> <-l> <-a> <-n> <-g> <-b> <-t> <-f> <-r>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Kills nearby mobs within the specified radius. 
                        -p also kills pets. 
                        -n also kills NPCs. 
                        -g also kills Golems. 
                        -a also kills animals. 
                        -b also kills ambient mobs. 
                        -t also kills mobs with name tags. 
                        -f compounds all previous flags. 
                        -r also destroys armor stands. 
                        -l currently does nothing.
                /brush splatter [pattern] <radius=5> <seeds=1> <recursion=5> <solid=true>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Sets a bunch of blocks randomly on a surface.
                /brush cliff <radius=5> <file|#clipboard|imgur=null> <rotation=0> <yscale=1.00> <-h>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        This brush flattens terrain and creates cliffs. 
                        -r flag enables random off-axis rotation 
                        -l flag will work on snow layers 
                        -s flag disables smoothing
                /brush smooth <size=2> <iterations=4> <-n>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Chooses the terrain softener brush. 
                        -n flag makes it only consider naturally occurring blocks.
                /brush scatter [pattern] <radius=5> <points=5> <distance=1> <-o>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set a number of blocks randomly on a surface each a certain distance apart. 
                        -o flag will overlay the block
                /schematic list <filter> <page=1> <-d> <-n> <-p>        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        List all schematics 
                        -p prints the requested page 
                        -f restricts by format
                /schematic clear        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Clear your clipboard
                /schematic load <format> <filename>        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Load a schematic into your clipboard
                /schematic loadall <format> [filename|url]        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Load multiple clipboards 
                        The -r flag will apply random rotation
                /schematic delete <filename|*>        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Delete a schematic from the schematic list
                /schematic save <format> [filename]        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Save a schematic from your clipboard
                /schematic unload <file>        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Remove a schematic from your multi-clipboard
                /schematic move [directory]        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Move your currently loaded schematics
                /schematic formats        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        List available formats
                /schematic show <global|mine|filter> <-d> <-n> <-p>        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        List all schematics in the schematics directory 
                        -f restricts by format
                /brush populateschematic [mask] [file|folder|url] <radius=30> <points=5> <-r>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Chooses the scatter schematic brush. 
                        -r flag will apply random rotation
                //image [imgur] <randomize=true> <complexity=100> <dimensions>        A:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generate an image
                //generate [pattern] [expression] <-h> <-r> <-o> <-c>        A:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a shape according to a formula that is expected to 
                        return positive numbers (true) if the point is inside the shape 
                        Optionally set type/data to the desired block. 
                        -h to generate a hollow shape 
                        -r to use raw minecraft coordinates 
                        -o is like -r, except offset from placement. 
                        -c is like -r, except offset selection center. 
                        If neither -r nor -o is given, the selection is mapped to -1..1
                //generatebiome [biome] [expression] <-h> <-r> <-o> <-c>        A:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a shape according to a formula that is expected to 
                        return positive numbers (true) if the point is inside the shape 
                        Sets the biome of blocks in that shape. 
                        -h to generate a hollow shape 
                        -r to use raw minecraft coordinates 
                        -o is like -r, except offset from placement. 
                        -c is like -r, except offset selection center. 
                        If neither -r nor -o is given, the selection is mapped to -1..1

                Default World Edit group. Edit up to 5000 blocks per command    P:C  

                Novice World Edit group. Edit up to 10000 blocks per command    N:C  

                Builder World Edit group. Edit up to 15000 blocks per command    B:C  

                Dsigner World Edit group. Edit up to 35000 blocks per command    D:C  

                Architect World Edit group. Edit up to 100000 blocks per command    A:C  

        Decorative Blocks
                /furniture list <option> <side>        N:C  
                        List available furniture
                /furniture give [furniture name] <amount>        N:C  
                        Get a furniture
                /furniture toggle <player>        N:C  
                        Toggle furniture visibility

        /minigames        P:H  
                Open minigames list

                /challenges        P:H  
                        Skyblock challenges
                /island, /is        P:H  
                        general skyblock command
                /is create <schematic>        P:H  
                        create an island

                        Get Sponsor island    S:H  

                        Get Donator island    D:H  

                        Get Sponsor VIP island    V:H  
                /is auto        P:H  
                        teleports you to your island. If you don`t have an island, it`ll create a new one
                /is accept|reject        P:H  
                        accept/reject an invitation
                /is ban|unban <player>        P:H  
                        ban/unban a player from your island
                /is biome|b <biome> <radius>        
                        change the biome of the island

                        Deep opean biome    P:H  

                        Desert biome    P:H  

                        Extreme hills biome    P:H  

                        Flower forest biome    P:H  

                        Forest biome    P:H  

                        Nether biome    P:H  

                        Jungle biome    P:H  

                        Mushroom biome    P:H  

                        Ocean biome    P:H  

                        Plains biome    P:H  

                        Void biome    P:H  

                        Swamp biome    P:H  

                        Taiga biome    P:H  
                /is home        P:H  
                        teleport to the island home
                /is info        P:H  
                        check your island info
                /is invite <oplayer>        P:H  
                        invite a player to your island
                /is kick|remove <player>        P:H  
                        kick a member from your island
                /is leave        P:H  
                        leave your party
                /is level        P:H  
                        check your island level
                /is limits <player>        P:H  
                        show island limits
                /is lock|unlock        P:H  
                        lock your island to non-party members
                /is makeleader|transfer <member>        P:H  
                        transfer leadership to another member
                /is party        P:H  
                        show party information

                        /is party info - shows information about your party    P:H  

                        /is party invites - show pending invites    P:H  

                        /is party uninvite <player> - cancel an invite    P:H  
                /is perm <member> <perm>        P:H  
                        Changes a island member`s permissions
                /is restart|reset <schematic>        P:H  
                        Delete your island and start a new one
                /is sethome|tpset        P:H  
                        set the island-home
                /is setwarp|warpset        P:H  
                        set your island`s warp location
                /is spawn        P:H  
                        teleports you to the skyblock spawn
                /is togglewarp|tw        P:H  
                        enable/disable warping to your island
                /is top <page>        P:H  
                        display top 10 islands
                /is trust|untrust <player>        P:H  
                        trust/untrust a player to help on your island
                /is warp|w <island>        P:H  
                        warp to another player`s island
                /islandtalk|istalk|it <message>        P:H  
                        talk to players on your island
                /partytalk|ptalk|ptk <message>        P:H  
                        talk to your island party

        Murder Mystery
                /mm join [arena] <all arenas>        P:H  
                        Joins specified arena
                /mm randomjoin        P:H  
                        Joins random arena of specified game mode
                /mm stats        P:H  
                        Shows your stats
                /mm leave        P:H  
                        Leave the current game
                /mm top [statistic]        P:H  
                        Shows TOP 10 players of specified statistic

        Build Battle
                /bb join [arena]        P:H  
                        Join the specified arena
                /bb stats        P:H  
                        Shows your stats
                /bb leave        P:H  
                        Leave the current game
                /bb top [statistic]        P:H  
                        Shows TOP 10 players of specified statistic

        Mob Arena
                /ama help        P:H  
                        Show plugin commands
                /ama join (arena)        P:H  
                        Join a specified or random arena
                /ama leave        P:H  
                        Leave the arena
                /ama list        P:H  
                        Open arenas GUI
                /ama shop        P:H  
                        Open arena shop
                /ama spectate [arena]        P:H  
                        Join the specified arena as spectator
                /ama stats        P:H  
                        Open stats GUI

                /pa join [arena / id]        P:H  
                        join the parkour arena
                /pa leave        P:H  
                        leave the parkour arena
                /pa info <player>        P:H  
                        show your or other player`s parkour info
                /pa stats [arena]        P:H  
                        display arena info
                /pa like/dislike        P:H  
                        vote for the arena you joined
                /pa list        P:H  
                        arena list
                /pa quiet        P:H  
                        toggle parkour messages
                /pa invite [player]        P:H  
                        invite a player to the course
                /pa challenge [course] [player] <wager>        P:H  
                        challange another player
                /pa joinall        P:H  
                        join all the arenas
                /pa leaderboard <arena> <amount> <type>        P:H  
                        show the leaderboard

                /spleef join <arena>        P:H  
                        Join a spleef game
                /spleef leave        P:H  
                        Leave spleef game
                /spleef stats        P:H  
                        Your spleef stats

Miscellaneous Commands
        /prewards        P:GSC  
                Check play time rewards
        /recipe        P:Global  
                Check recipes
        /workbench        D:HGS  P:C  
                Opens up a workbench
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Donator rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /ctext        P:Global  
                Shows custom text
        /sit        P:Global  
                Sit down
        /getbook        P:Global  
                Get a book
                Donate the item you are holding
        /shakeitoff        P:Global  
                Dismount any entity riding you
        /ride        T:Global  
                Ride a mob
        /colors        P:Global  
                Shows all possible colors
        /colorpicker        P:Global  
                Hex color picker
        /merchant        P:C  
                Opens villager trade menu
        /suicide        P:Global  
                End it all
        /lastonline [playername]        P:Global  
                Shows the last logout time of a player
        /seen        T:Global  
                Check when player was last seen
        /realname        P:Global  
                Displays the mojang username of a specified player
        /ptime        T:HGS  S:HGS  P:C  
                Adjust player`s client time. Add @ prefix to fix
        /pweather        T:HGS  S:HGS  P:C  
                Adjust a player`s weather
        /ping        P:Global  
        /votes        P:Global  
                List your votes
        /stats        P:Global  
                Check player stats
        /votetop        P:Global  
                Top votes list
        /list        P:Global  
                List all the players in the server you`re in
        /pos        P:Global  
                Get your current coordinates
        /clear        P:Global  
                Clear all items in your inventory
        /clearender        P:Global  
                Clear all items in your ender chest
        /options        P:Global  
                Toggle options

                Toggle holograms visibility    P:Global  

                Toggle sign editing with shift click    P:Global  

                Toggle totem boss bar    P:Global  

                Toggle compass    P:Global  

                Toggle chat tag sound    P:Global  

                Toggle private messages    P:Global  

                Toggle teleport requests    P:Global  

                Toggle payments    P:Global  
        /togglecompass        P:Global  
                Toggle boss bar compass
        /compass        P:Global  
                Point your compass to a given location
        /dispose        T:HGS  P:C  
                Opens a portable disposal menu
        /enderchest        T:Global  
                Lets you see inside an enderchest
        /saturation        P:C  
                Set saturation level
        /launch        P:C  
                Launch yourself towards the direction you are looking
        /lockip        P:Global  
                Prevents your from logging in from another IP
        /feed        P:C  
                Feed yourself
        /hunger        P:C  
                Set your hunger level
        /saveditems        P:C  
                Manage saved items
        /fly        D:GS  P:CH  
                enable fly mode
        /heal        P:C  
                heal yourself
        /head        T:Global  V:Global  
                Get a player head

                Get someone else's head    V:Global  
        /playtime        P:Global  
                Shows your play time

                Shows another player's play time    T:Global  
        /playtimetop        P:Global  
                Play time top list
        /dynmap webregister        P:CGS  
                registration command for our interactive online map

        Extra inventories
                /pv #        P:G  
                        Open an extra inventory

                        1 row    P:G  

                        2 rows    T:G  

                        3 rows    S:G  

                        4 rows    D:G  
                /pvdel [#]        P:G  
                        Delete your extra inventory

                /invite        P:H  
                        Referral guide
                /Ref <Player>        P:H  
                        Rever a player
                /RefAccept <Player>        P:H  
                        Confirm a referral
                /RefReject <Player>        P:H  
                        Reject a referral

        Vote Crates
                /crates        P:Global  
                        Crate commands
                /crate key show        P:Global  
                        Show the amount of crate keys
                /crate menu [menu]        P:Global  
                        Open crate menu
                /crate [crate]        P:Global  
                        Preview crate contents

                /marry        P:Global  
                        List all marry commands
                /marry [playername]        P:Global  
                        Marry someone
                /marry divorce [playername]        P:Global  
                /marry list        P:Global  
                        Shows all married players
                /marry tp        P:Global  
                        Teleports to the partner
                /marry chat        P:Global  
                        Private chat
                /marry chat toggle        P:Global  
                        Toggle between marriage chat and global chat
                /marry kiss        P:Global  
                        Kiss your partner
                /marry hug        P:Global  
                        Hug your partner
                /marry gift        P:Global  
                        Gifts the item in your hand to your partner
                /marry backpack        P:Global  
                        Opens the backpack of your partner
                /marry [player]]        P:Global  
                        Sends player a marriage request
                /marry seen        P:Global  
                        Check when your partner was last online

        Catch mobs

                Catch chickens    K:S  

                Catch cod    K:S  

                Catch cows    K:S  

                Catch bats    E:S  

                Catch dolphins    E:S  

                Catch foxes    E:S  

                Catch iron golems    T:S  

                Catch mooshrooms    E:S  

                Catch pandas    E:S  

                Catch pigs    T:S  

                Catch polar bears    T:S  

                Catch pufferfish    E:S  

                Catch rabbits    K:S  

                Catch salmon    K:S  

                Catch sheep    K:S  

                Catch snowmen    E:S  

                Catch squids    T:S  

                Catch tropical fish    E:S  

                Catch turtles    T:S  

                Catch villagers    A:S  

                Catch wandering traders    T:S  

                Catch cats    K:S  

                Catch donkeys    E:S  

                Catch horses    E:S  

                Catch llamas    E:S  

                Catch mules    K:S  

                Catch ocelots    K:S  

                Catch parrots    E:S  

                Catch skeleton horses    A:S  

                Catch trader llamas    T:S  

                Catch wolves    E:S  

                Catch zombie horses    A:S  

                Catch blazes    A:S  

                Catch cave spiders    A:S  

                Catch creepers    A:S  

                Catch drowneds    A:S  

                Catch endermen    T:S  

                Catch endermites    T:S  

                Catch magma cubes    T:S  

                Catch piglins    T:S  

                Catch silverfish    T:S  

                Catch skeletons    A:S  

                Catch slimes    T:S  

                Catch spiders    K:S  

                Catch zombies    A:S  

                Catch bees    A:S  

        Block log
                /lb tool        P:Global  
                        Get the lookup tool
                /lb tool <on|off>        P:Global  
                        Toggle tool block inspection

        Create sign based elevators. Tutorial here    P:Global  
    Global ranks
            P - Player rank
            T - Trusted rank
            S - Sponsor rank
            D - Donator rank
            V - Vip rank

    H - Hub
            Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A
    G - Settlements
            Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A
    F - Factions
            Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A

    S - Survival specific ranks
            K - Knowledgeable rank
            E - Experienced rank
            A - Advanced rank
            Progression: P > K > E > A > T > S > D > V

    C - Creative specific ranks
            N - Novice rank
            B - Builder rank
            D - Designer rank
            A - Architect rank
            Progression: P > N > B > D > A > T > S > D > V

        /servers        P:Global  
                List and Teleport to servers
        /menu        P:Global  
                Open up quick access menu
        /vote        P:Global  
                Vote sites list
        /web        P:Global  
                Website and discord
        /hub        P:Global  
                Teleport to Hub server
        /settlements        P:Global  
                Teleport to Settlements server
        /survival        P:Global  
                Teleport to Survival server
        /creative        P:Global  
                Teleport to Creative server
        /pvp        P:G  
                Open pvp arena list
        /ranks        P:CS  
                Open ranks list
        /quests        P:G  
                Open quests menu
        /ptr        P:G  
                Play time rewards
        /help        P:Global  
                Help pages
        /rules        P:Global  
                Server rules
        /tos        P:Global  
                Terms of service
        /donate        P:Global  
                Donation store
        /afk        P:Global  
                Marks you as afk
        /afkcheck [player]        P:Global  
                Check afk status of another player
        /kit        P:Global  
                Various kits

                /kit join - Get first join items    P:H  
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank

        Chat and Messaging
                /ignore [player]        P:Global  
                        Ignore or unignore other players
                /whisper [msg]        P:Global  
                        Send a whisper message. Only players close to you can see these messages

                        /whisper - Toggle between whisper chat and regular chat    P:Global  

                        /whisperradius [number] - Set the whisper chat radius    P:Global  

                        /whisperset [on/off] - Another command for toggling whisper mode    P:Global  
                /msg <player> <message>        P:Global  
                        Send a private message
                /reply <message>        P:Global  
                        reply to a private message
                /chat <message>        P:Global  
                        Chat rooms

                        Kick player from a chat room    T:Global  

                        Create a chat room    T:Global  

                        Create private chat rooms    T:Global  

                        Invite player to a chat room    T:Global  

                        List players in a chat room    P:Global  

                        List chat rooms    P:Global  
                /mail        P:Global  
                        Send mail to other players
                /me <msg>        T:Global  
                        Send a special message
                /helpop [msg]        P:Global  
                        message online staff

        Store Xp in bottles
                /bottle        P:G  A:S  
                        Opens help menu

                        /bottle stats    P:G  A:S  

                        /bottle until [level]    P:G  A:S  

                        /bottle get [amount]    P:G  A:S  

                        /bottle get max    P:G  A:S  

        Item modification
                /itemframe <invisible/fixed>        P:Global  
                        Make item frames invisible or prevent item rotation
                /rename        V:HGSC  T:HGSC  
                        rename the item you`re holding
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                /itemlore        V:HGSC  T:HGSC  
                        Set item lore
                /condense        T:HGSC  V:HGSC  
                        Condenses items into a more compact stacks/blocks
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                /uncondense        T:HGSC  V:HGSC  
                        Uncondenses items into a less compact stacks/blocks
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                /enchant        A:C  
                        Enchants the item you`re holding
                /effect        C  
                        Sets your potion effect
                /unbreakable        A:C  
                        Makes an item unbreakable
                /repair        P:C  
                        Repairs items

                Change paintings by shift click. Use middle mouse button to scroll through paintings    T:Global  

        /lands help        P:G  
                Lands help
        /lands claim        P:G  
                Claim chunks
        /lands create        P:G  
                Create a land claim
        /lands merge [land]        P:G  
                Merge 2 lands
        /lands accept [land]        P:G  
                Accept and invite from a land

                Join up to 3 lands. This does not include lands that you own    P:G  

                Join up to 4 lands. This does not include lands that you own    T:G  

                Join up to 5 lands. This does not include lands that you own    S:G  

                Join up to 6 lands. This does not include lands that you own    D:G  

                Join up to 7 lands. This does not include lands that you own    V:G  
        /lands chat <land> [msg]        P:G  
                Land channel chat
        /lands delete        P:G  
                Delete your land
        /lands deny        P:G  
                Deny land invite
        /lands deposit <land> [amount]        P:G  
                Deposit money into land bank
        /lands edit [land]        P:G  
                Land edit mode
        /lands info <land>        P:G  
                Show information about a land
        /lands invites        P:G  
                Show received invites
        /lands leave [land]        P:G  
                Leave your land
        /lands map        P:G  
                Lands map
        /lands menu        P:G  
                Open land menu
        /lands menu here        P:G  
                Open land menu for the chunk you''re standing on
        /lands rename <land> [name]        P:G  
                Rename your land
        /lands selection        P:G  
                Region selection
        /lands setrole [player] [area,*] [role]        P:G  
                Set player''s role for a given area
        /lands setspawn        P:G  
                Set spawn location for your land
        /lands spawn <land>        P:G  
                Teleport to land spawn
        /lands teleport [x] [z]        P:G  
                Teleport to a claimed chunk
        /lands top        P:G  
                Show lands top list
        /lands trust [player] <area,*>        P:G  
                Trust a player in your land, or an area if specified
        /lands untrust [player] <area,*>        P:G  
                Untrust a player from your land, or from an area if specified
        /lands unclaim        P:G  
                Unclaim a chunk
        /lands unclaimall        P:G  
                Unclaim all chunks
        /lands view        P:G  
                Show land borders
        /lands withdraw <land> [amount]        P:G  
                Withdraw money from your land bank
        /lands taxes        P:G  
                View upcoming taxes
        /lands rent        P:G  
                Manage rentals
        /wars declare        P:G  
                Declare a war
        /wars deny        P:G  
                Deny a war request
        /wars info        P:G  
                Information about the current war
        /wars menu        P:G  
                War menu

Grief Protection
        /AbandonClaim        P:SC  
                Deletes the claim you`re standing in
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /ClaimExplosions        P:SC  
                Toggles if explosions are allowed in the claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /Trust        P:SC  
                Gives another player permission to build in your claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /UnTrust        P:SC  
                Revokes any permissions granted to a player in your claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /AccessTrust        P:SC  
                Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /ContainerTrust        P:SC  
                Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /TrustList        P:SC  
                Lists the permissions for the claim you`re standing in
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /SubdivideClaims        P:SC  
                Switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can subdivide your claims
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /RestrictSubclaim        P:SC  
                Restricts a subclaim, so that it inherits no permissions from the parent claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /BasicClaims        P:SC  
                Puts your shovel back in basic claims mode
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /PermissionTrust        P:SC  
                Grants a player permission to share his permission level with others
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /Untrust All        P:SC  
                Removes all permissions for all players in your claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /AbandonAllClaims        P:SC  
                Deletes all of your claims
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /BuyClaimBlocks        P:SC  
                Converts server money to claim blocks
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /SellClaimBlocks        P:SC  
                Converts claim blocks to server money
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /ClaimsList        P:SC  
                Lists claims and claim block details
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /IgnorePlayer        P:SC  
                Ignores a target player`s chat messages
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /UnIgnorePlayer        P:SC  
                Un-ignores a target player`s chat messages
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /IgnoredPlayerList        P:SC  
                Lists all players currently ignored
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /Siege        P:SC  
                Besieges a player
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /Trapped        P:SC  
                Gets a player out of a land claim he`s trapped inside
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /UnlockDrops        P:SC  
                Allows other players to pick up items you dropped when you died
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /ClaimBook        P:SC  
                Gives a player a manual about claiming land
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative

        /mcmmo [commands]        P:G  
                Shows a brief description and the available commands
        /mcstats        P:G  
                Shows your mcMMO stats and xp
        /inspect (player)        P:G  
                Shows detailed mcmmo stats (like /mcstats) of another player
        /mctop [skillname][page number]        P:G  
                Shows the top ten (or later, with page number) players in overall power or in the named skill and their power or skill level in that skill
        /mcrank [username]        P:G  
                Shows how high the player is ranked in each skill. It default to the username of 
                the user who runs the command but it`s possible to look at other players stats by adding a username to the command
        /mcability        P:G  
                Toggles whether or not abilities get readied on right click
        /[skill name]        P:G  
                view information about the mcMMO skill
        /party        P:G  
                Manage your mcMMO party
        /party ?        P:G  
                More information about parties
        /party        P:G  
                Check party information
        /party create <party-name> <password>        P:G  
                Create a party
        /party join <player> <password>        P:G  
                Join a party
        /party invite <player>        P:G  
                Invite a player to join your party
        /party accept <player>        P:G  
                Accept a party invite
        /party password <password>        P:G  
                Set a password for the party you currently own
        /party kick <player-name>        P:G  
                Kick a player from the party
        /party owner <player-name>        P:G  
                Set a player as the party owner
        /party expshare [none/equal]        P:G  
                Set the party share mode
        /party lock        P:G  
                Lock the party
        /party unlock        P:G  
                Unlock the party
        /party q        P:G  
                Quit the party you`re currently in
        /partychat [message]        P:G  
                Toggle Party chat or send party chat messages

Teleportation and Homes

                /spawn        P:Global  
                        Teleport to server spawn
                /back        P:Global  
                        Teleport back to your previous location
                /dback        P:Global  
                        Teleports you to your death location
                /tpa [player]        P:Global  
                        Send a teleportation request to [player]
                /tpahere [player]        P:Global  
                        Request [player] to teleport to your location
                /tpalock <accept/deny/off>        P:Global  
                        Automatically accept or deny teleportation requests
                /tpaccept        P:Global  
                        Accept teleportation request
                /tpdeny        P:Global  
                        Deny teleportation request

                /warp        P:Global  
                        List all warps or warp to the specified location

                /home [name]        P:Global  
                        teleport to home
                /homes        P:Global  
                        list homes
                /sethome <name>        P:Global  
                        Set home to your current location

                        Up to 2 homes    P:S  

                        Up to 3 homes    P:HGC  K:S  

                        Up to 4 homes    E:S  

                        Up to 5 homes    A:S  

                        Up to 10 homes    T:Global  

                        Up to 15 homes    S:Global  

                        Up to 20 homes    D:Global  

                        Up to 25 homes    V:Global  
                /delhome <name>        P:Global  
                        removes a home

Shops and Economy
        /shop        P:GS  
                Opens shop menu
        /balance        P:Global  
                shows your current balance

                /balance [player] - See the balance of other players    T:Global  
        /balancetop        P:Global  
                gets the top balance values
        /pay [player] [amount]        P:Global  
                Pay another player
        /paytoggle        P:Global  
                toggles payments
        /check        P:Global  
                Write checks
        /sell        P:G  
                Quick sell
        /worth        P:G  
                Checks item's worth

                /market        P:GS  
                        Opens up the auction house
                /market help        P:GS  
                        Shows all available commands
                /market expire        P:GS  
                        Opens expired items list
                /market collect        P:GS  
                        Opens collectable items list
                /market listed        P:GS  
                        Lists items player is currently selling
                /market view <player>        P:GS  
                        Shows the list items being sold by the searched player
                /market sell <price> [amount]        P:GS  
                        Add the item currently in your hand to the selling section of the auction house

                        10 sale listings    P:GS  

                        15 sale listings    T:GS  

                        20 sale listings    S:GS  

                        25 sale listings    D:GS  
                /market bid <price> [amount]        P:GS  
                        Add the item currently in your hand to the bidding section of the auction house

                        10 auction listings    P:GS  

                        15 auction listings    T:GS  

                        20 auction listings    S:GS  

                        25 auction listings    D:GS  

                /trade [player]        P:GS  
                        Request [player] to trade with you
                /trade [accept, deny, toggle]        P:GS  
                        Accept, deny or toggle traderequests

        Chest Shop
                Chest Shop guide: https://aevony.net/forums/thread/41

                /iteminfo        P:G  
                        Get information about the item in your hand
                /iteminfo <id/name>        P:G  
                        Get information about the item with the given id or name
                /cstoggle        P:G  
                        Toggle buy and sell notificiation messages

                Shopkeepers guide: https://aevony.net/forums/thread/42

                /shopkeepers help        K:S  
                        Displays available commands
                /shopkeepers [shop type] [object type]        
                        Create a shopkeeper shop

                        Create selling shopkeepers    K:S  

                        Create buying shopkeepers    K:S  

                        Create trading shopkeepers    K:S  

                        Create 1 shopkeeper    K:S  

                        Create 3 shopkeepers    E:S  

                        Create 5 shopkeepers    A:S  

                        Create 7 shopkeepers    T:S  

                        Create 8 shopkeeper    S:S  

                        Create 10 shopkeeper    D:S  

                        Create 12 shopkeeper    V:S  
                /shopkeeper list [page]        K:S  
                        Lists your shops
                /shopkeeper remove [player|all|admin]        K:S  
                        Removes your shops
                /shopkeepers remote <shopName>        T:S  
                        Remotely opens the specified shop. The shop can be identified by name, id, unique id, or by looking at it
                /shopkeepers confirm        P:S  
                        Confirm a potentially dangerous action

                /jobs join [job]        P:GS  
                        join a job
                /jobs browse        P:GS  
                        browse all the available jobs
                /jobs top [job]        P:GS  
                        shows top 15 players for this job
                /jobs stats        P:GS  
                        show job levels for that player or yourself, if no name is specified
                /jobs archive        P:GS  
                        shows you all archived jobs
                /jobs leave [job]        P:GS  
                        leave the selected job
                /jobs leaveall        P:GS  
                        leave all the jobs
                /jobs info [job] [action]        P:GS  
                        Show you information about a job
                /jobs help        P:GS  
                        list all the commands
                /jobs toggle [action/bossbar]        P:GS  
                        toggles payment output on the action or bossbar
                /jobs limit        P:GS  
                        shows payment limits for jobs

                Maximum of 2 jobs    P:GS  

                Maximum of 3 jobs    T:GS  

                Maximum of 4 jobs    V:GS  

Chest Protection
        /cpublic        P:GSH  
                Create a public protection
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cprivate        P:GSH  
                Create a private protection 
                /cprivate Username g:Groupname @username2
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cpassword        P:GSH  
                Password protect a block
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cdonation        P:GSH  
                Create a donation chest
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cmodify        P:GSH  
                Modify an existing protection, adding or removing users and/or groups 
                /cmodify -User1 @someguy - removes access to the block for User1 and gives SomeGuy advanced privileges
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cunlock        P:GSH  
                Unlock a password-protected block
        /cinfo        P:GSH  
                Punch a protection to view information on it
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cremove        P:GSH  
                Remove protection from a block
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /climits        P:GSH  
                View the amount of protections you are allowed to own
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /lwc flag <flag name> <on/off>        P:GSH  
                magnet, redstone, autoclose, allowexplosions, hopper, exemption 
                Redstone: If on, redstone can influence the protected block, e.g. open doors, disable hopper 
                Magnet: Put nearby dropped items into the protected chest (or other blocks with inventories) 
                AutoClose: Automagically close a protected door if it was opened 
                AllowExplosions: Allows the protected block to be destroyed by an explosion 
                Hopper: Controls whether or not hoppers can be used on a protected block 
                Exemption: (Admin-only) Protection is exempt from being auto removed from LWC
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /lwc mode <mode name> <on/off>        P:GSH  
                /lwc mode persist <on/off> - Turns on/off the persist mode 
                /lwc mode droptransfer select - Select the chest drops go to 
                /lwc mode droptransfer <on/off> - Enable/disable the droptransfer 
                /lwc mode droptransfer status - Display the status of the droptransfer
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /lwc menu        P:GSH  
                Commands list
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End

        /hat <remove>        T:Global  
                equip blocks and items on your head
        /nick        T:Global  S:Global  
                Change your nickname

                /pet        P:HGC  
                        Opens the pet selection menu

                        Pet pig    P:HGC  

                        Pet chicken    P:HGC  

                        Pet cow    P:HGC  

                        Pet sheep    P:HGC  

                        Pet rabbit    P:HGC  

                        Pet spider    P:HGC  

                        Pet skeleton    P:HGC  

                        Pet horse    P:HGC  

                        Pet mule    P:HGC  

                        Pet zombie    P:HGC  

                        Pet bat    P:HGC  

                        Pet creeper    P:HGC  

                        Pet ocelot    P:HGC  

                        Pet cave spider    P:HGC  

                        Pet piglin    P:HGC  

                        Pet llama    P:HGC  

                        Pet mooshroom    P:HGC  

                        Pet slime    P:HGC  

                        Pet polar bear    P:HGC  

                        Pet turtle    P:HGC  

                        Pet silverfish    P:HGC  

                        Pet husk    P:HGC  

                        Pet stray    P:HGC  

                        Pet endermite    P:HGC  

                        Pet illusioner    P:HGC  

                        Pet vex    P:HGC  

                        Pet witch    P:HGC  

                        Pet parrot    P:HGC  

                        Pet wolf    T:HGC  

                        Pet villager    T:HGC  

                        Pet fox    T:HGC  

                        Pet trader llama    T:HGC  

                        Pet iron golem    T:HGC  

                        Pet wandering trader    S:HGC  

                        Pet Bee    S:HGC  

                        Pet snowman    S:HGC  

                        Pet enderman    S:HGC  

                        Pet pillager    D:HGC  

                        Pet phantom    D:HGC  

                        Pet wither skeleton    D:HGC  

                        Pet ravager    V:HGC  

                        Pet blaze    V:HGC  

                        Pet magma cube    V:HGC  

                        Pet wither    V:HGC  
                /pet help        P:HGC  
                        Show help on plugin commands
                /pet ride        S:HGC  
                        Ride your pet
                /pet inv        P:HGC  
                        Opens the Item Storage Menu
                /pet hat        T:HGC  
                        Set your pet on/off your head
                /pet remove        P:HGC  
                        Remove your pet
                /pet summon [pet]        P:HGC  
                        Spawns a pet
                /pet info        P:HGC  
                        Lists pet info


                        White particles    P:HGC  

                        Orange particles    P:HGC  

                        Magenta particles    P:HGC  

                        Light blue particles    P:HGC  

                        Yellow particles    P:HGC  

                        Green particles    P:HGC  

                        Pink particles    P:HGC  

                        Gray particles    P:HGC  

                        Light gray particles    P:HGC  

                        Cyan particles    P:HGC  

                        Purple particles    P:HGC  

                        Dark blue particles    P:HGC  

                        Brown particles    P:HGC  

                        Dark green particles    P:HGC  

                        Red particles    P:HGC  

                        Black particles    P:HGC  

                        Redstone particles    P:HGC  

                        Lava drops particles    P:HGC  

                        Water drops particles    P:HGC  

                        Water bubbles particles    P:HGC  

                        Water splash particles    P:HGC  

                        Note particles    P:HGC  

                        Heart particles    P:HGC  

                        Slime particles    P:HGC  

                        Purple dust particles    P:HGC  

                        Poof particles    P:HGC  

                        Fire particles    P:HGC  

                        Smoke particles    P:HGC  

                        Large smoke particles    P:HGC  

                        Spit particles    P:HGC  

                        Lapis particles    T:HGC  

                        Rainbow swirls particles    T:HGC  

                        Medium explosion particles    T:HGC  

                        Gold particles    S:HGC  

                        Lava particles    S:HGC  

                        Diamond particles    D:HGC  

                        Enchantment particles    D:HGC  

                        Emerald particles    V:HGC  

                        Large explosion particles    V:HGC  

                        Barrier particles    V:HGC  

                        Point shape    P:HGC  

                        Spin shape    P:HGC  

                        orbit shape    P:HGC  

                        halo shape    P:HGC  

                        cloud shape    P:HGC  

                        Spiral shape    P:HGC  

                        Thick cloud shape    P:HGC  

                        Cube shape    T:HGC  

                        Sphere shape    S:HGC  

                        Beam shape    D:HGC  

                        Helix shape    V:HGC  

                        Wings shape    V:HGC  

                /trails        P:GHC  
                        Opens the trails menu

                        White trail    P:GHC  

                        Orange trail    P:GHC  

                        Magenta trail    P:GHC  

                        Light blue trail    P:GHC  

                        Yellow trail    P:GHC  

                        Green trail    P:GHC  

                        Pink trail    P:GHC  

                        Gray trail    P:GHC  

                        Light gray trail    P:GHC  

                        Cyan trail    P:GHC  

                        Purple trail    P:GHC  

                        Dark blue trail    P:GHC  

                        Brown trail    P:GHC  

                        Dark green trail    P:GHC  

                        Red trail    P:GHC  

                        Black trail    P:GHC  

                        Redstone trail    P:GHC  

                        Lava drops trail    P:GHC  

                        Water drops trail    P:GHC  

                        Water bubbles trail    P:GHC  

                        Water splash trail    P:GHC  

                        Note trail    P:GHC  

                        Heart trail    P:GHC  

                        Slime trail    P:GHC  

                        Purple dust trail    P:GHC  

                        Small explosion trail    P:GHC  

                        Fire trail    P:GHC  

                        Smoke trail    P:GHC  

                        Large smoke trail    P:GHC  

                        Spit trail    P:GHC  

                        Lapis trail    T:GHC  

                        Rainbow swirls trail    T:GHC  

                        Medium explosion trail    T:GHC  

                        Gold trail    S:GHC  

                        Lava trail    S:GHC  

                        Diamond trail    D:GHC  

                        Enchantment trail    D:GHC  

                        Emerald trail    V:GHC  

                        Barrier trail    V:GHC  

                        Large explosion trail    V:GHC  
                /trail clearall        P:GHC  
                        Clears all current trails

        Bow Trails
                /bowtrails        P:GHC  
                        Bow trails menu

                        White bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Orange bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Magenta bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Light blue bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Yellow bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Green bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Pink bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Gray bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Light gray bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Cyan bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Purple bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Dark blue bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Brown bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Dark green bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Red bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Black bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Redstone bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Lava drops bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Water drops bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Water bubbles bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Water splash bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Notes bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Heart bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Slime bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Purple dust bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Poof bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Fire bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Smoke bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Large smoke bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Spit bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Lapis bow trail    T:GHC  

                        Rainbow swirls bow trail    T:GHC  

                        Medium explosion bow trail    T:GHC  

                        Gold bow trail    S:GHC  

                        Lava bow trail    S:GHC  

                        Diamond bow trail    D:GHC  

                        Enchantment bow trail    D:GHC  

                        Emerald bow trail    V:GHC  

                        Large explosion bow trail    V:GHC  

                        Barrier bow trail    V:GHC  
                /bowtrails remove        P:GHC  
                        Remove active bow trails!

        Chat Color
                /chatcolor        P:Global  
                        Open chatcolor list

                        White chat color    P:Global  

                        Light green chat color    P:Global  

                        Green chat color    P:Global  

                        Blue chat color    P:Global  

                        Aqua chat color    P:Global  

                        Dark aqua chat color    P:Global  

                        Gold chat color    T:Global  

                        Light gray chat color    T:Global  

                        Dark gray chat color    T:Global  

                        Yellow chat color    S:Global  

                        Purple chat color    S:Global  

                        Pink chat color    D:Global  

                        Red chat color    D:Global  

                        Light blue chat color    V:Global  

                        Dark red chat color    V:Global  

                /titles        P:Global  
                        Chat and name plate prefixes

                        trusted chat and name plate prefix    T:Global  

                        sponsor chat and name plate prefix    S:Global  

                        donator chat and name plate prefix    D:Global  

                        VIP chat and name plate prefix    V:Global  

                        Apprentice name plate prefix    P:Global  

                        Novice chat and name plate prefix    N:C  

                        Builder chat and name plate prefix    B:C  

                        Builder+ chat and name plate prefix    C  

                        Designer chat and name plate prefix    D:C  

        /npc        T:GS  D:C  
                Show basic NPC information
        /npc age        T:GS  D:C  
                modify a NPC`s age 
                [adult, baby, integer, -l] - Adult sets as adult, baby as baby, age specifies an exact age, 
                -l toggles whether the age is locked
        /npc speak message to speak --target npcid/player_name --type vocal_type        T:GS  D:C  
                Makes npc talk
        /npc controllable        T:GS  D:C  
                toggles the NPC`s controllable status. Controllable NPCs can be right clicked to be mounted and controlled with WASD
        /npc copy        T:GS  D:C  
                create a new NPC from the currently selected NPC, copying all traits 
                --name NewName
        /npc create        T:GS  D:C  
                create a new NPC 
                [NPC Name] - Name to give NPC 
                <--type [type]> - Mob type to use 
                --trait [trait1] [trait2] ... - A list of traits to apply to the NPC

                Create up to 5 npcs    T:GS  D:C  
        /npc leashable        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggles leashability
        /npc swim        T:GS  D:C  
                Make npc swim
        /npc equip        T:GS  D:C  
                Equipt npc with items
        /npc text        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggle text editor. Note that players need the permission to hear NPCs!
        /npc list        T:GS  D:C  
                List NPCs that match at least one of the given conditions 
                <-a> - List all NPCs 
                <--owner <owner>> - Owner 
                <--type <type>> - Mob type 
                <--char <character>> - Character
        /npc lookclose        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggle a NPC`s look-close state
        /npc name        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggle a NPC`s name plate visibility
        /npc mount        T:GS  D:C  
                Mount the currently selected NPC, if it is controllable
        /npc pose        T:GS  D:C  
                Changes/Stores NPC`s head position based on the Player`s current position 
                <--save [name] 
                --assume [name] 
                --remove [name] 
                --default [name]> 
        /npc power        T:GS  D:C  
                toggle whether a creeper NPC is powered
        /npc profession        T:GS  D:C  
                Change a villager-type NPC`s profession 
        /npc remove        T:GS  D:C  
                Remove an NPC
        /npc rename        T:GS  D:C  
                Rename an NPC 
                [name] - npc name
        /npc select        T:GS  D:C  
                Selects a NPC with the given ID 
                [id] - specify ID
        /npc size        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets a slime size 
                [size] - Slime size
        /npc skeletontype        T:GS  D:C  
                Changes a Skeleton NPC`s type 
                [type] - type
        /npc skin <-c -l<atest>> [name] <or --url [url] or -t [uuid/name] [data] [signature]>        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets an NPC`s skin name. Use -l to set the skin to always update to the latest
        /npc skinlayers <--cape [true/false]> <--hat [true/false]> <--jacket [true/false]> <--sleeves [true/false]> <--pants [true/false]>        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggle skin layers visibility
        /npc tphere        T:GS  D:C  
                Teleport an NPC to your location
        /npc snowman <-d[erp]>        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets snowman modifiers
        /npc ocelot <--type type> <-s<itting>, -n<ot sitting>>        T:GS  D:C  
                Set ocelot modifiers
        /npc horse (--color color) (--type type) (--style style) (-cb)        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets horse and horse-like entity modifiers
        /npc wolf <-s<itting> a<ngry> t<amed> i<nfo>> --collar [hex rgb color/name]        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets wolf modifiers
        /npc type [type]        T:GS  D:C  
                Changes an NPC`s mob type
        /npc zombiemod -b/-v        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets a zombie NPC`s modifiers
        /citizens help        T:GS  D:C  
                Show Citizens help menu
        /npc help        T:GS  D:C  
                Show NPC help menu

                /plot        P:C  
                        Plot help
                /plot        P:C  
                        Buy the plot you are standing on
                /plot        P:C  
                        Claim the current plot you`re standing on

                        Claim 1 plot    N:C  C  D:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Novice rank
                                        Creative M
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder+ rank
                                        Creative L
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative S

                        Claim up to 2 plots    P:C  B:C  D:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                                        Creative S
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder rank
                                        Creative S
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative L

                        Claim up to 3 plots    N:C  C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Novice rank
                                        Creative S
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder+ rank
                                        Creative M

                        Claim up to 4 plots    B:C  D:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder rank
                                        Creative S
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative M

                        Claim up to 5 plots    C  D:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder+ rank
                                        Creative S
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative S

                        Claim up to 6 plots    D:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative S
                /plot auto        P:C  
                        Claim the nearest plot
                /plot home        P:C  
                        Teleport to your plots
                /plot auto        P:C  
                        Delete a plot
                /plot setowner        P:C  
                        Set the plot owner
                /plot visit        P:C  
                        Visit someones plot
                /plot kick        P:C  
                        Kick a player from your plot
                /plot middle        P:C  
                        Teleports you to the center of the current plot
                /plot add        P:C  
                        Allow a user to build while you are online
                /plot deny        P:C  
                        Deny a user from a plot
                /plot remove        P:C  
                        Remove a player from a plot
                /plot merge        P:C  
                        Merge the plot you are standing on, with another plot
                /plot unlink        P:C  
                        Unlink merged plots
                /plot trust        P:C  
                        Allow a player to build in a plot
                /plot setflag        P:C  
                        Set plot flags
                /plot done        P:C  
                        Mark a plot as done
                /plot continue        P:C  
                        Continue a plot that was previously marked as done
                /plot setdescription        P:C  
                        Set the plot description
                /plot alias        P:C  
                        Set the plot name

                        /plot alias set [alias]    P:C  

                        /plot alias remove    P:C  
                /plot sethome        P:C  
                        Set the plot home
                /plot toggle        P:C  
                        Toggle per user settings
                /plot inbox        P:C  
                        Review the comments for a plot
                /plot comment        P:C  
                        Comment on a plot
                /plot set        P:C  
                        Set a plot value
                /plot clear        P:C  
                        Clear your plot
                /plot music        P:C  
                        Play music in a plot
                /plot setbiome        P:C  
                        Set the plot biome
                /plot confirm        P:C  
                        Confirm an action
                /plot info        P:C  
                        Display plot info
                /plot list        P:C  
                        List plots

                        /plot list top - list top plots    P:C  

                        /plot list - list your plots    P:C  

                        /plot list [world]- list plots in that world    P:C  

                        /plot list done - list plots labeled as done    P:C  

                        /plot list all - list all plots    P:C  

                        /plot list shared - list shared plots    P:C  

                        /plot list expired - list expired plots    P:C  

                        /plot list unowned - list unowned plots    P:C  

                        /plot list forsale - list plots for sale    P:C  
                /plot rate        P:C  
                        Rate the plot
                /plot target        P:C  
                        Target a plot with your compass
                /plot help        P:C  
                        Get this help menu
                /plot relight        T:C  
                        Relight your plot

                /dye        N:C  
                        Edit armor color
                /cu        P:C  
                        Open utilities menu

                        Opens banner creator    B:C  

                        Toggles no-clip mode    C  

                        Toggle night vision    P:C  
                /armorstand        T:HGSC  
                        Opens armor stand editor
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                /exp        P:C  
                        Set your xp
                /checkxp        P:Global  
                        Check your xp
                /ext <player>        P:C  
                        extinguish yourself
                /gm        P:C  
                        change your gamemode gmc, gms, gmsp, gma

                        /gmc    P:C  

                        /gms    P:C  

                        /gma    P:C  

                        /gmsp                    /more        P:C  
                        Fills the item stack in hand to maximum size
                /jump        P:C  
                        Jumps to the nearest block in the line of sight
                /top        P:C  
                        Teleport to the highest block at your current position

                /pp help        D:C  
                        Pixel printer commands
                /pp create [direction] [File name] [Height]        D:C  
                        Creates a in-game block version of the image, moving the the direction [direction] and will have a height of [Height]. The width will be scaled to the image height
                /pp createFrames [direction] [File name] [Height]        D:C  
                        Creates a in-game itemframe version of the image, moving the direction [direction] and will have a height of [Height]. The width will be scaled to the image height
                /pp createskin [direction] [player name or UUID]        D:C  
                        Create a 16x48x16 player character with the specified players skin. Note: In order to use the player`s name, the player must have joined the server
                /pp preview        D:C  
                        Creates a preview of the image you are going to make. This only displays the border of the image, and should be used to tell if this image will clip through any existing blocks
                /pp specs        D:C  
                        Shows the specifications of an image

        Decorative Heads
                /heads        B:C  
                        Opens heads menu
                /heads search [input]        B:C  
                        search for heads in the database

                Buy decorative heads    B:C  

        World Edit
                /we help <command>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Displays help for WE commands
                //wand        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Get the wand object
                /toggleeditwand        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Toggle functionality of the edit wand
                //confirm        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Confirm a command
                //tips        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Toggle World Edit tips
                /clearclipboard        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Clear your clipboard
                //clearhistory        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Clear your history
                //undo <times>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Undoes the last action
                //redo <times>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Redoes the last action (from history)
                //set [pattern]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set all blocks within selection
                //replace [from-mask] [to-pattern] <-f>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Replace all blocks in the selection with another
                //copy <-e> <-m>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Copy the selection to the clipboard 
                        -e also copy entities 
                        -m sets a source mask so that excluded blocks become air 
                        -b copies biomes
                //cut <leave-id> <-e> <-m>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Copy the selection to the clipboard 
                        -e skips entity copy 
                        -m sets a source mask so that excluded blocks become air 
                        -b copies biomes
                //paste <-s> <-a> <-o>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Pastes the clipboard’s contents. 
                        -a skips air blocks 
                        -b skips pasting biomes 
                        -e skips pasting entities 
                        -o pastes at the original position 
                        -s selects the region after pasting
                //place <-s> <-a> <-o>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Places the clipboard’s contents without applying transformations (e.g. rotate). 
                        -a skips air blocks 
                        -o pastes at the original position 
                        -s selects the region after pasting
                //flip <direction>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Flips the contents of the clipboard across the point from which the copy was made.
                //rotate [y-axis] <x-axis> <z-axis>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Non-destructively rotate the contents of the clipboard. 
                        Angles are provided in degrees and a positive angle will result in a clockwise rotation. 
                        Multiple rotations can be stacked. Interpolation is not performed so angles should be a multiple of 90 degrees.
                //sel <cuboid|extend|poly|ellipsoid|sphere|cyl|convex> <-d>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Choose a region selector
                //pos1 <coordinates>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set position 1
                //pos2 <coordinates>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set position 2
                //hpos1        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set position 1 to targeted block
                //hpos2        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set position 2 to targeted block
                //toggleplace        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Switch between your position and pos1 for placement
                //size <-c>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Get information about the selection
                //removenear <block> [size]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Remove blocks near you
                //removeabove <size> <height>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Remove blocks above your head.
                //replacenear [size] [from-id] [to-id] <-f>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Replace nearby blocks
                //removebelow <size> >height>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Remove blocks below you
                //pyramid [pattern] [size] <-h>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generate a filled pyramid
                //hpyramid [pattern] [size]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generate a hollow pyramid
                //cyl [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>> <height> <-h>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a cylinder. 
                        By specifying 2 radii, separated by a comma, 
                        you can generate elliptical cylinders. 
                        The 1st radius is north/south, the 2nd radius is east/west.
                //hcyl [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>> <height>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a hollow cylinder. 
                        By specifying 2 radii, separated by a comma, 
                        you can generate elliptical cylinders. 
                        The 1st radius is north/south, the 2nd radius is east/west.
                //sphere [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>,<radius>> <raised?> <-h>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a filled sphere. 
                        By specifying 3 radii, separated by commas, 
                        you can generate an ellipsoid. The order of the ellipsoid radii 
                        is north/south, up/down, east/west.
                //hsphere [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>,<radius>> <raised?>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a hollow sphere. 
                        By specifying 3 radii, separated by commas, 
                        you can generate an ellipsoid. The order of the ellipsoid radii 
                        is north/south, up/down, east/west.
                //faces [pattern]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Build the walls, ceiling, and floor of a selection
                //walls <pattern>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Build the four sides of the selection
                //fill <pattern> <radius> [depth] [direction]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Fill a hole
                //fillr [pattern] [radius] <depth>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Fill a hole recursively
                //drain <radius>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Drain a pool
                //fixlava [radius]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Fix lava to be stationary
                //fixwater [radius]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Fix water to be stationary
                //setskylight        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set sky lighting in a selection
                //getlighting        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Get the light at a position
                //removelight        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Removing lighting in a selection
                //fixlighting        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Get the light at a position
                //setblocklight        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set block lighting in a selection
                /masks <page=1|search|mask>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Masks determine if a block can be placed 
                        - Use [brackets] for arguments 
                        - Use , to OR multiple 
                        - Use & to AND multiple 
                        e.g. >[stone,dirt],#light[0][5],$jungle
                //gmask <mask>        
                        The global destination mask applies to all edits you do and masks based on the destination blocks (i.e. the blocks in the world).
                //gtransform <transform>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the global transform
                //gsmask <mask>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        The global source mask applies to all edits you do and masks based on the source blocks (e.g. the blocks in your clipboard)
                /patterns <page=1|search|pattern>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Patterns determine what blocks are placed 
                        - Use [brackets] for arguments 
                        - Use , to OR multiple 
                        e.g. #surfacespread[10][#existing],andesite
                /unstuck        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Escape from being stuck inside a block
                /thru        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Passthrough walls
                /up <number> <-f> <-g>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Go upwards some distance
                /ascend <# of levels>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Go up a floor
                /ceil <clearance> <-f> <-g>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Go to the celing
                /descend <# of floors>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Go down a floor
                /butcher <radius> <-p> <-l> <-a> <-n> <-g> <-b> <-t> >-f> <-r>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Kills nearby mobs, based on radius, if none is given uses default in configuration. 
                        -p also kills pets. 
                        -n also kills NPCs. 
                        -g also kills Golems. 
                        -a also kills animals. 
                        -b also kills ambient mobs. 
                        -t also kills mobs with name tags. 
                        -f compounds all previous flags. 
                        -r also destroys armor stands. 
                        -l currently does nothing.
                //ex <radius>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Extinguish nearby fire
                //calc [expression]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Evaluate a mathematical expression
                //stack [count] <direction> <-s> <-a> <-m>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Repeats the contents of the selection. 
                        -s shifts the selection to the last stacked copy 
                        -a skips air blocks
                //move <count> <direction> <leave-id> <-s>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Moves the contents of the selection. 
                        -s flag shifts the selection to the target location. 
                        -b also copies biomes 
                        -e ignores entities 
                        -a ignores air
                //lay <pattern>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the top block in the region
                //nbtinfo        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        View nbt info for a block
                //overlay <pattern>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set a block on top of blocks in the region
                //smooth [iterations] [mask]        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Smooths the elevation in the selection. 
                        -l Set the amount of snow blocks under the snow 
                        -m The mask of blocks to use as the height map
                //line [pattern] <thickness> <-h>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Draws a line segment between cuboid selection corners. 
                        Can only be used with cuboid selections. 
                        -h generates only a shell
                //count [block] <-d>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Counts the number of a certain type of block
                //distr <-c> <-d>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Gets the distribution of blocks in the selection. 
                        The -c flag gets the distribution of your clipboard. 
                        The -d flag separates blocks by data
                //chunk <x,z coordinates> <-s> <-c>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the selection to the chunk you are currently in. 
                        With the -s flag, your current selection is expanded 
                        to encompass all chunks that are part of it.

                        Specifying coordinates will use those instead of your 
                        current position. Use -c to specify chunk coordinates, 
                        otherwise full coordinates will be implied. 
                        (for example, the coordinates 5,5 are the same as -c 0,0)
                /chunkinfo        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Get information about the chunk that you are inside
                /listchunks        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        List chunks that your selection includes
                //searchitem [query] <-b> <-i>        P:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Searches for an item. 
                        -b only search for blocks 
                        -i only search for items
                /pumpkins <size>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generate pumpkin patches
                /forestgen <size> <tree-type> <density>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generate a forest
                //forest <type> <density>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Make a forest within the region
                //flora <density>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Make flora within the region
                //naturalize        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        3 layers of dirt on top then rock below
                //snow <radius>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Simulates snow
                //thaw <radius>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Thaws the area
                //green <radius> <-f>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Greens the area
                //setbiome [biome] <-p>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the biome of the region. 
                        -p use the block you are currently in
                /biomelist <page>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Gets all biomes available.
                /biomeinfo <-p> <-t>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Get the biome of the block. 
                        -t uses the block you are looking at. 
                        -p uses the block you are currently in
                //caves <size=8> <freq=40> <rarity=7> <minY=8> <maxY=127> <sysFreq=1> <sysRarity=25> <pocketRarity=0> <pocketMin=0> <pocketMax=3>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a cave network
                //ore [mask] [pattern] [size] [freq] [rarity] [minY] [maxY]        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates ores
                //ores        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates ores
                //center [pattern]        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the center block(s)
                //hollow [[thickness] <pattern>]        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Hollows out the object contained in this selection. 
                        Optionally fills the hollowed out part with the given block. 
                        Thickness is measured in manhattan distance.
                //fall [replace] [-m]        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Make the blocks in the selection fall 
                        The -m flag will only fall within the vertical selection
                //expand [amount] <reverse-amount> <direction>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Expand the selection area
                //shift [amount] <direction>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Shift the selection area
                //contract [amount] <reverse-amount> <direction>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Contract the selection area
                //deform [expression] <-r> <-o>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Deforms a selected region with an expression 
                        The expression is executed for each block and is expected 
                        to modify the variables x, y and z to point to a new block 
                        to fetch. See also tinyurl.com/wesyntax.
                //outset [amount] <-h> <-v>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Expands the selection by the given amount in all directions. 
                        -h only expand horizontally 
                        -v only expand vertically
                //inset [amount] <-h> <-v>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Contracts the selection by the given amount in all directions. 
                        -h only contract horizontally 
                        -v only contract vertically
                //curve [pattern] <thickness> <-h>        N:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Draws a spline through selected points. 
                        Can only be used with convex polyhedral selections. 
                        -h generates only a shell
                /none        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Unbind a bound tool from your current item
                /secondary <brush-arguments>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the left click brush
                /scroll <none|clipboard|mask|pattern|range|size|visual|target>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Toggle between different target modes
                /tool tree <type>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Tree generator tool
                /tool repl [block]        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Block replacer tool
                /tool info        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Block information tool
                /tool lrbuild <leftclick block> <rightclick block>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Long-range building tool
                /tool inspect        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Chooses the inspect brush
                /tool farwand        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Wand at a distance tool
                /tool floodfill [pattern] [range]        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Flood fill tool
                /tool cycler        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Block data cycler tool
                /tool deltree        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Floating tree remover tool
                /size <pattern>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the brush size
                /savebrush <name>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Save your current brush 
                        -g flag to save globally
                //listbrush <mine|filter> <page=1> <-d> <-n> <-p>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        List all brushes in the brush directory 
                        -p prints the requested page
                /range <pattern>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the brush range
                /mask <mask>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the brush destination mask
                /transform <transform>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the brush transform
                /mat <pattern>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the brush material
                /loadbrush <name>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        load a brush
                /smask <mask>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the brush source mask
                /visualize <mode=0>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Toggle between different visualization modes 
                        0 = No visualization 
                        1 = Single block at target position 
                        2 = Glass showing what blocks will be changed
                /targetmask <mask>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the targeting mask
                /targetoffset <mask>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the targeting mask
                /primary <brush-arguments>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set the right click brush
                /brush copypaste <depth=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Left click the base of an object to copy. 
                        Right click to paste 
                        -r flag Will apply random rotation on paste 
                        -a flag Will apply auto view based rotation on paste
                /brush command [radius] <cmd1;cmd2...>        Ma:Global  
                        Run the commands at the clicked position.
                /brush shatter [pattern] <radius=10> <count=10>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Creates uneven lines separating terrain into multiple pieces
                /brush erode <radius=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Erodes terrain
                /brush sphere [pattern] <radius=2> <-h> <-f>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Creates a sphere. 
                        -h flag creates hollow spheres instead. 
                        -f flag creates falling spheres.
                /brush pull <radius=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Pull terrain towards you
                /brush stencil [pattern] <radius=5> <file|#clipboard|imgur=null> <rotation=360> <yscale=1.0>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Use a height map to paint any surface. 
                        -w flag will only apply at maximum saturation 
                        -r flag will apply random rotation
                /brush recursive [pattern-to] <radius=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set all connected blocks 
                        -d flag Will apply in depth first order
                /brush spline [pattern]        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Click to select some objects,click the same block twice to connect the objects. 
                        Insufficient brush radius, or clicking the wrong spot will result in undesired shapes. 
                        The shapes must be simple lines or loops.
                /brush sweep <copies=-1>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Sweeps your clipboard content along a curve. 
                        Define a curve by selecting the individual points with a brush 
                        Set [copies] to a value > 0 if you want to have your selection 
                        pasted a limited amount of times equally spaced on the curve
                /brush catenary [pattern] <lengthFactor=1.2> <size=0>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Create a hanging line between two points. 
                        lengthFactor controls how long the line is 
                        -h flag creates only a shell 
                        -s flag selects the clicked point after drawing
                /brush line [pattern] <radius=0> <-h> <-s> <-f>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Create lines. 
                        -h flag creates only a shell 
                        -s flag selects the clicked point after drawing 
                        -f flag creates a flat line
                /brush sspl [pattern] <size=0> <tension=0> <bias=0> <continuity=0> <quality=10>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Create a spline on the surface
                /brush blendball <-a> <radius=5> <minFreqDiff=1> <-m>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Smooths and blends terrain 
                        -a flag sets that the brush should only compare air vs existing blocks 
                        -m sets a mask to limit blocks being considered for smoothing
                /brush circle [pattern] <radius=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Creates a circle which revolves around your facing direction.
                /brush rock [pattern] <radius=10> <roundness=100> <frequency=30> <amplitude=50> <-h>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Creates a distorted sphere
                /brush height <-lrs> <radius> <yscale> <image> <rotation>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        This brush raises and lowers land. 
                        -r flag enables random off-axis rotation 
                        -l flag will work on snow layers 
                        -s flag disables smoothing
                /brush flatten <radius=5> <file|#clipboard|imgur=null> <rotation=0> <yscale=1.00> <-h>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Flatten brush flattens terrain 
                        -r flag enables random off-axis rotation 
                        -l flag will work on snow layers 
                        -s flag disables smoothing
                /brush layer [radius] [patternLayer]        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Replaces terrain with a layer.
                /brush cylinder [pattern] <radius=2> <height=1> <-h>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Creates a cylinder. 
                        -h flag creates hollow cylinders instead.
                /brush surface [pattern] <radius=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Use a height map to paint any surface. 
                        -w flag will only apply at maximum saturation 
                        -r flag will apply random rotation
                /brush ex <radius=5>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Shortcut fire extinguisher brush
                /brush gravity <radius=5> <-h>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        This brush simulates the affect of gravity. 
                        -h flag makes it affect blocks starting at the world’s max y, instead of the clicked block’s y + radius.
                /brush clipboard <-a> <-o> <-e> <-b> <-m>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Chooses the clipboard brush. 
                        -a flag makes it not paste air. 
                        Without -o flag, the paste will appear centered at the target location. 
                        With -o flag the paste will appear relative to where you had stood relative to the copied area when you copied it. 
                        -e pastes entities 
                        -b pastes biomes, if available 
                        -m Skips blocks matching a mask in the clipboard
                /brush butcher <radius=5> <-p> <-l> <-a> <-n> <-g> <-b> <-t> <-f> <-r>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Kills nearby mobs within the specified radius. 
                        -p also kills pets. 
                        -n also kills NPCs. 
                        -g also kills Golems. 
                        -a also kills animals. 
                        -b also kills ambient mobs. 
                        -t also kills mobs with name tags. 
                        -f compounds all previous flags. 
                        -r also destroys armor stands. 
                        -l currently does nothing.
                /brush splatter [pattern] <radius=5> <seeds=1> <recursion=5> <solid=true>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Sets a bunch of blocks randomly on a surface.
                /brush cliff <radius=5> <file|#clipboard|imgur=null> <rotation=0> <yscale=1.00> <-h>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        This brush flattens terrain and creates cliffs. 
                        -r flag enables random off-axis rotation 
                        -l flag will work on snow layers 
                        -s flag disables smoothing
                /brush smooth <size=2> <iterations=4> <-n>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Chooses the terrain softener brush. 
                        -n flag makes it only consider naturally occurring blocks.
                /brush scatter [pattern] <radius=5> <points=5> <distance=1> <-o>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Set a number of blocks randomly on a surface each a certain distance apart. 
                        -o flag will overlay the block
                /schematic list <filter> <page=1> <-d> <-n> <-p>        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        List all schematics 
                        -p prints the requested page 
                        -f restricts by format
                /schematic clear        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Clear your clipboard
                /schematic load <format> <filename>        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Load a schematic into your clipboard
                /schematic loadall <format> [filename|url]        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Load multiple clipboards 
                        The -r flag will apply random rotation
                /schematic delete <filename|*>        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Delete a schematic from the schematic list
                /schematic save <format> [filename]        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Save a schematic from your clipboard
                /schematic unload <file>        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Remove a schematic from your multi-clipboard
                /schematic move [directory]        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Move your currently loaded schematics
                /schematic formats        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        List available formats
                /schematic show <global|mine|filter> <-d> <-n> <-p>        D:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        List all schematics in the schematics directory 
                        -f restricts by format
                /brush populateschematic [mask] [file|folder|url] <radius=30> <points=5> <-r>        B:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Chooses the scatter schematic brush. 
                        -r flag will apply random rotation
                //image [imgur] <randomize=true> <complexity=100> <dimensions>        A:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generate an image
                //generate [pattern] [expression] <-h> <-r> <-o> <-c>        A:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a shape according to a formula that is expected to 
                        return positive numbers (true) if the point is inside the shape 
                        Optionally set type/data to the desired block. 
                        -h to generate a hollow shape 
                        -r to use raw minecraft coordinates 
                        -o is like -r, except offset from placement. 
                        -c is like -r, except offset selection center. 
                        If neither -r nor -o is given, the selection is mapped to -1..1
                //generatebiome [biome] [expression] <-h> <-r> <-o> <-c>        A:C  Mo:GS  Ad:H  
                        Generates a shape according to a formula that is expected to 
                        return positive numbers (true) if the point is inside the shape 
                        Sets the biome of blocks in that shape. 
                        -h to generate a hollow shape 
                        -r to use raw minecraft coordinates 
                        -o is like -r, except offset from placement. 
                        -c is like -r, except offset selection center. 
                        If neither -r nor -o is given, the selection is mapped to -1..1

                Default World Edit group. Edit up to 5000 blocks per command    P:C  

                Novice World Edit group. Edit up to 10000 blocks per command    N:C  

                Builder World Edit group. Edit up to 15000 blocks per command    B:C  

                Dsigner World Edit group. Edit up to 35000 blocks per command    D:C  

                Architect World Edit group. Edit up to 100000 blocks per command    A:C  

        Decorative Blocks
                /furniture list <option> <side>        N:C  
                        List available furniture
                /furniture give [furniture name] <amount>        N:C  
                        Get a furniture
                /furniture toggle <player>        N:C  
                        Toggle furniture visibility

        /minigames        P:H  
                Open minigames list

                /challenges        P:H  
                        Skyblock challenges
                /island, /is        P:H  
                        general skyblock command
                /is create <schematic>        P:H  
                        create an island

                        Get Sponsor island    S:H  

                        Get Donator island    D:H  

                        Get Sponsor VIP island    V:H  
                /is auto        P:H  
                        teleports you to your island. If you don`t have an island, it`ll create a new one
                /is accept|reject        P:H  
                        accept/reject an invitation
                /is ban|unban <player>        P:H  
                        ban/unban a player from your island
                /is biome|b <biome> <radius>        
                        change the biome of the island

                        Deep opean biome    P:H  

                        Desert biome    P:H  

                        Extreme hills biome    P:H  

                        Flower forest biome    P:H  

                        Forest biome    P:H  

                        Nether biome    P:H  

                        Jungle biome    P:H  

                        Mushroom biome    P:H  

                        Ocean biome    P:H  

                        Plains biome    P:H  

                        Void biome    P:H  

                        Swamp biome    P:H  

                        Taiga biome    P:H  
                /is home        P:H  
                        teleport to the island home
                /is info        P:H  
                        check your island info
                /is invite <oplayer>        P:H  
                        invite a player to your island
                /is kick|remove <player>        P:H  
                        kick a member from your island
                /is leave        P:H  
                        leave your party
                /is level        P:H  
                        check your island level
                /is limits <player>        P:H  
                        show island limits
                /is lock|unlock        P:H  
                        lock your island to non-party members
                /is makeleader|transfer <member>        P:H  
                        transfer leadership to another member
                /is party        P:H  
                        show party information

                        /is party info - shows information about your party    P:H  

                        /is party invites - show pending invites    P:H  

                        /is party uninvite <player> - cancel an invite    P:H  
                /is perm <member> <perm>        P:H  
                        Changes a island member`s permissions
                /is restart|reset <schematic>        P:H  
                        Delete your island and start a new one
                /is sethome|tpset        P:H  
                        set the island-home
                /is setwarp|warpset        P:H  
                        set your island`s warp location
                /is spawn        P:H  
                        teleports you to the skyblock spawn
                /is togglewarp|tw        P:H  
                        enable/disable warping to your island
                /is top <page>        P:H  
                        display top 10 islands
                /is trust|untrust <player>        P:H  
                        trust/untrust a player to help on your island
                /is warp|w <island>        P:H  
                        warp to another player`s island
                /islandtalk|istalk|it <message>        P:H  
                        talk to players on your island
                /partytalk|ptalk|ptk <message>        P:H  
                        talk to your island party

        Murder Mystery
                /mm join [arena] <all arenas>        P:H  
                        Joins specified arena
                /mm randomjoin        P:H  
                        Joins random arena of specified game mode
                /mm stats        P:H  
                        Shows your stats
                /mm leave        P:H  
                        Leave the current game
                /mm top [statistic]        P:H  
                        Shows TOP 10 players of specified statistic

        Build Battle
                /bb join [arena]        P:H  
                        Join the specified arena
                /bb stats        P:H  
                        Shows your stats
                /bb leave        P:H  
                        Leave the current game
                /bb top [statistic]        P:H  
                        Shows TOP 10 players of specified statistic

        Mob Arena
                /ama help        P:H  
                        Show plugin commands
                /ama join (arena)        P:H  
                        Join a specified or random arena
                /ama leave        P:H  
                        Leave the arena
                /ama list        P:H  
                        Open arenas GUI
                /ama shop        P:H  
                        Open arena shop
                /ama spectate [arena]        P:H  
                        Join the specified arena as spectator
                /ama stats        P:H  
                        Open stats GUI

                /pa join [arena / id]        P:H  
                        join the parkour arena
                /pa leave        P:H  
                        leave the parkour arena
                /pa info <player>        P:H  
                        show your or other player`s parkour info
                /pa stats [arena]        P:H  
                        display arena info
                /pa like/dislike        P:H  
                        vote for the arena you joined
                /pa list        P:H  
                        arena list
                /pa quiet        P:H  
                        toggle parkour messages
                /pa invite [player]        P:H  
                        invite a player to the course
                /pa challenge [course] [player] <wager>        P:H  
                        challange another player
                /pa joinall        P:H  
                        join all the arenas
                /pa leaderboard <arena> <amount> <type>        P:H  
                        show the leaderboard

                /spleef join <arena>        P:H  
                        Join a spleef game
                /spleef leave        P:H  
                        Leave spleef game
                /spleef stats        P:H  
                        Your spleef stats

Miscellaneous Commands
        /prewards        P:GSC  
                Check play time rewards
        /recipe        P:Global  
                Check recipes
        /workbench        D:HGS  P:C  
                Opens up a workbench
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Donator rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /ctext        P:Global  
                Shows custom text
        /sit        P:Global  
                Sit down
        /getbook        P:Global  
                Get a book
                Donate the item you are holding
        /shakeitoff        P:Global  
                Dismount any entity riding you
        /ride        T:Global  
                Ride a mob
        /colors        P:Global  
                Shows all possible colors
        /colorpicker        P:Global  
                Hex color picker
        /merchant        P:C  
                Opens villager trade menu
        /suicide        P:Global  
                End it all
        /lastonline [playername]        P:Global  
                Shows the last logout time of a player
        /seen        T:Global  
                Check when player was last seen
        /realname        P:Global  
                Displays the mojang username of a specified player
        /ptime        T:HGS  S:HGS  P:C  
                Adjust player`s client time. Add @ prefix to fix
        /pweather        T:HGS  S:HGS  P:C  
                Adjust a player`s weather
        /ping        P:Global  
        /votes        P:Global  
                List your votes
        /stats        P:Global  
                Check player stats
        /votetop        P:Global  
                Top votes list
        /list        P:Global  
                List all the players in the server you`re in
        /pos        P:Global  
                Get your current coordinates
        /clear        P:Global  
                Clear all items in your inventory
        /clearender        P:Global  
                Clear all items in your ender chest
        /options        P:Global  
                Toggle options

                Toggle holograms visibility    P:Global  

                Toggle sign editing with shift click    P:Global  

                Toggle totem boss bar    P:Global  

                Toggle compass    P:Global  

                Toggle chat tag sound    P:Global  

                Toggle private messages    P:Global  

                Toggle teleport requests    P:Global  

                Toggle payments    P:Global  
        /togglecompass        P:Global  
                Toggle boss bar compass
        /compass        P:Global  
                Point your compass to a given location
        /dispose        T:HGS  P:C  
                Opens a portable disposal menu
        /enderchest        T:Global  
                Lets you see inside an enderchest
        /saturation        P:C  
                Set saturation level
        /launch        P:C  
                Launch yourself towards the direction you are looking
        /lockip        P:Global  
                Prevents your from logging in from another IP
        /feed        P:C  
                Feed yourself
        /hunger        P:C  
                Set your hunger level
        /saveditems        P:C  
                Manage saved items
        /fly        D:GS  P:CH  
                enable fly mode
        /heal        P:C  
                heal yourself
        /head        T:Global  V:Global  
                Get a player head

                Get someone else's head    V:Global  
        /playtime        P:Global  
                Shows your play time

                Shows another player's play time    T:Global  
        /playtimetop        P:Global  
                Play time top list
        /dynmap webregister        P:CGS  
                registration command for our interactive online map

        Extra inventories
                /pv #        P:G  
                        Open an extra inventory

                        1 row    P:G  

                        2 rows    T:G  

                        3 rows    S:G  

                        4 rows    D:G  
                /pvdel [#]        P:G  
                        Delete your extra inventory

                /invite        P:H  
                        Referral guide
                /Ref <Player>        P:H  
                        Rever a player
                /RefAccept <Player>        P:H  
                        Confirm a referral
                /RefReject <Player>        P:H  
                        Reject a referral

        Vote Crates
                /crates        P:Global  
                        Crate commands
                /crate key show        P:Global  
                        Show the amount of crate keys
                /crate menu [menu]        P:Global  
                        Open crate menu
                /crate [crate]        P:Global  
                        Preview crate contents

                /marry        P:Global  
                        List all marry commands
                /marry [playername]        P:Global  
                        Marry someone
                /marry divorce [playername]        P:Global  
                /marry list        P:Global  
                        Shows all married players
                /marry tp        P:Global  
                        Teleports to the partner
                /marry chat        P:Global  
                        Private chat
                /marry chat toggle        P:Global  
                        Toggle between marriage chat and global chat
                /marry kiss        P:Global  
                        Kiss your partner
                /marry hug        P:Global  
                        Hug your partner
                /marry gift        P:Global  
                        Gifts the item in your hand to your partner
                /marry backpack        P:Global  
                        Opens the backpack of your partner
                /marry [player]]        P:Global  
                        Sends player a marriage request
                /marry seen        P:Global  
                        Check when your partner was last online

        Catch mobs

                Catch chickens    K:S  

                Catch cod    K:S  

                Catch cows    K:S  

                Catch bats    E:S  

                Catch dolphins    E:S  

                Catch foxes    E:S  

                Catch iron golems    T:S  

                Catch mooshrooms    E:S  

                Catch pandas    E:S  

                Catch pigs    T:S  

                Catch polar bears    T:S  

                Catch pufferfish    E:S  

                Catch rabbits    K:S  

                Catch salmon    K:S  

                Catch sheep    K:S  

                Catch snowmen    E:S  

                Catch squids    T:S  

                Catch tropical fish    E:S  

                Catch turtles    T:S  

                Catch villagers    A:S  

                Catch wandering traders    T:S  

                Catch cats    K:S  

                Catch donkeys    E:S  

                Catch horses    E:S  

                Catch llamas    E:S  

                Catch mules    K:S  

                Catch ocelots    K:S  

                Catch parrots    E:S  

                Catch skeleton horses    A:S  

                Catch trader llamas    T:S  

                Catch wolves    E:S  

                Catch zombie horses    A:S  

                Catch blazes    A:S  

                Catch cave spiders    A:S  

                Catch creepers    A:S  

                Catch drowneds    A:S  

                Catch endermen    T:S  

                Catch endermites    T:S  

                Catch magma cubes    T:S  

                Catch piglins    T:S  

                Catch silverfish    T:S  

                Catch skeletons    A:S  

                Catch slimes    T:S  

                Catch spiders    K:S  

                Catch zombies    A:S  

                Catch bees    A:S  

        Block log
                /lb tool        P:Global  
                        Get the lookup tool
                /lb tool <on|off>        P:Global  
                        Toggle tool block inspection

        Create sign based elevators. Tutorial here    P:Global  
    Global ranks
            P - Player rank
            T - Trusted rank
            S - Sponsor rank
            D - Donator rank
            V - Vip rank

    H - Hub
            Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A
    G - Settlements
            Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A
    F - Factions
            Progression: P > T > S > D > V > A

    S - Survival specific ranks
            K - Knowledgeable rank
            E - Experienced rank
            A - Advanced rank
            Progression: P > K > E > A > T > S > D > V

    C - Creative specific ranks
            N - Novice rank
            B - Builder rank
            D - Designer rank
            A - Architect rank
            Progression: P > N > B > D > A > T > S > D > V

        /servers        P:Global  
                List and Teleport to servers
        /menu        P:Global  
                Open up quick access menu
        /vote        P:Global  
                Vote sites list
        /web        P:Global  
                Website and discord
        /hub        P:Global  
                Teleport to Hub server
        /settlements        P:Global  
                Teleport to Settlements server
        /survival        P:Global  
                Teleport to Survival server
        /creative        P:Global  
                Teleport to Creative server
        /pvp        P:G  
                Open pvp arena list
        /ranks        P:CS  
                Open ranks list
        /quests        P:G  
                Open quests menu
        /ptr        P:G  
                Play time rewards
        /help        P:Global  
                Help pages
        /rules        P:Global  
                Server rules
        /tos        P:Global  
                Terms of service
        /donate        P:Global  
                Donation store
        /afk        P:Global  
                Marks you as afk
        /afkcheck [player]        P:Global  
                Check afk status of another player
        /kit        P:Global  
                Various kits

                /kit join - Get first join items    P:H  
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank

        Chat and Messaging
                /ignore [player]        P:Global  
                        Ignore or unignore other players
                /whisper [msg]        P:Global  
                        Send a whisper message. Only players close to you can see these messages

                        /whisper - Toggle between whisper chat and regular chat    P:Global  

                        /whisperradius [number] - Set the whisper chat radius    P:Global  

                        /whisperset [on/off] - Another command for toggling whisper mode    P:Global  
                /msg <player> <message>        P:Global  
                        Send a private message
                /reply <message>        P:Global  
                        reply to a private message
                /chat <message>        P:Global  
                        Chat rooms

                        Kick player from a chat room    T:Global  

                        Create a chat room    T:Global  

                        Create private chat rooms    T:Global  

                        Invite player to a chat room    T:Global  

                        List players in a chat room    P:Global  

                        List chat rooms    P:Global  
                /mail        P:Global  
                        Send mail to other players
                /me <msg>        T:Global  
                        Send a special message
                /helpop [msg]        P:Global  
                        message online staff

        Store Xp in bottles
                /bottle        P:G  A:S  
                        Opens help menu

                        /bottle stats    P:G  A:S  

                        /bottle until [level]    P:G  A:S  

                        /bottle get [amount]    P:G  A:S  

                        /bottle get max    P:G  A:S  

        Item modification
                /itemframe <invisible/fixed>        P:Global  
                        Make item frames invisible or prevent item rotation
                /rename        V:HGSC  T:HGSC  
                        rename the item you`re holding
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                /itemlore        V:HGSC  T:HGSC  
                        Set item lore
                /condense        T:HGSC  V:HGSC  
                        Condenses items into a more compact stacks/blocks
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                /uncondense        T:HGSC  V:HGSC  
                        Uncondenses items into a less compact stacks/blocks
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Vip rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                /enchant        A:C  
                        Enchants the item you`re holding
                /effect        B:C  
                        Sets your potion effect
                /unbreakable        A:C  
                        Makes an item unbreakable
                /repair        P:C  
                        Repairs items

                Change paintings by shift click. Use middle mouse button to scroll through paintings    T:Global  

        /lands help        P:G  
                Lands help
        /lands claim        P:G  
                Claim chunks
        /lands create        P:G  
                Create a land claim
        /lands merge [land]        P:G  
                Merge 2 lands
        /lands accept [land]        P:G  
                Accept and invite from a land

                Join up to 3 lands. This does not include lands that you own    P:G  

                Join up to 4 lands. This does not include lands that you own    T:G  

                Join up to 5 lands. This does not include lands that you own    S:G  

                Join up to 6 lands. This does not include lands that you own    D:G  

                Join up to 7 lands. This does not include lands that you own    V:G  
        /lands chat <land> [msg]        P:G  
                Land channel chat
        /lands delete        P:G  
                Delete your land
        /lands deny        P:G  
                Deny land invite
        /lands deposit <land> [amount]        P:G  
                Deposit money into land bank
        /lands edit [land]        P:G  
                Land edit mode
        /lands info <land>        P:G  
                Show information about a land
        /lands invites        P:G  
                Show received invites
        /lands leave [land]        P:G  
                Leave your land
        /lands map        P:G  
                Lands map
        /lands menu        P:G  
                Open land menu
        /lands menu here        P:G  
                Open land menu for the chunk you''re standing on
        /lands rename <land> [name]        P:G  
                Rename your land
        /lands selection        P:G  
                Region selection
        /lands setrole [player] [area,*] [role]        P:G  
                Set player''s role for a given area
        /lands setspawn        P:G  
                Set spawn location for your land
        /lands spawn <land>        P:G  
                Teleport to land spawn
        /lands teleport [x] [z]        P:G  
                Teleport to a claimed chunk
        /lands top        P:G  
                Show lands top list
        /lands trust [player] <area,*>        P:G  
                Trust a player in your land, or an area if specified
        /lands untrust [player] <area,*>        P:G  
                Untrust a player from your land, or from an area if specified
        /lands unclaim        P:G  
                Unclaim a chunk
        /lands unclaimall        P:G  
                Unclaim all chunks
        /lands view        P:G  
                Show land borders
        /lands withdraw <land> [amount]        P:G  
                Withdraw money from your land bank
        /lands taxes        P:G  
                View upcoming taxes
        /lands rent        P:G  
                Manage rentals

Grief Protection
        /AbandonClaim        P:SC  
                Deletes the claim you`re standing in
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /ClaimExplosions        P:SC  
                Toggles if explosions are allowed in the claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /Trust        P:SC  
                Gives another player permission to build in your claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /UnTrust        P:SC  
                Revokes any permissions granted to a player in your claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /AccessTrust        P:SC  
                Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /ContainerTrust        P:SC  
                Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /TrustList        P:SC  
                Lists the permissions for the claim you`re standing in
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /SubdivideClaims        P:SC  
                Switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can subdivide your claims
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /RestrictSubclaim        P:SC  
                Restricts a subclaim, so that it inherits no permissions from the parent claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /BasicClaims        P:SC  
                Puts your shovel back in basic claims mode
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /PermissionTrust        P:SC  
                Grants a player permission to share his permission level with others
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /Untrust All        P:SC  
                Removes all permissions for all players in your claim
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /AbandonAllClaims        P:SC  
                Deletes all of your claims
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /BuyClaimBlocks        P:SC  
                Converts server money to claim blocks
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /SellClaimBlocks        P:SC  
                Converts claim blocks to server money
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /ClaimsList        P:SC  
                Lists claims and claim block details
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /IgnorePlayer        P:SC  
                Ignores a target player`s chat messages
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /UnIgnorePlayer        P:SC  
                Un-ignores a target player`s chat messages
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /IgnoredPlayerList        P:SC  
                Lists all players currently ignored
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /Siege        P:SC  
                Besieges a player
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /Trapped        P:SC  
                Gets a player out of a land claim he`s trapped inside
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /UnlockDrops        P:SC  
                Allows other players to pick up items you dropped when you died
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative
        /ClaimBook        P:SC  
                Gives a player a manual about claiming land
                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                        Open Creative

        /mcmmo [commands]        P:G  
                Shows a brief description and the available commands
        /mcstats        P:G  
                Shows your mcMMO stats and xp
        /inspect (player)        P:G  
                Shows detailed mcmmo stats (like /mcstats) of another player
        /mctop [skillname][page number]        P:G  
                Shows the top ten (or later, with page number) players in overall power or in the named skill and their power or skill level in that skill
        /mcrank [username]        P:G  
                Shows how high the player is ranked in each skill. It default to the username of 
                the user who runs the command but it`s possible to look at other players stats by adding a username to the command
        /mcability        P:G  
                Toggles whether or not abilities get readied on right click
        /[skill name]        P:G  
                view information about the mcMMO skill
        /party        P:G  
                Manage your mcMMO party
        /party ?        P:G  
                More information about parties
        /party        P:G  
                Check party information
        /party create <party-name> <password>        P:G  
                Create a party
        /party join <player> <password>        P:G  
                Join a party
        /party invite <player>        P:G  
                Invite a player to join your party
        /party accept <player>        P:G  
                Accept a party invite
        /party password <password>        P:G  
                Set a password for the party you currently own
        /party kick <player-name>        P:G  
                Kick a player from the party
        /party owner <player-name>        P:G  
                Set a player as the party owner
        /party expshare [none/equal]        P:G  
                Set the party share mode
        /party lock        P:G  
                Lock the party
        /party unlock        P:G  
                Unlock the party
        /party q        P:G  
                Quit the party you`re currently in
        /partychat [message]        P:G  
                Toggle Party chat or send party chat messages

Teleportation and Homes

                /spawn        P:Global  
                        Teleport to server spawn
                /back        P:Global  
                        Teleport back to your previous location
                /dback        P:Global  
                        Teleports you to your death location
                /tpa [player]        P:Global  
                        Send a teleportation request to [player]
                /tpahere [player]        P:Global  
                        Request [player] to teleport to your location
                /tpalock <accept/deny/off>        P:Global  
                        Automatically accept or deny teleportation requests
                /tpaccept        P:Global  
                        Accept teleportation request
                /tpdeny        P:Global  
                        Deny teleportation request

                /warp        P:Global  
                        List all warps or warp to the specified location

                /home [name]        P:Global  
                        teleport to home
                /homes        P:Global  
                        list homes
                /sethome <name>        P:Global  
                        Set home to your current location

                        Up to 2 homes    P:S  

                        Up to 3 homes    P:HGC  K:S  

                        Up to 4 homes    E:S  

                        Up to 5 homes    A:S  

                        Up to 10 homes    T:Global  

                        Up to 15 homes    S:Global  

                        Up to 20 homes    D:Global  

                        Up to 25 homes    V:Global  
                /delhome <name>        P:Global  
                        removes a home

Shops and Economy
        /shop        P:GS  
                Opens shop menu
        /balance        P:Global  
                shows your current balance

                /balance [player] - See the balance of other players    T:Global  
        /balancetop        P:Global  
                gets the top balance values
        /pay [player] [amount]        P:Global  
                Pay another player
        /paytoggle        P:Global  
                toggles payments
        /check        P:Global  
                Write checks
        /sell        P:G  
                Quick sell
        /worth        P:G  
                Checks item's worth

                /market        P:GS  
                        Opens up the auction house
                /market help        P:GS  
                        Shows all available commands
                /market expire        P:GS  
                        Opens expired items list
                /market collect        P:GS  
                        Opens collectable items list
                /market listed        P:GS  
                        Lists items player is currently selling
                /market view <player>        P:GS  
                        Shows the list items being sold by the searched player
                /market sell <price> [amount]        P:GS  
                        Add the item currently in your hand to the selling section of the auction house

                        10 sale listings    P:GS  

                        15 sale listings    T:GS  

                        20 sale listings    S:GS  

                        25 sale listings    D:GS  
                /market bid <price> [amount]        P:GS  
                        Add the item currently in your hand to the bidding section of the auction house

                        10 auction listings    P:GS  

                        15 auction listings    T:GS  

                        20 auction listings    S:GS  

                        25 auction listings    D:GS  

                /trade [player]        P:GS  
                        Request [player] to trade with you
                /trade [accept, deny, toggle]        P:GS  
                        Accept, deny or toggle traderequests

        Chest Shop
                Chest Shop guide: https://aevony.net/forums/thread/41

                /iteminfo        P:G  
                        Get information about the item in your hand
                /iteminfo <id/name>        P:G  
                        Get information about the item with the given id or name
                /cstoggle        P:G  
                        Toggle buy and sell notificiation messages

                Shopkeepers guide: https://aevony.net/forums/thread/42

                /shopkeepers help        K:S  
                        Displays available commands
                /shopkeepers [shop type] [object type]        
                        Create a shopkeeper shop

                        Create selling shopkeepers    K:S  

                        Create buying shopkeepers    K:S  

                        Create trading shopkeepers    K:S  

                        Create 1 shopkeeper    K:S  

                        Create 3 shopkeepers    E:S  

                        Create 5 shopkeepers    A:S  

                        Create 7 shopkeepers    T:S  

                        Create 8 shopkeeper    S:S  

                        Create 10 shopkeeper    D:S  

                        Create 12 shopkeeper    V:S  
                /shopkeeper list [page]        K:S  
                        Lists your shops
                /shopkeeper remove [player|all|admin]        K:S  
                        Removes your shops
                /shopkeepers remote <shopName>        T:S  
                        Remotely opens the specified shop. The shop can be identified by name, id, unique id, or by looking at it
                /shopkeepers confirm        P:S  
                        Confirm a potentially dangerous action

                /jobs join [job]        P:GS  
                        join a job
                /jobs browse        P:GS  
                        browse all the available jobs
                /jobs top [job]        P:GS  
                        shows top 15 players for this job
                /jobs stats        P:GS  
                        show job levels for that player or yourself, if no name is specified
                /jobs archive        P:GS  
                        shows you all archived jobs
                /jobs leave [job]        P:GS  
                        leave the selected job
                /jobs leaveall        P:GS  
                        leave all the jobs
                /jobs info [job] [action]        P:GS  
                        Show you information about a job
                /jobs help        P:GS  
                        list all the commands
                /jobs toggle [action/bossbar]        P:GS  
                        toggles payment output on the action or bossbar
                /jobs limit        P:GS  
                        shows payment limits for jobs

                Maximum of 2 jobs    P:GS  

                Maximum of 3 jobs    T:GS  

                Maximum of 4 jobs    V:GS  

Chest Protection
        /cpublic        P:GSH  
                Create a public protection
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cprivate        P:GSH  
                Create a private protection 
                /cprivate Username g:Groupname @username2
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cpassword        P:GSH  
                Password protect a block
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cdonation        P:GSH  
                Create a donation chest
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cmodify        P:GSH  
                Modify an existing protection, adding or removing users and/or groups 
                /cmodify -User1 @someguy - removes access to the block for User1 and gives SomeGuy advanced privileges
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cunlock        P:GSH  
                Unlock a password-protected block
        /cinfo        P:GSH  
                Punch a protection to view information on it
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /cremove        P:GSH  
                Remove protection from a block
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /climits        P:GSH  
                View the amount of protections you are allowed to own
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /lwc flag <flag name> <on/off>        P:GSH  
                magnet, redstone, autoclose, allowexplosions, hopper, exemption 
                Redstone: If on, redstone can influence the protected block, e.g. open doors, disable hopper 
                Magnet: Put nearby dropped items into the protected chest (or other blocks with inventories) 
                AutoClose: Automagically close a protected door if it was opened 
                AllowExplosions: Allows the protected block to be destroyed by an explosion 
                Hopper: Controls whether or not hoppers can be used on a protected block 
                Exemption: (Admin-only) Protection is exempt from being auto removed from LWC
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /lwc mode <mode name> <on/off>        P:GSH  
                /lwc mode persist <on/off> - Turns on/off the persist mode 
                /lwc mode droptransfer select - Select the chest drops go to 
                /lwc mode droptransfer <on/off> - Enable/disable the droptransfer 
                /lwc mode droptransfer status - Display the status of the droptransfer
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /lwc menu        P:GSH  
                Commands list
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Player rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End

        /hat <remove>        T:Global  
                equip blocks and items on your head
        /nick        T:Global  S:Global  
                Change your nickname

                /pet        P:HGC  
                        Opens the pet selection menu

                        Pet pig    P:HGC  

                        Pet chicken    P:HGC  

                        Pet cow    P:HGC  

                        Pet sheep    P:HGC  

                        Pet rabbit    P:HGC  

                        Pet spider    P:HGC  

                        Pet skeleton    P:HGC  

                        Pet horse    P:HGC  

                        Pet mule    P:HGC  

                        Pet zombie    P:HGC  

                        Pet bat    P:HGC  

                        Pet creeper    P:HGC  

                        Pet ocelot    P:HGC  

                        Pet cave spider    P:HGC  

                        Pet piglin    P:HGC  

                        Pet llama    P:HGC  

                        Pet mooshroom    P:HGC  

                        Pet slime    P:HGC  

                        Pet polar bear    P:HGC  

                        Pet turtle    P:HGC  

                        Pet silverfish    P:HGC  

                        Pet husk    P:HGC  

                        Pet stray    P:HGC  

                        Pet endermite    P:HGC  

                        Pet illusioner    P:HGC  

                        Pet vex    P:HGC  

                        Pet witch    P:HGC  

                        Pet parrot    P:HGC  

                        Pet wolf    T:HGC  

                        Pet villager    T:HGC  

                        Pet fox    T:HGC  

                        Pet trader llama    T:HGC  

                        Pet iron golem    T:HGC  

                        Pet wandering trader    S:HGC  

                        Pet Bee    S:HGC  

                        Pet snowman    S:HGC  

                        Pet enderman    S:HGC  

                        Pet pillager    D:HGC  

                        Pet phantom    D:HGC  

                        Pet wither skeleton    D:HGC  

                        Pet ravager    V:HGC  

                        Pet blaze    V:HGC  

                        Pet magma cube    V:HGC  

                        Pet wither    V:HGC  
                /pet help        P:HGC  
                        Show help on plugin commands
                /pet ride        S:HGC  
                        Ride your pet
                /pet inv        P:HGC  
                        Opens the Item Storage Menu
                /pet hat        T:HGC  
                        Set your pet on/off your head
                /pet remove        P:HGC  
                        Remove your pet
                /pet summon [pet]        P:HGC  
                        Spawns a pet
                /pet info        P:HGC  
                        Lists pet info


                        White particles    P:HGC  

                        Orange particles    P:HGC  

                        Magenta particles    P:HGC  

                        Light blue particles    P:HGC  

                        Yellow particles    P:HGC  

                        Green particles    P:HGC  

                        Pink particles    P:HGC  

                        Gray particles    P:HGC  

                        Light gray particles    P:HGC  

                        Cyan particles    P:HGC  

                        Purple particles    P:HGC  

                        Dark blue particles    P:HGC  

                        Brown particles    P:HGC  

                        Dark green particles    P:HGC  

                        Red particles    P:HGC  

                        Black particles    P:HGC  

                        Redstone particles    P:HGC  

                        Lava drops particles    P:HGC  

                        Water drops particles    P:HGC  

                        Water bubbles particles    P:HGC  

                        Water splash particles    P:HGC  

                        Note particles    P:HGC  

                        Heart particles    P:HGC  

                        Slime particles    P:HGC  

                        Purple dust particles    P:HGC  

                        Poof particles    P:HGC  

                        Fire particles    P:HGC  

                        Smoke particles    P:HGC  

                        Large smoke particles    P:HGC  

                        Spit particles    P:HGC  

                        Lapis particles    T:HGC  

                        Rainbow swirls particles    T:HGC  

                        Medium explosion particles    T:HGC  

                        Gold particles    S:HGC  

                        Lava particles    S:HGC  

                        Diamond particles    D:HGC  

                        Enchantment particles    D:HGC  

                        Emerald particles    V:HGC  

                        Large explosion particles    V:HGC  

                        Barrier particles    V:HGC  

                        Point shape    P:HGC  

                        Spin shape    P:HGC  

                        orbit shape    P:HGC  

                        halo shape    P:HGC  

                        cloud shape    P:HGC  

                        Spiral shape    P:HGC  

                        Thick cloud shape    P:HGC  

                        Cube shape    T:HGC  

                        Sphere shape    S:HGC  

                        Beam shape    D:HGC  

                        Helix shape    V:HGC  

                        Wings shape    V:HGC  

                /trails        P:GHC  
                        Opens the trails menu

                        White trail    P:GHC  

                        Orange trail    P:GHC  

                        Magenta trail    P:GHC  

                        Light blue trail    P:GHC  

                        Yellow trail    P:GHC  

                        Green trail    P:GHC  

                        Pink trail    P:GHC  

                        Gray trail    P:GHC  

                        Light gray trail    P:GHC  

                        Cyan trail    P:GHC  

                        Purple trail    P:GHC  

                        Dark blue trail    P:GHC  

                        Brown trail    P:GHC  

                        Dark green trail    P:GHC  

                        Red trail    P:GHC  

                        Black trail    P:GHC  

                        Redstone trail    P:GHC  

                        Lava drops trail    P:GHC  

                        Water drops trail    P:GHC  

                        Water bubbles trail    P:GHC  

                        Water splash trail    P:GHC  

                        Note trail    P:GHC  

                        Heart trail    P:GHC  

                        Slime trail    P:GHC  

                        Purple dust trail    P:GHC  

                        Small explosion trail    P:GHC  

                        Fire trail    P:GHC  

                        Smoke trail    P:GHC  

                        Large smoke trail    P:GHC  

                        Spit trail    P:GHC  

                        Lapis trail    T:GHC  

                        Rainbow swirls trail    T:GHC  

                        Medium explosion trail    T:GHC  

                        Gold trail    S:GHC  

                        Lava trail    S:GHC  

                        Diamond trail    D:GHC  

                        Enchantment trail    D:GHC  

                        Emerald trail    V:GHC  

                        Barrier trail    V:GHC  

                        Large explosion trail    V:GHC  
                /trail clearall        P:GHC  
                        Clears all current trails

        Bow Trails
                /bowtrails        P:GHC  
                        Bow trails menu

                        White bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Orange bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Magenta bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Light blue bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Yellow bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Green bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Pink bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Gray bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Light gray bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Cyan bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Purple bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Dark blue bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Brown bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Dark green bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Red bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Black bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Redstone bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Lava drops bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Water drops bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Water bubbles bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Water splash bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Notes bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Heart bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Slime bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Purple dust bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Poof bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Fire bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Smoke bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Large smoke bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Spit bow trail    P:GHC  

                        Lapis bow trail    T:GHC  

                        Rainbow swirls bow trail    T:GHC  

                        Medium explosion bow trail    T:GHC  

                        Gold bow trail    S:GHC  

                        Lava bow trail    S:GHC  

                        Diamond bow trail    D:GHC  

                        Enchantment bow trail    D:GHC  

                        Emerald bow trail    V:GHC  

                        Large explosion bow trail    V:GHC  

                        Barrier bow trail    V:GHC  
                /bowtrails remove        P:GHC  
                        Remove active bow trails!

        Chat Color
                /chatcolor        P:Global  
                        Open chatcolor list

                        White chat color    P:Global  

                        Light green chat color    P:Global  

                        Green chat color    P:Global  

                        Blue chat color    P:Global  

                        Aqua chat color    P:Global  

                        Dark aqua chat color    P:Global  

                        Gold chat color    T:Global  

                        Light gray chat color    T:Global  

                        Dark gray chat color    T:Global  

                        Yellow chat color    S:Global  

                        Purple chat color    S:Global  

                        Pink chat color    D:Global  

                        Red chat color    D:Global  

                        Light blue chat color    V:Global  

                        Dark red chat color    V:Global  

                /titles        P:Global  
                        Chat and name plate prefixes

                        trusted chat and name plate prefix    T:Global  

                        sponsor chat and name plate prefix    S:Global  

                        donator chat and name plate prefix    D:Global  

                        VIP chat and name plate prefix    V:Global  

                        Apprentice name plate prefix    P:Global  

                        Novice chat and name plate prefix    N:C  

                        Builder chat and name plate prefix    B:C  

                        Designer chat and name plate prefix    D:C  

                        Architect chat and name plate prefix    A:C  

        /npc        T:GS  D:C  
                Show basic NPC information
        /npc age        T:GS  D:C  
                modify a NPC`s age 
                [adult, baby, integer, -l] - Adult sets as adult, baby as baby, age specifies an exact age, 
                -l toggles whether the age is locked
        /npc speak message to speak --target npcid/player_name --type vocal_type        T:GS  D:C  
                Makes npc talk
        /npc controllable        T:GS  D:C  
                toggles the NPC`s controllable status. Controllable NPCs can be right clicked to be mounted and controlled with WASD
        /npc copy        T:GS  D:C  
                create a new NPC from the currently selected NPC, copying all traits 
                --name NewName
        /npc create        T:GS  D:C  
                create a new NPC 
                [NPC Name] - Name to give NPC 
                <--type [type]> - Mob type to use 
                --trait [trait1] [trait2] ... - A list of traits to apply to the NPC

                Create up to 5 npcs    T:GS  D:C  
        /npc leashable        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggles leashability
        /npc swim        T:GS  D:C  
                Make npc swim
        /npc equip        T:GS  D:C  
                Equipt npc with items
        /npc text        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggle text editor. Note that players need the permission to hear NPCs!
        /npc list        T:GS  D:C  
                List NPCs that match at least one of the given conditions 
                <-a> - List all NPCs 
                <--owner <owner>> - Owner 
                <--type <type>> - Mob type 
                <--char <character>> - Character
        /npc lookclose        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggle a NPC`s look-close state
        /npc name        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggle a NPC`s name plate visibility
        /npc mount        T:GS  D:C  
                Mount the currently selected NPC, if it is controllable
        /npc pose        T:GS  D:C  
                Changes/Stores NPC`s head position based on the Player`s current position 
                <--save [name] 
                --assume [name] 
                --remove [name] 
                --default [name]> 
        /npc power        T:GS  D:C  
                toggle whether a creeper NPC is powered
        /npc profession        T:GS  D:C  
                Change a villager-type NPC`s profession 
        /npc remove        T:GS  D:C  
                Remove an NPC
        /npc rename        T:GS  D:C  
                Rename an NPC 
                [name] - npc name
        /npc select        T:GS  D:C  
                Selects a NPC with the given ID 
                [id] - specify ID
        /npc size        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets a slime size 
                [size] - Slime size
        /npc skeletontype        T:GS  D:C  
                Changes a Skeleton NPC`s type 
                [type] - type
        /npc skin <-c -l<atest>> [name] <or --url [url] or -t [uuid/name] [data] [signature]>        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets an NPC`s skin name. Use -l to set the skin to always update to the latest
        /npc skinlayers <--cape [true/false]> <--hat [true/false]> <--jacket [true/false]> <--sleeves [true/false]> <--pants [true/false]>        T:GS  D:C  
                Toggle skin layers visibility
        /npc tphere        T:GS  D:C  
                Teleport an NPC to your location
        /npc snowman <-d[erp]>        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets snowman modifiers
        /npc ocelot <--type type> <-s<itting>, -n<ot sitting>>        T:GS  D:C  
                Set ocelot modifiers
        /npc horse (--color color) (--type type) (--style style) (-cb)        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets horse and horse-like entity modifiers
        /npc wolf <-s<itting> a<ngry> t<amed> i<nfo>> --collar [hex rgb color/name]        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets wolf modifiers
        /npc type [type]        T:GS  D:C  
                Changes an NPC`s mob type
        /npc zombiemod -b/-v        T:GS  D:C  
                Sets a zombie NPC`s modifiers
        /citizens help        T:GS  D:C  
                Show Citizens help menu
        /npc help        T:GS  D:C  
                Show NPC help menu

                /plot        P:C  
                        Plot help
                /plot        P:C  
                        Buy the plot you are standing on
                /plot        P:C  
                        Claim the current plot you`re standing on

                        Claim 1 plot    P:C  D:C  B:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                                        Creative M
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative XL
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder rank
                                        Creative L

                        Claim up to 2 plots    P:C  B:C  D:C  A:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Player rank
                                        Creative S
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder rank
                                        Creative M
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative L
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Architect rank
                                        Creative XL

                        Claim up to 3 plots    B:C  D:C  A:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Builder rank
                                        Creative S
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative M
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Architect rank
                                        Creative L

                        Claim up to 4 plots    D:C  A:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Designer rank
                                        Creative S
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Architect rank
                                        Creative M

                        Claim up to 5 plots    A:C  
                                Applies to these worlds in Creative server for Architect rank
                                        Creative S
                /plot auto        P:C  
                        Claim the nearest plot
                /plot home        P:C  
                        Teleport to your plots
                /plot auto        P:C  
                        Delete a plot
                /plot setowner        P:C  
                        Set the plot owner
                /plot visit        P:C  
                        Visit someones plot
                /plot kick        P:C  
                        Kick a player from your plot
                /plot middle        P:C  
                        Teleports you to the center of the current plot
                /plot add        P:C  
                        Allow a user to build while you are online
                /plot deny        P:C  
                        Deny a user from a plot
                /plot remove        P:C  
                        Remove a player from a plot
                /plot merge        P:C  
                        Merge the plot you are standing on, with another plot
                /plot unlink        P:C  
                        Unlink merged plots
                /plot trust        P:C  
                        Allow a player to build in a plot
                /plot setflag        P:C  
                        Set plot flags
                /plot done        P:C  
                        Mark a plot as done
                /plot continue        P:C  
                        Continue a plot that was previously marked as done
                /plot setdescription        P:C  
                        Set the plot description
                /plot alias        P:C  
                        Set the plot name

                        /plot alias set [alias]    P:C  

                        /plot alias remove    P:C  
                /plot sethome        P:C  
                        Set the plot home
                /plot toggle        P:C  
                        Toggle per user settings
                /plot inbox        P:C  
                        Review the comments for a plot
                /plot comment        P:C  
                        Comment on a plot
                /plot set        P:C  
                        Set a plot value
                /plot clear        P:C  
                        Clear your plot
                /plot music        P:C  
                        Play music in a plot
                /plot setbiome        P:C  
                        Set the plot biome
                /plot confirm        P:C  
                        Confirm an action
                /plot info        P:C  
                        Display plot info
                /plot list        P:C  
                        List plots

                        /plot list top - list top plots    P:C  

                        /plot list - list your plots    P:C  

                        /plot list [world]- list plots in that world    P:C  

                        /plot list done - list plots labeled as done    P:C  

                        /plot list all - list all plots    P:C  

                        /plot list shared - list shared plots    P:C  

                        /plot list expired - list expired plots    P:C  

                        /plot list unowned - list unowned plots    P:C  

                        /plot list forsale - list plots for sale    P:C  
                /plot rate        P:C  
                        Rate the plot
                /plot target        P:C  
                        Target a plot with your compass
                /plot help        P:C  
                        Get this help menu
                /plot relight        T:C  
                        Relight your plot

                /dye        N:C  
                        Edit armor color
                /cu        P:C  
                        Open utilities menu

                        Opens banner creator    B:C  

                        Toggles no-clip mode    D:C  

                        Toggle night vision    P:C  
                /armorstand        T:HGSC  
                        Opens armor stand editor
                        Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Trusted rank
                                SkyBlock Nether
                                SkyBlock End
                /exp        P:C  
                        Set your xp
                /checkxp        P:Global  
                        Check your xp
                /ext <player>        P:C  
                        extinguish yourself
                /gm        P:C  
                        change your gamemode gmc, gms, gmsp, gma

                        /gmc    P:C  

                        /gms    P:C  

                        /gma    P:C  

                        /gmsp                    /more        P:C  
                        Fills the item stack in hand to maximum size
                /jump        P:C  
                        Jumps to the nearest block in the line of sight
                /top        P:C  
                        Teleport to the highest block at your current position

                /pp help        D:C  
                        Pixel printer commands
                /pp create [direction] [File name] [Height]        D:C  
                        Creates a in-game block version of the image, moving the the direction [direction] and will have a height of [Height]. The width will be scaled to the image height
                /pp createFrames [direction] [File name] [Height]        D:C  
                        Creates a in-game itemframe version of the image, moving the direction [direction] and will have a height of [Height]. The width will be scaled to the image height
                /pp createskin [direction] [player name or UUID]        D:C  
                        Create a 16x48x16 player character with the specified players skin. Note: In order to use the player`s name, the player must have joined the server
                /pp preview        D:C  
                        Creates a preview of the image you are going to make. This only displays the border of the image, and should be used to tell if this image will clip through any existing blocks
                /pp specs        D:C  
                        Shows the specifications of an image

        Decorative Heads
                /heads        B:C  
                        Opens heads menu
                /heads search [input]        B:C  
                        search for heads in the database

                Buy decorative heads    B:C  

        World Edit
                /we help <command>        P:C  
                        Displays help for WE commands
                //wand        P:C  
                        Get the wand object
                /toggleeditwand        P:C  
                        Toggle functionality of the edit wand
                //confirm        P:C  
                        Confirm a command
                //tips        P:C  
                        Toggle World Edit tips
                /clearclipboard        P:C  
                        Clear your clipboard
                //clearhistory        P:C  
                        Clear your history
                //undo <times>        P:C  
                        Undoes the last action
                //redo <times>        P:C  
                        Redoes the last action (from history)
                //set [pattern]        P:C  
                        Set all blocks within selection
                //replace [from-mask] [to-pattern] <-f>        P:C  
                        Replace all blocks in the selection with another
                //copy <-e> <-m>        P:C  
                        Copy the selection to the clipboard 
                        -e also copy entities 
                        -m sets a source mask so that excluded blocks become air 
                        -b copies biomes
                //cut <leave-id> <-e> <-m>        P:C  
                        Copy the selection to the clipboard 
                        -e skips entity copy 
                        -m sets a source mask so that excluded blocks become air 
                        -b copies biomes
                //paste <-s> <-a> <-o>        P:C  
                        Pastes the clipboard’s contents. 
                        -a skips air blocks 
                        -b skips pasting biomes 
                        -e skips pasting entities 
                        -o pastes at the original position 
                        -s selects the region after pasting
                //place <-s> <-a> <-o>        P:C  
                        Places the clipboard’s contents without applying transformations (e.g. rotate). 
                        -a skips air blocks 
                        -o pastes at the original position 
                        -s selects the region after pasting
                //flip <direction>        P:C  
                        Flips the contents of the clipboard across the point from which the copy was made.
                //rotate [y-axis] <x-axis> <z-axis>        P:C  
                        Non-destructively rotate the contents of the clipboard. 
                        Angles are provided in degrees and a positive angle will result in a clockwise rotation. 
                        Multiple rotations can be stacked. Interpolation is not performed so angles should be a multiple of 90 degrees.
                //sel <cuboid|extend|poly|ellipsoid|sphere|cyl|convex> <-d>        P:C  
                        Choose a region selector
                //pos1 <coordinates>        P:C  
                        Set position 1
                //pos2 <coordinates>        P:C  
                        Set position 2
                //hpos1        P:C  
                        Set position 1 to targeted block
                //hpos2        P:C  
                        Set position 2 to targeted block
                //toggleplace        P:C  
                        Switch between your position and pos1 for placement
                //size <-c>        P:C  
                        Get information about the selection
                //removenear <block> [size]        P:C  
                        Remove blocks near you
                //removeabove <size> <height>        P:C  
                        Remove blocks above your head.
                //replacenear [size] [from-id] [to-id] <-f>        P:C  
                        Replace nearby blocks
                //removebelow <size> >height>        P:C  
                        Remove blocks below you
                //pyramid [pattern] [size] <-h>        P:C  
                        Generate a filled pyramid
                //hpyramid [pattern] [size]        P:C  
                        Generate a hollow pyramid
                //cyl [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>> <height> <-h>        P:C  
                        Generates a cylinder. 
                        By specifying 2 radii, separated by a comma, 
                        you can generate elliptical cylinders. 
                        The 1st radius is north/south, the 2nd radius is east/west.
                //hcyl [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>> <height>        P:C  
                        Generates a hollow cylinder. 
                        By specifying 2 radii, separated by a comma, 
                        you can generate elliptical cylinders. 
                        The 1st radius is north/south, the 2nd radius is east/west.
                //sphere [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>,<radius>> <raised?> <-h>        P:C  
                        Generates a filled sphere. 
                        By specifying 3 radii, separated by commas, 
                        you can generate an ellipsoid. The order of the ellipsoid radii 
                        is north/south, up/down, east/west.
                //hsphere [pattern] [radius]<,<radius>,<radius>> <raised?>        P:C  
                        Generates a hollow sphere. 
                        By specifying 3 radii, separated by commas, 
                        you can generate an ellipsoid. The order of the ellipsoid radii 
                        is north/south, up/down, east/west.
                //faces [pattern]        P:C  
                        Build the walls, ceiling, and floor of a selection
                //walls <pattern>        P:C  
                        Build the four sides of the selection
                //fill <pattern> <radius> [depth] [direction]        P:C  
                        Fill a hole
                //fillr [pattern] [radius] <depth>        P:C  
                        Fill a hole recursively
                //drain <radius>        P:C  
                        Drain a pool
                //fixlava [radius]        P:C  
                        Fix lava to be stationary
                //fixwater [radius]        P:C  
                        Fix water to be stationary
                //setskylight        P:C  
                        Set sky lighting in a selection
                //getlighting        P:C  
                        Get the light at a position
                //removelight        P:C  
                        Removing lighting in a selection
                //fixlighting        P:C  
                        Get the light at a position
                //setblocklight        P:C  
                        Set block lighting in a selection
                /masks <page=1|search|mask>        P:C  
                        Masks determine if a block can be placed 
                        - Use [brackets] for arguments 
                        - Use , to OR multiple 
                        - Use & to AND multiple 
                        e.g. >[stone,dirt],#light[0][5],$jungle
                //gmask <mask>        
                        The global destination mask applies to all edits you do and masks based on the destination blocks (i.e. the blocks in the world).
                //gtransform <transform>        P:C  
                        Set the global transform
                //gsmask <mask>        P:C  
                        The global source mask applies to all edits you do and masks based on the source blocks (e.g. the blocks in your clipboard)
                /patterns <page=1|search|pattern>        P:C  
                        Patterns determine what blocks are placed 
                        - Use [brackets] for arguments 
                        - Use , to OR multiple 
                        e.g. #surfacespread[10][#existing],andesite
                /unstuck        P:C  
                        Escape from being stuck inside a block
                /thru        P:C  
                        Passthrough walls
                /up <number> <-f> <-g>        P:C  
                        Go upwards some distance
                /ascend <# of levels>        P:C  
                        Go up a floor
                /ceil <clearance> <-f> <-g>        P:C  
                        Go to the celing
                /descend <# of floors>        P:C  
                        Go down a floor
                /butcher <radius> <-p> <-l> <-a> <-n> <-g> <-b> <-t> >-f> <-r>        P:C  
                        Kills nearby mobs, based on radius, if none is given uses default in configuration. 
                        -p also kills pets. 
                        -n also kills NPCs. 
                        -g also kills Golems. 
                        -a also kills animals. 
                        -b also kills ambient mobs. 
                        -t also kills mobs with name tags. 
                        -f compounds all previous flags. 
                        -r also destroys armor stands. 
                        -l currently does nothing.
                //ex <radius>        P:C  
                        Extinguish nearby fire
                //calc [expression]        P:C  
                        Evaluate a mathematical expression
                //stack [count] <direction> <-s> <-a> <-m>        P:C  
                        Repeats the contents of the selection. 
                        -s shifts the selection to the last stacked copy 
                        -a skips air blocks
                //move <count> <direction> <leave-id> <-s>        P:C  
                        Moves the contents of the selection. 
                        -s flag shifts the selection to the target location. 
                        -b also copies biomes 
                        -e ignores entities 
                        -a ignores air
                //lay <pattern>        P:C  
                        Set the top block in the region
                //nbtinfo        P:C  
                        View nbt info for a block
                //overlay <pattern>        P:C  
                        Set a block on top of blocks in the region
                //smooth [iterations] [mask]        P:C  
                        Smooths the elevation in the selection. 
                        -l Set the amount of snow blocks under the snow 
                        -m The mask of blocks to use as the height map
                //line [pattern] <thickness> <-h>        P:C  
                        Draws a line segment between cuboid selection corners. 
                        Can only be used with cuboid selections. 
                        -h generates only a shell
                //count [block] <-d>        P:C  
                        Counts the number of a certain type of block
                //distr <-c> <-d>        P:C  
                        Gets the distribution of blocks in the selection. 
                        The -c flag gets the distribution of your clipboard. 
                        The -d flag separates blocks by data
                //chunk <x,z coordinates> <-s> <-c>        P:C  
                        Set the selection to the chunk you are currently in. 
                        With the -s flag, your current selection is expanded 
                        to encompass all chunks that are part of it.

                        Specifying coordinates will use those instead of your 
                        current position. Use -c to specify chunk coordinates, 
                        otherwise full coordinates will be implied. 
                        (for example, the coordinates 5,5 are the same as -c 0,0)
                /chunkinfo        P:C  
                        Get information about the chunk that you are inside
                /listchunks        P:C  
                        List chunks that your selection includes
                //searchitem [query] <-b> <-i>        P:C  
                        Searches for an item. 
                        -b only search for blocks 
                        -i only search for items
                /pumpkins <size>        N:C  
                        Generate pumpkin patches
                /forestgen <size> <tree-type> <density>        N:C  
                        Generate a forest
                //forest <type> <density>        N:C  
                        Make a forest within the region
                //flora <density>        N:C  
                        Make flora within the region
                //naturalize        N:C  
                        3 layers of dirt on top then rock below
                //snow <radius>        N:C  
                        Simulates snow
                //thaw <radius>        N:C  
                        Thaws the area
                //green <radius> <-f>        N:C  
                        Greens the area
                //setbiome [biome] <-p>        N:C  
                        Set the biome of the region. 
                        -p use the block you are currently in
                /biomelist <page>        N:C  
                        Gets all biomes available.
                /biomeinfo <-p> <-t>        N:C  
                        Get the biome of the block. 
                        -t uses the block you are looking at. 
                        -p uses the block you are currently in
                //caves <size=8> <freq=40> <rarity=7> <minY=8> <maxY=127> <sysFreq=1> <sysRarity=25> <pocketRarity=0> <pocketMin=0> <pocketMax=3>        N:C  
                        Generates a cave network
                //ore [mask] [pattern] [size] [freq] [rarity] [minY] [maxY]        N:C  
                        Generates ores
                //ores        N:C  
                        Generates ores
                //center [pattern]        N:C  
                        Set the center block(s)
                //hollow [[thickness] <pattern>]        N:C  
                        Hollows out the object contained in this selection. 
                        Optionally fills the hollowed out part with the given block. 
                        Thickness is measured in manhattan distance.
                //fall [replace] [-m]        N:C  
                        Make the blocks in the selection fall 
                        The -m flag will only fall within the vertical selection
                //expand [amount] <reverse-amount> <direction>        N:C  
                        Expand the selection area
                //shift [amount] <direction>        N:C  
                        Shift the selection area
                //contract [amount] <reverse-amount> <direction>        N:C  
                        Contract the selection area
                //deform [expression] <-r> <-o>        N:C  
                        Deforms a selected region with an expression 
                        The expression is executed for each block and is expected 
                        to modify the variables x, y and z to point to a new block 
                        to fetch. See also tinyurl.com/wesyntax.
                //outset [amount] <-h> <-v>        N:C  
                        Expands the selection by the given amount in all directions. 
                        -h only expand horizontally 
                        -v only expand vertically
                //inset [amount] <-h> <-v>        N:C  
                        Contracts the selection by the given amount in all directions. 
                        -h only contract horizontally 
                        -v only contract vertically
                //curve [pattern] <thickness> <-h>        N:C  
                        Draws a spline through selected points. 
                        Can only be used with convex polyhedral selections. 
                        -h generates only a shell
                /none        B:C  
                        Unbind a bound tool from your current item
                /secondary <brush-arguments>        B:C  
                        Set the left click brush
                /scroll <none|clipboard|mask|pattern|range|size|visual|target>        B:C  
                        Toggle between different target modes
                /tool tree <type>        B:C  
                        Tree generator tool
                /tool repl [block]        B:C  
                        Block replacer tool
                /tool info        B:C  
                        Block information tool
                /tool lrbuild <leftclick block> <rightclick block>        B:C  
                        Long-range building tool
                /tool inspect        B:C  
                        Chooses the inspect brush
                /tool farwand        B:C  
                        Wand at a distance tool
                /tool floodfill [pattern] [range]        B:C  
                        Flood fill tool
                /tool cycler        B:C  
                        Block data cycler tool
                /tool deltree        B:C  
                        Floating tree remover tool
                /size <pattern>        B:C  
                        Set the brush size
                /savebrush <name>        B:C  
                        Save your current brush 
                        -g flag to save globally
                //listbrush <mine|filter> <page=1> <-d> <-n> <-p>        B:C  
                        List all brushes in the brush directory 
                        -p prints the requested page
                /range <pattern>        B:C  
                        Set the brush range
                /mask <mask>        B:C  
                        Set the brush destination mask
                /transform <transform>        B:C  
                        Set the brush transform
                /mat <pattern>        B:C  
                        Set the brush material
                /loadbrush <name>        B:C  
                        load a brush
                /smask <mask>        B:C  
                        Set the brush source mask
                /visualize <mode=0>        B:C  
                        Toggle between different visualization modes 
                        0 = No visualization 
                        1 = Single block at target position 
                        2 = Glass showing what blocks will be changed
                /targetmask <mask>        B:C  
                        Set the targeting mask
                /targetoffset <mask>        B:C  
                        Set the targeting mask
                /primary <brush-arguments>        B:C  
                        Set the right click brush
                /brush copypaste <depth=5>        B:C  
                        Left click the base of an object to copy. 
                        Right click to paste 
                        -r flag Will apply random rotation on paste 
                        -a flag Will apply auto view based rotation on paste
                /brush shatter [pattern] <radius=10> <count=10>        B:C  
                        Creates uneven lines separating terrain into multiple pieces
                /brush erode <radius=5>        B:C  
                        Erodes terrain
                /brush sphere [pattern] <radius=2> <-h> <-f>        B:C  
                        Creates a sphere. 
                        -h flag creates hollow spheres instead. 
                        -f flag creates falling spheres.
                /brush pull <radius=5>        B:C  
                        Pull terrain towards you
                /brush stencil [pattern] <radius=5> <file|#clipboard|imgur=null> <rotation=360> <yscale=1.0>        B:C  
                        Use a height map to paint any surface. 
                        -w flag will only apply at maximum saturation 
                        -r flag will apply random rotation
                /brush recursive [pattern-to] <radius=5>        B:C  
                        Set all connected blocks 
                        -d flag Will apply in depth first order
                /brush spline [pattern]        B:C  
                        Click to select some objects,click the same block twice to connect the objects. 
                        Insufficient brush radius, or clicking the wrong spot will result in undesired shapes. 
                        The shapes must be simple lines or loops.
                /brush sweep <copies=-1>        B:C  
                        Sweeps your clipboard content along a curve. 
                        Define a curve by selecting the individual points with a brush 
                        Set [copies] to a value > 0 if you want to have your selection 
                        pasted a limited amount of times equally spaced on the curve
                /brush catenary [pattern] <lengthFactor=1.2> <size=0>        B:C  
                        Create a hanging line between two points. 
                        lengthFactor controls how long the line is 
                        -h flag creates only a shell 
                        -s flag selects the clicked point after drawing
                /brush line [pattern] <radius=0> <-h> <-s> <-f>        B:C  
                        Create lines. 
                        -h flag creates only a shell 
                        -s flag selects the clicked point after drawing 
                        -f flag creates a flat line
                /brush sspl [pattern] <size=0> <tension=0> <bias=0> <continuity=0> <quality=10>        B:C  
                        Create a spline on the surface
                /brush blendball <-a> <radius=5> <minFreqDiff=1> <-m>        B:C  
                        Smooths and blends terrain 
                        -a flag sets that the brush should only compare air vs existing blocks 
                        -m sets a mask to limit blocks being considered for smoothing
                /brush circle [pattern] <radius=5>        B:C  
                        Creates a circle which revolves around your facing direction.
                /brush rock [pattern] <radius=10> <roundness=100> <frequency=30> <amplitude=50> <-h>        B:C  
                        Creates a distorted sphere
                /brush height <-lrs> <radius> <yscale> <image> <rotation>        B:C  
                        This brush raises and lowers land. 
                        -r flag enables random off-axis rotation 
                        -l flag will work on snow layers 
                        -s flag disables smoothing
                /brush flatten <radius=5> <file|#clipboard|imgur=null> <rotation=0> <yscale=1.00> <-h>        B:C  
                        Flatten brush flattens terrain 
                        -r flag enables random off-axis rotation 
                        -l flag will work on snow layers 
                        -s flag disables smoothing
                /brush layer [radius] [patternLayer]        B:C  
                        Replaces terrain with a layer.
                /brush cylinder [pattern] <radius=2> <height=1> <-h>        B:C  
                        Creates a cylinder. 
                        -h flag creates hollow cylinders instead.
                /brush surface [pattern] <radius=5>        B:C  
                        Use a height map to paint any surface. 
                        -w flag will only apply at maximum saturation 
                        -r flag will apply random rotation
                /brush ex <radius=5>        B:C  
                        Shortcut fire extinguisher brush
                /brush gravity <radius=5> <-h>        B:C  
                        This brush simulates the affect of gravity. 
                        -h flag makes it affect blocks starting at the world’s max y, instead of the clicked block’s y + radius.
                /brush clipboard <-a> <-o> <-e> <-b> <-m>        B:C  
                        Chooses the clipboard brush. 
                        -a flag makes it not paste air. 
                        Without -o flag, the paste will appear centered at the target location. 
                        With -o flag the paste will appear relative to where you had stood relative to the copied area when you copied it. 
                        -e pastes entities 
                        -b pastes biomes, if available 
                        -m Skips blocks matching a mask in the clipboard
                /brush butcher <radius=5> <-p> <-l> <-a> <-n> <-g> <-b> <-t> <-f> <-r>        B:C  
                        Kills nearby mobs within the specified radius. 
                        -p also kills pets. 
                        -n also kills NPCs. 
                        -g also kills Golems. 
                        -a also kills animals. 
                        -b also kills ambient mobs. 
                        -t also kills mobs with name tags. 
                        -f compounds all previous flags. 
                        -r also destroys armor stands. 
                        -l currently does nothing.
                /brush splatter [pattern] <radius=5> <seeds=1> <recursion=5> <solid=true>        B:C  
                        Sets a bunch of blocks randomly on a surface.
                /brush cliff <radius=5> <file|#clipboard|imgur=null> <rotation=0> <yscale=1.00> <-h>        B:C  
                        This brush flattens terrain and creates cliffs. 
                        -r flag enables random off-axis rotation 
                        -l flag will work on snow layers 
                        -s flag disables smoothing
                /brush smooth <size=2> <iterations=4> <-n>        B:C  
                        Chooses the terrain softener brush. 
                        -n flag makes it only consider naturally occurring blocks.
                /brush scatter [pattern] <radius=5> <points=5> <distance=1> <-o>        B:C  
                        Set a number of blocks randomly on a surface each a certain distance apart. 
                        -o flag will overlay the block
                /schematic list <filter> <page=1> <-d> <-n> <-p>        D:C  
                        List all schematics 
                        -p prints the requested page 
                        -f restricts by format
                /schematic clear        D:C  
                        Clear your clipboard
                /schematic load <format> <filename>        D:C  
                        Load a schematic into your clipboard
                /schematic loadall <format> [filename|url]        D:C  
                        Load multiple clipboards 
                        The -r flag will apply random rotation
                /schematic delete <filename|*>        D:C  
                        Delete a schematic from the schematic list
                /schematic save <format> [filename]        D:C  
                        Save a schematic from your clipboard
                /schematic unload <file>        D:C  
                        Remove a schematic from your multi-clipboard
                /schematic move [directory]        D:C  
                        Move your currently loaded schematics
                /schematic formats        D:C  
                        List available formats
                /schematic show <global|mine|filter> <-d> <-n> <-p>        D:C  
                        List all schematics in the schematics directory 
                        -f restricts by format
                /brush populateschematic [mask] [file|folder|url] <radius=30> <points=5> <-r>        D:C  
                        Chooses the scatter schematic brush. 
                        -r flag will apply random rotation
                //image [imgur] <randomize=true> <complexity=100> <dimensions>        A:C  
                        Generate an image
                //generate [pattern] [expression] <-h> <-r> <-o> <-c>        A:C  
                        Generates a shape according to a formula that is expected to 
                        return positive numbers (true) if the point is inside the shape 
                        Optionally set type/data to the desired block. 
                        -h to generate a hollow shape 
                        -r to use raw minecraft coordinates 
                        -o is like -r, except offset from placement. 
                        -c is like -r, except offset selection center. 
                        If neither -r nor -o is given, the selection is mapped to -1..1
                //generatebiome [biome] [expression] <-h> <-r> <-o> <-c>        A:C  
                        Generates a shape according to a formula that is expected to 
                        return positive numbers (true) if the point is inside the shape 
                        Sets the biome of blocks in that shape. 
                        -h to generate a hollow shape 
                        -r to use raw minecraft coordinates 
                        -o is like -r, except offset from placement. 
                        -c is like -r, except offset selection center. 
                        If neither -r nor -o is given, the selection is mapped to -1..1

                Default World Edit group. Edit up to 5000 blocks per command    P:C  

                Novice World Edit group. Edit up to 10000 blocks per command    N:C  

                Builder World Edit group. Edit up to 15000 blocks per command    B:C  

                Dsigner World Edit group. Edit up to 35000 blocks per command    D:C  

                Architect World Edit group. Edit up to 100000 blocks per command    A:C  

        Decorative Blocks
                /furniture list <option> <side>        N:C  
                        List available furniture
                /furniture give [furniture name] <amount>        N:C  
                        Get a furniture
                /furniture toggle <player>        N:C  
                        Toggle furniture visibility

        /minigames        P:H  
                Open minigames list

                /challenges        P:H  
                        Skyblock challenges
                /island, /is        P:H  
                        general skyblock command
                /is create <schematic>        P:H  
                        create an island

                        Get Sponsor island    S:H  

                        Get Donator island    D:H  

                        Get Sponsor VIP island    V:H  
                /is auto        P:H  
                        teleports you to your island. If you don`t have an island, it`ll create a new one
                /is accept|reject        P:H  
                        accept/reject an invitation
                /is ban|unban <player>        P:H  
                        ban/unban a player from your island
                /is biome|b <biome> <radius>        
                        change the biome of the island

                        Deep opean biome    P:H  

                        Desert biome    P:H  

                        Extreme hills biome    P:H  

                        Flower forest biome    P:H  

                        Forest biome    P:H  

                        Nether biome    P:H  

                        Jungle biome    P:H  

                        Mushroom biome    P:H  

                        Ocean biome    P:H  

                        Plains biome    P:H  

                        Void biome    P:H  

                        Swamp biome    P:H  

                        Taiga biome    P:H  
                /is home        P:H  
                        teleport to the island home
                /is info        P:H  
                        check your island info
                /is invite <oplayer>        P:H  
                        invite a player to your island
                /is kick|remove <player>        P:H  
                        kick a member from your island
                /is leave        P:H  
                        leave your party
                /is level        P:H  
                        check your island level
                /is limits <player>        P:H  
                        show island limits
                /is lock|unlock        P:H  
                        lock your island to non-party members
                /is makeleader|transfer <member>        P:H  
                        transfer leadership to another member
                /is party        P:H  
                        show party information

                        /is party info - shows information about your party    P:H  

                        /is party invites - show pending invites    P:H  

                        /is party uninvite <player> - cancel an invite    P:H  
                /is perm <member> <perm>        P:H  
                        Changes a island member`s permissions
                /is restart|reset <schematic>        P:H  
                        Delete your island and start a new one
                /is sethome|tpset        P:H  
                        set the island-home
                /is setwarp|warpset        P:H  
                        set your island`s warp location
                /is spawn        P:H  
                        teleports you to the skyblock spawn
                /is togglewarp|tw        P:H  
                        enable/disable warping to your island
                /is top <page>        P:H  
                        display top 10 islands
                /is trust|untrust <player>        P:H  
                        trust/untrust a player to help on your island
                /is warp|w <island>        P:H  
                        warp to another player`s island
                /islandtalk|istalk|it <message>        P:H  
                        talk to players on your island
                /partytalk|ptalk|ptk <message>        P:H  
                        talk to your island party

        Murder Mystery
                /mm join [arena] <all arenas>        P:H  
                        Joins specified arena
                /mm randomjoin        P:H  
                        Joins random arena of specified game mode
                /mm stats        P:H  
                        Shows your stats
                /mm leave        P:H  
                        Leave the current game
                /mm top [statistic]        P:H  
                        Shows TOP 10 players of specified statistic

        Build Battle
                /bb join [arena]        P:H  
                        Join the specified arena
                /bb stats        P:H  
                        Shows your stats
                /bb leave        P:H  
                        Leave the current game
                /bb top [statistic]        P:H  
                        Shows TOP 10 players of specified statistic

        Mob Arena
                /ama help        P:H  
                        Show plugin commands
                /ama join (arena)        P:H  
                        Join a specified or random arena
                /ama leave        P:H  
                        Leave the arena
                /ama list        P:H  
                        Open arenas GUI
                /ama shop        P:H  
                        Open arena shop
                /ama spectate [arena]        P:H  
                        Join the specified arena as spectator
                /ama stats        P:H  
                        Open stats GUI

                /pa join [arena / id]        P:H  
                        join the parkour arena
                /pa leave        P:H  
                        leave the parkour arena
                /pa info <player>        P:H  
                        show your or other player`s parkour info
                /pa stats [arena]        P:H  
                        display arena info
                /pa like/dislike        P:H  
                        vote for the arena you joined
                /pa list        P:H  
                        arena list
                /pa quiet        P:H  
                        toggle parkour messages
                /pa invite [player]        P:H  
                        invite a player to the course
                /pa challenge [course] [player] <wager>        P:H  
                        challange another player
                /pa joinall        P:H  
                        join all the arenas
                /pa leaderboard <arena> <amount> <type>        P:H  
                        show the leaderboard

                /spleef join <arena>        P:H  
                        Join a spleef game
                /spleef leave        P:H  
                        Leave spleef game
                /spleef stats        P:H  
                        Your spleef stats

Miscellaneous Commands
        /prewards        P:GSC  
                Check play time rewards
        /recipe        P:Global  
                Check recipes
        /workbench        D:HGS  P:C  
                Opens up a workbench
                Applies to these worlds in Hub server for Donator rank
                        SkyBlock Nether
                        SkyBlock End
        /ctext        P:Global  
                Shows custom text
        /sit        P:Global  
                Sit down
        /getbook        P:Global  
                Get a book
                Donate the item you are holding
        /shakeitoff        P:Global  
                Dismount any entity riding you
        /ride        T:Global  
                Ride a mob
        /colors        P:Global  
                Shows all possible colors
        /colorpicker        P:Global  
                Hex color picker
        /merchant        P:C  
                Opens villager trade menu
        /suicide        P:Global  
                End it all
        /lastonline [playername]        P:Global  
                Shows the last logout time of a player
        /seen        T:Global  
                Check when player was last seen
        /realname        P:Global  
                Displays the mojang username of a specified player
        /ptime        T:HGS  S:HGS  P:C  
                Adjust player`s client time. Add @ prefix to fix
        /pweather        T:HGS  S:HGS  P:C  
                Adjust a player`s weather
        /ping        P:Global  
        /votes        P:Global  
                List your votes